Date: Jan 25, 2022 5:50 am Title: Chapter 18
Thank whomever, that Michael's not there - there should be just people involded who really care about Justin! And when Ethan starts to tell... it's so heartbreaking. Oh what am I writing, it's all so heartbreaking...

Date: Mar 10, 2018 5:55 am Title: Chapter 18
You have to stop making me cry I have some history in my family about this kind of pain and desperation
Author's Response:
Makes 2 of us - I've always said write what you know - and this is a subject I know well.
Date: Mar 09, 2018 8:32 am Title: Chapter 18
Very intense - you do a great job at detailing the process of depression. Kudos. TAG
Author's Response:
Thanks, sweetie, coming from you, that is a huge compliment. xx

Date: Mar 09, 2018 2:58 am Title: Chapter 18
P.S I noticed you have tagged this as Angst and not Angst with a happy ending, I hope that is just you being all mysterious and keeping us on our toes ;)
Author's Response:

Date: Mar 09, 2018 2:57 am Title: Chapter 18
Noooooooooo, I am all caught up, why did I marathon read this? Now I have nothing to look forward to tomorrow lol. But, girl. You are doing such an amazing job with this. My heart hurts so much reading it, but I can't get enough. I'm so glad that Justin finally hit rock bottom, I truly believe that once that happens things really do start to get better. And slowly, with Alex guiding the way, I think Justin will start to recover. It'll take time and a lot of work, from both him and Brian (and the family) but Brian isn't giving up.
The friendship between Brian, Emmett, and Ted also gave me the most amazing feels, I always believed they all liked each other more than they let on lol.
Thank you for writing this, it's a work of art xx
Author's Response:
lol! Thanks, hon - this story has been so well received, and I have been welcomed so kindly. It's been awesome.
Date: Mar 08, 2018 5:05 pm Title: Chapter 18
The family will have to work on how to manage to get close to Justin again.
It's great that Gus' influence was the key point for Justin to get close to someone, to initiate the touching and not reject it.
I hope Justin will hear what Brian told him at the end.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. xx
Date: Mar 08, 2018 2:32 pm Title: Chapter 18
Holy shit! What a group therapy session! So good! That was wicked hard for them to hear but at least they can all, most of them anyway, come together & help Justin & heal themselves too. This fic is my latest addiction, hey it could be worse ya know! At least it's not drugs Lol
Author's Response:
lol, you could do worse...chocolate chip cookies, for example???
Date: Mar 08, 2018 1:45 pm Title: Chapter 18
I think you have made me experience every emotion humanly possible with this story but especially this chapter. And, I want more. Excellent chapter.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Tena. x
Date: Mar 08, 2018 5:05 am Title: Chapter 18
This story is just so beautifully written. The emotion your words convey is so palpable it jumps right off the page and grabs your heart! While reading this chapter, I found I had to pause three different times to catch my breath! Ethan relaying Justins words about not having a home, about not having anything left to give, and Brian sitting with him were so emotionally charged, so well played! Candy
Author's Response:
Thanks, Candy! This is why it was so important to establish Ethan early on, as Justin's friend. He can deliver this type of news and have it sink in in a way that Alex can't.

Date: Mar 08, 2018 1:27 am Title: Chapter 18
The family meeting was instructive. I'm glad that Michael wasn't allowed to attend but it would have been nice if Ben had gone. Emmett and Ted are becoming the friends that Michael thinks he is. Hopefully Justin heard the words that Brian said and meant with all his heart.
Author's Response:
Thanks, honey; Ben appears later. x

Date: Mar 08, 2018 12:03 am Title: Chapter 18
Justin admitting he needs help and checking himself in the hospital is a start, a slow start but the start of Justin finding himself and becoming stronger.
Alex did good by letting Brian have that moment with Justin, it was what they should've had before when everyone kept Brian away and blamed him for Chris Hobbs' anger and jealousy.
Deb would do good to not push Michael on anyone right now cause he is Persona Non Grata as far as Justin and Brian are concerned.
Brian should continue his sessions with Alex so he can be ready for Justin when he asks to see him.
Perhaps Alex might want to have one on one sessions with Brian and a member of the family, they continued the abuse his parents already started??
Good Chapter it got me all teary-eyed. Thanks :)
Author's Response:
Thanks, doll; and yes, it is a slow start, but this wouldn't punch as hard as it did, I think, if it was all over within two chapters. Real life doesn't work that way.
Date: Mar 07, 2018 11:14 pm Title: Chapter 18
Thank goodness it is a start toward Justin becoming himself again. This better have a happy ending. I am running thru boxes of tissues. Your writing is amazing.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon, that means a lot. xx