Date: Jan 24, 2022 11:13 am Title: Chapter 17
Wow! What an indescribably fantastic, painful, heartbreaking, shattering but also liberating chapter. "Rock bottom. Once you hit it, the only way you could go was up." Justin shows so much strength here, it's indescribable! "I was so used to hurting" - This whole chapter is heartbreaking but this sentence... I don't want to write anymore because my review couldn't do your chapter justice. This chapter is just perfect! Thanks so much for writing and sharing this unique story with us!

Date: Mar 10, 2018 5:16 am Title: Chapter 17
Poor Justin Crying here Thanks a lot
Loving Alex silver haired fox...hope he finds some peace and happiness also
Gotta read on
Author's Response:
Thank you!

Date: Mar 09, 2018 2:39 am Title: Chapter 17
*crying again*
I am so fucking proud of Justin, omg.
Author's Response:
*Squishy hugs*
Date: Mar 02, 2018 3:31 pm Title: Chapter 17
Legitimately brought tears to my eyes. Too sad to review. TAG
Author's Response:
Date: Mar 01, 2018 8:51 pm Title: Chapter 17
Another punch in the guts, but Justin is on the way up now; it will take time and some bumps, but he is going towards the light.
Great chapter!
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. xx
Date: Mar 01, 2018 4:25 pm Title: Chapter 17
Everytime I think this story cant get any more heart wrenching, you up the level another notch! To hear Justins words as to what sent him down that dark spiral tunnel is so painful, an equally hard part is knowing who sent him there! No one is immune to blame; Brian, the family and most of all Michael!
Alex is the pertfect choice to be there when he hit rock bottom, as he is the only one at the moment that can truly understand and relate to what he is feeling from both a professional and personal prospective.
Your writing style delivers everything I love in a story, so thank you for creating The Butterfly Effect. 17 chapters in and it is already a masterpiece in my book!
Author's Response:
Thanks, sweetheart. You're right - the blame is shared equally, and it could only be Alex that was there. I'm really glad that you are enjoying the story. xx
Date: Mar 01, 2018 5:49 am Title: Chapter 17
This is a very, very powerful chapter. My emotions have been on edge, for various reasons, for a long time now and you've helped open the flood gates. Thanks. I think. (Oh, god, another looonnng comment a-comin'. I'm in a Michael hating mood right now.)
I write, almost entirely, Justin-centric stories. Almost without exception, the Justin I write is strong and self-assured, in charge of his life even when he isn't, filled with an assurance of his own worth that is bottomless. Because that's how I *need* Justin to be. It's strange how we glom onto one character in a tale and adopt them into our fantastical psychological family, make them our brother, sister, child... self... when we recognize something in that character that we identify with because they remind us of who we are or aren't or want to be. That's Justin for me, and I want to crap on anyone who goes out of their way to hurt him. ;)
And this Justin is one hell of a strong Justin. We sometimes forget that the strongest among us are often also the most fragile among us, too. They've faced fires that would consume others and still remain on their feet, but not without scars. Sometimes that strength can bring one to the very edge. Justin is doing here what Brian never had the courage to do - face his demons. Brian is beginning, but like a functional alcoholic, hitting rock bottom for him is a longer process. Until he does, until he fully faces the very demons that helped create this situation, he'll still just be in pain management mode.
And DAMN MICHAEL! I want to hurt him sooo badly. He can't just have a psychological come-to-Jesus, an "Oh, God, What Have I Done!" moment and be forgiven. People like Michael, the manipulators, the *cruel* manipulators, only really understand real-world consequences. Their psychological eureka moments are fleeting, ones they'll forget the next time their pathological need for whatever selfish want they have comes along. They need a good real-world beat down. He's forgiven the most horrible things time and time again because, hey, that's just Michael being Michael. Grrrr... Yes, the rest of the ‘family' was horrible to Justin and should have to suffer, as well, but Michael set this up. Cruelly, viciously and probably gleefully.
Whew, guess I needed to get that off my chest. (I love love love this story. You are tipping my angst meter and I so needed that.)
Author's Response:
Hi, honey.
We sometimes forget that the strongest among us are often also the most fragile among us, too. They've faced fires that would consume others and still remain on their feet, but not without scars.
I'm so glad that you picked up on that - yes, Justin is fragile atm - broken in so many ways. But he's still stumbling along his path. He'll fall, but he'll also pick himself back up, dust off the dirt, and keep stumbling along, with or without Brian.
Sometimes that strength can bring one to the very edge. Justin is doing here what Brian never had the courage to do - face his demons.
See above, and I'll also say, that Justin was always the stronger of the two. Brian is finding his own brand of courage, but as you said below, he isn't there yet. He has pieces of the new Brian puzzle that he is putting together, but has yet to find them all.
Brian is beginning, but like a functional alcoholic, hitting rock bottom for him is a longer process. Until he does, until he fully faces the very demons that helped create this situation, he'll still just be in pain management mode.
He's still in free fall - he just doesn't know it yet. His rock bottom moment will come.
Date: Mar 01, 2018 2:23 am Title: Chapter 17
Oh how I hate Michael. He is lower than dirt. Great chapter getting that across to the readers. Give him what he deserves and I will cheer !!!!!!!!
Author's Response:
Lol, you and Phyllis should get together and compare ideas on how that should play out!!

Date: Mar 01, 2018 2:20 am Title: Chapter 17
I would dearly love to go to Micheal's home with a bat and swing then as he lies on the floor ask him if it would be better if I leave him or call an ambulance.
Author's Response:
I really shouldn't laugh, but damn! I left the girls a review recently in Risky Business, saying that I disliked Michael enough to either wish him a case of incurable anal warts or perhaps enough to strap him naked to an ant hill and cover him with honey - I like your idea better!! Thanks, sweetheart. xx
Date: Mar 01, 2018 2:11 am Title: Chapter 17
Holy shit.....Thank God for this breakthrough! Good job Justin! Finally, rock bottom, so he could admit it and now....the healing will truly begin. Took 5 weeks but it happened. Unbelievably heartbreaking.....this is such a beautiful story. Is there no way I could maybe bribe you into another chapter soon? Lol I can send you cookies, brownies, Italian goodies???
Author's Response:
lol, cookies? We have cookies on the dark side...they're yum! lol!! My Mama-in-law is Italian, and my Daddy was half Italian, half Irish. ;) Love me some Italian goodness. You how well those genes blend with my hubby's Indian heritage; both of my bratlings are incredible cooks as well. ;) Glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. xx

Date: Mar 01, 2018 12:03 am Title: Chapter 17
Bravo Justin Bravo!! <claps softly>
He came to Alex and he owned up to his feelings that day and how he wanted to die to end the pain, hurt, loneliness and Michael's selfish, jealous, mean, vindictive words.
Justin admitted out loud he Wanted To Die and now he is ready to Fight To Live.
Alex needs to heal himself and perhaps seriously talk to Ari or he will never able to move forward
Perhaps Ari was the experience he needed to not to make that same mistake again?
Michael never deserved Brian he is a child who refuses to see that life is not a comic book and a fantasy is just that A Fantasy. (I add Lindsay to that too)
Given time I think Justin will be ready to confront everyone and then we see who can take it and who can't.
Thank You for the Update :)
Author's Response:
Alex needs to heal himself and perhaps seriously talk to Ari or he will never able to move forward
Yes. Yes, he does. ;) Thanks, honey. xx