Date: Dec 26, 2019 1:03 am Title: Chapter 32: Sunday, December 3rd
I checked about three times to make sure I was still reading TB with the Christmas decorating and a 'nice' Michael. I was wondering if I veered off into an alternate universe.
Buuutttt... then the Michael we loathe came out. Please don't let the comic be part of your story. I'd almost like to know what ideas Michael could actually come up with on his own if he doesn't have the bashing to tout on about. Imbecile that he is, he apparently isn't smart enough that in order to get someone to do something for you, you should sing their praises, not tell them they are mediocre. AGAIN... something that needs to be brought to Brian's attention. AT LEAST, Michael finally thanked him for his cool drawing... but then again... he turned around to tell him he wasn't very good... I can't understand his thinking. Justin should have told him... if all I do is doodle... I'm sure you could do just as well.
Loved Justin's placement of Rudolph's playmate. Which one of you had that crazy thought? (I am getting lots of laughs with this.)
"Sis," Vic's voice chided, "he can't answer with the way you've got him pressed against your tits." God, I laughed... you usually just read... he can't breathe with the way you're squeezing him... or some mundane thing! (Yes, you two must get many laughs while writing.)
Dinner that evening was again a nightmare. When Michael spews food, WHY doesn't someone make a big ta-doo about 'get up and wipe up the table. Nobody wants to see your masticated food'. He'd probably squawk again, thinking it meant masturbated food. Hilarity would really ensue again. The fact he complained about being so hungry, he should have been reminded about all the goodies they consumed after the decorating was completed. Speaking of goodies... interesting you mentioned pizzelles... which are Italian... but are interchangeable to Krumkake which is Norweigen... which is our northern ancestry. The two are so very similar, with the exception of rolling the krumkake. The irons are the same, and as years have gone by, the Norwegians in our area, have done away with the rolling them and leaving them flat. I gifted my daughter with an iron BEFORE Christmas to replace her lost one... just so she could have them for us for Christmas. Scrumptious little buggers. Remember the slogan... bet you can't eat just one? It definitely applies to these.
I am - once again - sick and tired of nobody saying anything when Michael openly disparages Justin's name. There was a newcomer to the group... what must Ben have thought that Michael was allowed to refer to Justin as a slut? Pot calling kettle black... what does he think his best friend is? Who has slept with more men than he can count. And that on-going thing about Brian and Ben... why didn't Ben, Ted, and Brian just say they all met at dinner on the campus? Why bring the White Party into it? Michael made it sound like him and David had never slept with anyone prior to them hooking up. That comment Michael made to Ted, “It counts,” Michael argued. “Ben’ll never really want you since he’s been fucked by Brian.” I wish Ben would have put him in his place with, "You mean like I rebuffed you when you tried to get me into bed?" PUT. MICHAEL. IN. HIS. PLACE!
Then his: Fat lot you know, professor.” Why didn't someone explain to Michael that what Ben said was true? Maybe a little embarrassment would do some good. Keep him from spouting his stupid mouth off. I AM SO SICK OF HIM!
I love that Justin gets credit for the 'Eat the Meat' campaign... and that it's Justin Ben wants to have talk to his class... smart and articulate... when Michael is a dunce who'd still be in high school without Brian's help.
“My fellatio,” Michael cut his boyfriend off. “You said my skills are beyond compare.” Yes... they are so terrible, Dr. Dave doesn't want to compare them to anybody. A large jaw doesn't account for teeth not being covered. Eat the Meat. (Hahaha... even I cracked a funny...)
Couldn't Emmett have kept going about Michael's car? Then the stupid comment about how two bottoms... nothing would happen... Brian needs to set Michael straight that Justin is an excellent lover and an excellent top. SHUT HIM UP!
BOB is missing? Hopefully, he's lost down in the covers somewhere. If not, someone wouldn't really steal a dildo, would they? Because the only one going in Justin's room is Michael... but he wouldn't, would he? That's like up on the top of the ick factor.
“Sleep tight, Sunshine.” Maybe through his sleep-addled brain... Justin heard and felt the kiss...
HUGS ~Cathy
P.S... Since I am reading this at Christmas, here's Mikey singing 'Jingle Bells' while chewing his cud... (yes cud... I know the meaning)... Ohhhh, thing-go bellth, thing-go bellth, thing-go all the way. Oh wha thun it ith thoo wide in a one horth opem thlay…
Or, maybe his tongue was stuck to a cold pole...
Date: Mar 28, 2018 1:00 pm Title: Chapter 32: Sunday, December 3rd
I'm loving this story.
I read all the chapters in one day and I can't wait for the next chapter XD
Please update again SOON
Author's Response:
Yay! We're made up to have you reading our story. :) And, wow, that must've kept you busy, gulping down the whole story in one go. :D
A massive Internet outage for one of the authors hindered our progress with the next chapter, but we'll get it up as soon as possible. In the meantime, an NSFW teaser is available in the FanDoc if you'd like to take a peek.
Thanks for leaving a review. :) Comments provide the best motivation.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Mar 26, 2018 8:50 am Title: Chapter 32: Sunday, December 3rd
OK, so I have giggle-snorted my way through this twice now, and my kids have decided I am certifiable. *Wide eyes*
I loved Justin's giggle fit on the bus - having had one or two myself in the past, I knew exactly what he was going through!
"Sis," Vic's voice chided, "he can't answer with the way you've got him pressed against your tits."
I have learned not to drink coffee while reading your fic - Sir Fluffinator was not impressed at being sprayed with hot liquid, and if Isabel had rolled her eyes any harder, they would have popped right out of her head. I shit you not! But I regress - I giggle-snorted my way through this section, as the mental picture of Justin's red face danced through my head. I love the way you guys portray Deb and Vic in this - and I love the Britishisms that I come across - we spoke about this the other day, Karynn (and by God did we talk! I'm still spun out!).
I love how 'hard up' *snickers* Brian is right now, without Justin falling into his bed. His thoughts about it only being 8 months until he hits thirty had me grinning.
I loved, loved, LOVED the scene with Michael and Justin setting up the house - it makes me want to rip him a new one every time that he reverts to form - I'm still offering up the anthill suggestion as punishment. *Grins*
And sure enough... asshat! The fact that he is oblivious to just how busy Justin's schedule is, makes me want to go "whack, whack, whack" on the back of his, ala Deb.
LOLLED when Justin snubbed Brian at the door - you go, baby!! I'm really glad that he's sticking to his guns in this, and the fact that he is sending Brian around the bend in the meantime is just a bonus, lol!! And Brian's reaction to Justin tricking had me giggling like a loon - can we say jealous and hypocritical much?
God, Ted, and Ben together are freaking adorable! I loved how you had Ted just shrug off Brian/Ben whereas Michael threw an epic hissy fit on the show.
Loved the sweet moment of Brian sneaking desert off of Justin's plate - really cute. But I have to admit - I nearly threw up a little in my mouth when reading about David and Michael feeding each other - like...eww.
Nawww.... sleepy kisses!!
I've told you, ladies, before, and I will say it again - I love this story. Adore everything about it. And I seriously can't wait to read the chapter with my idea in it - I promise not to have a cup of coffee in my hand that day!! Squishy hugs for you both!! xxxx
Author's Response:
Your comments kept Karynn smiling when she was cursing the massive Internet outage that kept her offline for five days. She read your review twice - or was it three times? - on her tiny cell phone screen. :)
Btw, only the best people are certifiable. :D Who cares if kids and cats aren't impressed? :D
You're the second reviewer to admire that beautifully scripted line of Vic's. Karynn again takes a bow. (She's such a clever, modest lass.)
Karynn has to practice American spelling and usage (and think hard about it) when she responds to reviews; otherwise, she might turn into a Brit. :D What a horrible fate! She's also still spun out by that short convo with you, but is on the road to recovery. *snickers*
We had to show Brian queening out well in advance of his thirtieth; he was already so vocal about it in the second episode of the show.
Poor Michael. He's so misunderstood. He put all that effort into being nice to Justin for hours on end and doesn't understand why everyone is, at best, poking fun at him. :P He wants a gold star - no anal warts or fiery, biting ants - for being so good. :P No slaps from mom either, dammit!
"What're you talking about, woman?" Brian roars. "I do not do jealousy!"
The authors shake their heads. Yeah, the brunet stud is just a trifle deluded.
The brunet stud reaches down to adjust his painfully blue balls. "When am I gonna get some relief?" he whines.
"Your travails aren't over yet." The authors flip their ponytails over their shoulders, à la Sydney.
Ted and Ben are a hit! Yay! How odd that we'd pair two men who actually have something in common... :D
Oh, dear. That line about Michael and David feeding each other was a bit descriptive. To our credit - and the readers' relief - we did avoid details of their ensuing make-out session.
The occasional sweet moment insists on sneaking into our story, and we knew it would thrill Brian to be the one to succumb. :D
Now that Karynn is back online, even if she is still roundly cursing the Internet provider, we're crafting more of chapter 33. Your reward won't appear till chapter 34; we'll have to be on our toes when we write that dialog! :P
Thanks for the motivating review, Kerri!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Mar 24, 2018 10:43 am Title: Chapter 32: Sunday, December 3rd
Ha ha Michael nice to Sunshine it's was short !! Brian is so jealous of Bob, but no he doesn't do jealous LOL I like Ben and Ted together. Thank you for this chapter all the part of Christmas decorations was very funny !!
Author's Response:
Hey! Michael was nice to Justin for hours! :D It's a record! :D
Brian is nodding in agreement. "Thank fuck someone has figured out that I don't do jealous." he says, heaving a sigh of relief. :P
It's unanimous so far. Ted and Ben make a wonderful pairing.
We're chuffed that you enjoyed Debbie's idea of Christmas decorations. C'mon, admit it. You actually had a bit of sympathy for Michael in regard to those reindeer… :P
Thanks for being such a faithful reader and reviewer, Marie-france. :) Karynn suffered a major Internet outage in her corner of the world, but we're back to working on the next chapter. An NSFW teaser is now available in the FanDoc. * naughty authors waggle their eyebrows *
~ KaBrynn
Date: Mar 22, 2018 7:40 pm Title: Chapter 32: Sunday, December 3rd
Michael will never grow up and actually say something sane, genuine or mature. He was even beng 'nice' to Justin when they were putting up the reindeer & other decorations. But of course that didn't last very long. Of course he doesn't even think of Justin's studies...he's an idiot who barely has brains of his own...sorry I'm being pretty harsh on Mickey...whatever! lol I enjoyed all the teasing in the beginning of the chapter but more Brian & Justin interaction! We need some more action...real, recent, live action! Sort of speak lol
Love love love Ted & Ben! Poor Brian's balls must be truly blue without his Sunshine.
Author's Response:
Hey! That was a breakthrough for Michael - he actually forgot his jealousy of Justin for a few hours. Maybe he'll do better the next time. We have to encourage the dweeb. :P After all, there's a 'Michael' in every family. LOL
We take it you want actions, not words. Didn't you like the sweet kiss at the end? That was supposed to make you go "Aww" and forget your craving for scorching sex. Oh, right. This is Glo's review. What were we thinking? :P
We're chuffed that Ted and Ben are such a universally popular pairing.
:D Do you think Brian's balls might drop of from lack of Sunshine? :D
Patience, we counsel you. We can’t rush the B/J reunification, no matter how much you beg. :P
~ KaBrynn
Date: Mar 21, 2018 9:22 pm Title: Chapter 32: Sunday, December 3rd
Michael is so disgusting! I'm surprised that he can get away with such a behaviour.
Once again, Brian doesn't get lucky and learns that Justin has Bob and another kid to play with. However, he's getting closer and Justin gave him a great slogan and an incentive as well.
Author's Response:
Michael did forget for a few hours that he's dead envious of Justin. We'll have to see if he can manage it for longer the next time. :D Unfortunately, there's a Mikey in every family - can't get away from them. LOL Just have to learn to manipulate them. :P
Poor jealous Brian, the stud who doesn't do jealousy. Yeah, right. Who believes that line any more? :P
We thought it would be fun to have Justin dream up the 'Eat the meat' slogan this time around.
Thanks for reviewing, Claire. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Mar 21, 2018 2:34 pm Title: Chapter 32: Sunday, December 3rd
So much delicious goodness, it's hard to know where to begin. Love the banter with Carl. It was hard to believe Michael was nice to Sunshine though he did make up for it at dinner. The Christmas decorations were a hoot. Brian was so sweet as the very end. A perfect chapter all the way around. Love the Ted/Ben pairing.
Author's Response:
Yay! We're thrilled that you enjoyed this chapter so much, Phyllis.
Carl does a darned good job of coping with the risqué banter that flies around in Deb's household. :)
Can you imagine having those reindeer on your rooftop? :D :D
Thanks for letting us know that you love the Ted/Ben pairing. So far it seems to be universally popular.
We thought that closing line might get an "Aww" or two. :)
Thanks for the wonderful review.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Mar 21, 2018 6:07 am Title: Chapter 32: Sunday, December 3rd
"Sis," Vic's voice chided, "he can't answer with the way you've got him pressed against your tits."
This chapter was so much fun .my mouth hurts from all the laughing i did while reading it...omg...can't believe Brian is getting utterly desperate now...damn i thought we will finally get a KISS ...but nooooo u evil writers takes away any hope we had...boooo.
I mean seriously i thought finally they are going to talk some heart to heart...but nooooo u guys have to Ruin it for us...boooooo...i can't believe Brian is sooooo jealous of BOB & EM ...lols... how do u guys come up with so funny and hysterical puns ....and lines...i wonder every time.
Ok...thats it...That was Amazing and hilarious Update ...Miss. karynn and Miss.brynn u ladies just made my day...hats off to u both...such a excellent writing ...loved it alot... thank u very very very much for the loveable update.
Author's Response:
Wow! You must have speed-read the chapter, you were so quick to comment. :)
Karynn takes a bow for the titty humour. :D
We're chuffed that we made you ache from laughing so hard.
Complain, complain, complain. It's so difficult to please some readers. :D What about that sweet kiss at the end? It was supposed to make you go "Aww" and forget all about any other kind of B/J kiss. :D
Brian's so hilarious when he thinks he doesn't do jealousy - silly stud.
We're working on the next chapter and should be able to post a teaser in the FanDoc within a few days.
Thanks for the delightful review, Navneet. :) You made us laugh in return.
~ KaBrynn