Date: Jan 25, 2022 6:04 am Title: Chapter 19
*breathing* For me, this chapter felt like a little respite, a little break. ;-) A few positive things are happening. Michael finally seems serious about it and starting therapy (though I imagine Ben had a hand in it, but who knows). And it's wonderful how Emmett manages to build a tiny bit of trust in Justin. An important step in the right direction. Emmett is just a good soul and I always felt that he could be the closest thing to be a real friend to Justin. He is honest and the most authentic in my opinion. Beautiful chapter!

Date: Mar 19, 2018 12:41 am Title: Chapter 19
I held off reading this update for as long as I could because I had been so excited about reading it, I didn't want to because the sooner I did, the sooner it would be over. I have issues LOL.
The way you wrote Justin and Emmett's meeting was beautiful, there are no other words for it. I hope with time, Justin knows he can trust Emmett again and that he really does have people that love him for who he is, and not just because of who he was fucking or how pretty he is. Hell, Brian loves him, but Justin doesn't know that - Brian only just realised it himself.
Tommy is such a wonderful addition to this story and Emmett is right, he's JUST like Justin :)
Excellent as always, lovely <3
Author's Response:
Ha! I'm the same when reading. Yes, I adore Tommy; and he is just like Justin - that was my whole goal when I created him - to show what Justin could have been if he had had his family's support. I'm really glad you are enjoying the story, my dear. xx

Date: Mar 17, 2018 2:57 pm Title: Chapter 19
Awww! I’m so glad Justin is letting Emmett in again. Sweet. TAG
Author's Response:
Thanks hon. x

Date: Mar 15, 2018 10:32 pm Title: Chapter 19
I have the feeling that Brian will be the last one Justin will see
Author's Response:
Maybe.... maybe not. *Cheeky grin*
Date: Mar 15, 2018 7:43 pm Title: Chapter 19
Major steps for Emmett: admitting he didn't see that Justin wasn't well and then helping him keep a promise.
It's good for Michael and the gang that he is seeing someone; it won't exonerate him, but it will help him stopping being Brian's dependant.
Author's Response:
A major step for Emmett, but an even bigger one for Justin. :)
Date: Mar 15, 2018 6:17 pm Title: Chapter 19
Holy shit....Emmett is the sweetest friend! He made a simple promise to Justin & kept it. That's a start & Justin won't forget it. Such sweet, subtle touches & movements between Em/Justin, Tommy/Em, Tommy/Justin. I think Justin really wants to let Emmett in & will with time but he breaks my heart....And then of course there's Michael. What a least he's in therapy & has admitted all his wrongdoings but who could blame Brian for wanting to kill him.
Author's Response:
Hi, baby!!
He made a simple promise to Justin & kept it.
That was an important observation; actions speak louder than words, remember... ;)

Date: Mar 15, 2018 5:05 pm Title: Chapter 19
Emmett is seeing how cruel he was to dismiss Justin's feelings for Brian and Brian's feelings for Justin (Cause He Did Feel For Him It Was More Than Sex!), he is seeing that words carry so much cruelty and that one person's joke is a knife in another person's heart.
Bringing Tommy to Justin is a reminder of how sacred Justin's innocence we and instead of making him jaded like them, they all should've of embraced & enjoyed that innocence every day.
They all let their pat experiences shape their interactions with others, especially their supposed friendship in this stitched together family, known noticed that their teasing banter were actually knives aimed to cut chunks and their favorite target being Brian Aiden Kinney no one cared how they hurt him with their snide comments because they were too busy seeing the mask he hid behind.
Now Emmett is seeing that hurting someone with thoughts comments doesn't make you superior it just makes you Fugly and taints your soul.
Michael's apology while heartfelt for him doesn't automatically erase his behavior or guarantee that he will be forgiven by Brian and Justin.
Forgiveness needs time and isn't earned by a few tears and empty words.
Everyone needs time to heal and to move forward not back.
Another Tear Filled Chapter :)
Author's Response:
Thanks, honey!!
Forgiveness needs time and isn't earned by a few tears and empty words.
Everyone needs time to heal and to move forward not back.
This... ^^^^^^ Exactly this. They need time. ;)
Date: Mar 15, 2018 2:32 pm Title: Chapter 19
A truly amazing chapter. Your writing is wonderful. Having Michael admit what he did was good, but knowing Michael, we can only hope he is sincere. Having Tommy show Justin what he needs was a great idea and hoping that it is the beginning of Justin healing. I hope this story ends happily for Justin & Brian, but your writing shows me that you will end it in a way that it should be ended. Great job.
Author's Response:
Your writing is wonderful.
*Blushes Thank you!
Having Michael admit what he did was good, but knowing Michael, we can only hope he is sincere.
In this fic, hon, he is 100% sincere.
I hope this story ends happily for Justin & Brian, but your writing shows me that you will end it in a way that it should be ended.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I have been constantly told that this story feels so real - that's because I write what I know. I've been down this path with my brother, and with my best friend. Depression is a truly ugly bastard, and in my BF case, even though she was in her late teens when it hit, even now, nearly twenty years later, there are still days that she can feel it snapping at her heels.
Unlike the writers of the show, there is no quick fix for Justin in this story. I know a lot of people were shocked when chapters 17 & 18 were put up - but if you re-read the fic from the very start, you can see where those chapters came from. There are seeds in every single chapter I post, that set it up for later chapters. So yes, B/J are endgame... but the ending and the journey to get them there? It will be real. ;) Thanks for your awesome review, hon - I really appreciate it. xx

Date: Mar 15, 2018 1:07 pm Title: Chapter 19
Emmett is a sweetheart. That he figured out Tommy was what was needed is something I'm not sure just anyone could do. Tommy is such a special person and he is what Justin could have been if Craig hadn't been such an ass. I do hope Justin finally reaccepts Emmett into his world. Now on to Michael. Even though he's seeing for himself what a cruel person and not the friend he claimed to be I don't see that Justin could forgive and not see the pain he caused each time he looked at Michael.
Author's Response:
Tommy is such a special person and he is what Justin could have been if Craig hadn't been such an ass.
I am so freaking glad that you picked up on that!!
Even though he's seeing for himself what a cruel person and not the friend he claimed to be I don't see that Justin could forgive and not see the pain he caused each time he looked at Michael.
*Cheeky grin* That's what therapy is for!! lol!!
Thanks, honey. xx