Date: Dec 25, 2019 11:19 pm Title: Chapter 31: Saturday, December 2nd
Dickhead Dickson. The fact he's cheating with Chris' tests - and scores - shouldn't that be brought to someone's attention? The RIGHT someone? Chris should be tested by two other teachers, with BOTH tests being graded together by a third teacher; Dixon should be present for all of this. Hmm... this should ALSO take care of Dixon as a teacher. It would also put Hobbs behind the rest of the class as far as graduation.
The gym episode was beyond hilarious. Then when Brian went off his conveyor belt... I could just see the windmilling arms in my mind's eye.
I loved Daphne's reaction to Michael's room. It wasn't until Conzieu's story that I realized there were motorcycle's on the wallpaper. I always thought it was just Captain Astro... But, Christ... how was Dr. Dave even able to concentrate on sex in that room? But then again, he had his Honeybunny with a “Button nose, delicate ears, soft brown eyes, and a cute cock. (If you want MY honest opinion... I think it's the ugliest thing on a man's body - and had no qualms reiterating that fact to my husband.)
I certainly would have liked to borrow Debbie's wooden serving spoon and give Michael's fingers and whatever else a whack. Yes, she definitely needed to do that more often when he was growing up. Sure, Debbie reiterated Justin wasn't a mistake... but I didn't hear anything about 'You are not to speak about Sunshine that way again, Capiche Michael?' He's going to keep doing it until others tell him to stuff it. And I don't want to hear how they all know how Michael is... he doesn't say that about any of the others. There is no way Brian, Emmett, or Ted should allow him to keep running Justin down in their presence. And just how did Michael think Brian couldn't keep his hands off the rent boy? Brian hardly touched him... Liar, Liar, pants on fire... I certainly hope Justin lets that slip to Brian how his very bestest friend informed him about how he was replaced and how Brian couldn't keep his hands off him.
All this makes me wonder about the alarm system. Did Brian have it upgraded after the robbery? Has the code changed? My daughter's alarm system was upgraded not too long ago. And actually, a repairman's truck was broke into across the street... he noticed the sign on their house regarding the security system and came over. They ran the memory back and saw the person who stole the tools. Brian should be watching for how often Michael lurks outside his loft door. Actually, they should be able to tell what time the alarm was deactivated... even with an older model. Have Horvath and Wen gone this route yet? I don't remember anything regarding this. Because, if Justin set it at ... say 1:00... the alarm company should be able to tell what time it was deactivated... like 1:15. That's poor detective work. Brian might also find out how often the alarm is deactivated when he isn't home. Does Michael go over there when Brian isn't home? Making himself at home? Who knows what fantasies Michael might be living out in the loft.
So, do we have Eric the Stalker on the loose? Justin should have never told him where he worked. I TRIED to skim over that LONG sex I did not want to read about. hehe...
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Feb 23, 2018 7:45 am Title: Chapter 31: Saturday, December 2nd
Phewww....finally finished...that was ONE HELL OF LONG chapter...lol..What can review it..i am out of words .... Speechless....it was Outstanding , Fantastic, Excellent Chapter.
You ladies are soooooo damn good at this ...i really am at awe how do u come up with all of this ...lol...hats off dears...very very impressive.
Thank you both for this stupendous chapter ...like always I LOVED IT...xoxo..toodles for now.
Author's Response:
Thanks for another wonderful review, Navneet. :D We were briefly out of words ourselves after completing that chapter - we're hoping it won't be surpassed as the longest in this story, but we know better than to say 'never'. LOL
Karynn is still without heat, so writing is a bit slow - uh, frozen - at the moment. Her heater should be replaced tomorrow or the next day, though, and then it will be back to writing, writing, writing. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Feb 22, 2018 8:57 am Title: Chapter 31: Saturday, December 2nd
Hahaha I love Emmett he will make me love the gym; poor Brian !!
Justin has a new boyfriend? Yes, Brian is going to be so jealous I'm waiting for the reaction of the green-eyed monster. Michael still jealous but Justin knows put it back in his place.
Thank you girls I liked this chapter and I know that with you 2 I have to be patient LOL
Author's Response:
Emmett had such fun tormenting Brian at the gym. :D And *cough* so did we. :D
We'll have to see how things evolve between Justin and Eric, but that green-eyed monster will almost certainly make an appearance. There seems to be a bit of gleeful anticipation at Brian's expense going on. :P
Those long chapters do take a while for us to produce. But we promise to crank out new installments as quickly as possible. :)
Thanks for another fun review, Marie-france. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 21, 2018 11:17 pm Title: Chapter 31: Saturday, December 2nd
Want to know what sucks? When you have a major review typed out and ready to post, and then the power goes out. *Blank look* I loved this chapter - I was LOL-ing during the scene with Brian and Emmett at the gym; I so want to say poor Brian, but it was too easy for Emmett to tease him like that. Excellent imagery!
Sydney is really starting to grow on me, but at the same time, it worries me because of Hobbs. And Dixon really is living up to his name - what a dick!!
Really loved Justin's moment with Eric, but I have the feeling that a little green-eyed monster is going to raise it's head if and when Brian finds out. Maybe another case of foot in mouth disease? lol!
I really dislike Michael in this -I mean, wish him an incurable case of anal warts kind of dislike him. Or strap him to an anthill and cover him with honey kinda dislike. *Wide eyes* That was kinda vicious, no? Ha!!
Anyways, love the chapter, love the story, and love you guys. *Pom poms waving* Looking forward to more, and Karynn, I'll answer your reviews on AO3 later tonight. *Smooches you both and gives you squishy hugs*
Author's Response:
Ugh. It's nasty when the power goes out, especially at such a critical juncture. :) Karynn has been without heat for what feels like forever, even though it has been less than a week. Needless to say, she's not doing much writing at the moment. She tried typing with fingerless gloves, but that was a no go. New heater to be installed tomorrow or the next day. *blissfully anticipating a heated house*
It's so much fun to write Emmett getting the better of Brian. :D We can't resist. :D
Brian's green-eyed monster? Whatever are you talking about? :P You're likely right to anticipate more humor as a result.
The anal warts seem rather mild compared to your other suggestion for Michael, hahaha.
Smooches and squishy hugs back atcha, Kerri. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 20, 2018 11:16 pm Title: Chapter 31: Saturday, December 2nd
Loved the opening & the ending the best! Michael is such a vindictive asshole! What a loser....some friend! Please tell me Justin is going to give up dancing soon.....
Author's Response:
We knew you were jonesing for more action, Glo, so we decided to accommodate you, in this chapter anyhow. :D One of us was largely responsible for the opening scene and the other one for the closing scene. Can you decipher which was which? :D
Michael's so jealous that he can barely see straight, much less behave rationally. We'll have to see if that changes.
Um, no, we can't tell you that, soz. :P Justin may, however, recognise the need to give up the dancing sooner than Brian admits that he's in a relationship...
Thanks for reviewing!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Feb 20, 2018 1:51 pm Title: Chapter 31: Saturday, December 2nd
Really great chapter up until Michael showed up making trouble. Thing were beginning to look good for Brian and Justin but now I just want to slap Michael in the head.
Author's Response:
Michael's so jealous, he can't see straight. We'll have to see if he comes to his senses.
Justin was already peeved at Brian, so he might well have copped off with Eric in any case. He deserved to have some fun with more than his right hand or BOB. :D
Thanks for reviewing, Phyllis! :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 20, 2018 4:54 am Title: Chapter 31: Saturday, December 2nd
Whoa, that was hot! So happy to read this scene; it's way better than in the series! Way better than BOB.
Michael is as mean as ever; I hope it will come back and bite him. For once, Debbie reacted correctly.
Author's Response:
Thanks for being the first to review, Claire. :)
Whoa, that was hot! So happy to read this scene; it's way better than in the series! Way better than BOB.
Does that refer to the scorching opening scene? :D Sadly, we never saw anything quite like Brian's memory in canon - we're hard at work rectifying that, lol. We're guessing you're commenting on to the closing scene between Justin and Eric. High time Sunshine got to play with something other than his hand or BOB, right? :P We wanted to change things up with how Justin and Eric met and have our favorite blond be gentle with the other boy.
Michael's spiteful jealousy isn't going to make him very popular, lol.
~ KaBrynn