Date: Apr 05, 2018 8:48 am Title: Hold On
Ah a new job for Brian and Justin baby sitting for the son of Ted and Blake !! Love the chapter!
Author's Response:
Brian and Justin want their friends to be happy and are willing to help.
~charming1 & Lorie~
Date: Apr 02, 2018 9:40 pm Title: Hold On
Talk first react later. Ted needs to keep his foot out of his mouth. Ha!
Like Justin assumed, all first time new parents go through trying to find for themselves.
Author's Response:
Hopefully he will get better about it.
Sometimes it's hard to control what you say in the middle of an arguement.
Hopefully Justin will remember this when he needs it.
~charming1 & Lorie~

Date: Apr 02, 2018 7:11 pm Title: Hold On
Sadly their fight was pretty normal for new parents, but they are now on the right track with the help of Brian and Justin who need the practice.
Author's Response:
You're right about that.
Brian and Justin don't yet know that they will need the practice.
~charming1 & Lorie~
Date: Apr 02, 2018 6:44 pm Title: Hold On
Great chapter. Have always loved Ted & Blake together even with their problems. And, you expressed just what it feels like to have a baby changing your entire life. Great job.
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed the chapter.
When I (Lorie) had my first one, my sister-in-law took him every weekend from the time he was six weeks old. She knew she wouldn't be having kids of her own and wanted to see what having one around was like. He came home with new toys and clothes every week. Made it a lot easier on us.
~charming1 & Lorie~
Date: Apr 02, 2018 5:12 pm Title: Hold On
Crisis averted.
It's amazing how people think Brian and Justin are together only for sex, while they have a deep connection on many levels and they challenge each other.
Author's Response:
Brian and Justin share a deep, soul mate love for each other.
They are also both very generous and willing to help their friends.
They both know what it feels like to be unwanted and helping their friends makes them feel good.
~charming1 & Lorie~