Date: Dec 19, 2019 9:46 pm Title: Chapter 30: Friday, December 1st
PLEASE do something about the school's lunch. When I was in high school... MANY MOONS AGO... we had EXCELLENT cooks. All very edible. When they make that school board meeting (hint-hint)... they should pack a couple of the 'best' lunches served and treat the school board to some haute cuisine.
Dixon is still being an a-hole. There must be something Justin can have done about Dixon purposely marking his grade down. when he actually had the correct grade... regardless of the steps taken to achieve the solution.
I'm pretty positive that the Christmas chapter has been written and posted, but I feel I need to reiterate that I hope Brian and others have taken note of Justin's sparse winter apparel, and gotten him a new coat, mittens, and boots... maybe expensive tennis shoes too. Somehow, I think Emmett will get him something red for him to dance in.
You two must have a riot while writing some of the stuff in this story... because if it breaks me out in full laughter, I'm almost certain you two have to be laughing while writing it.
Totally hilarious Michael slipping on the diner floor... and realizing it was from the good doc propelling him inward. "At least you didn't whack your head, Honey. You can't afford it." (YAY EMMETT!) And surprisingly, Debbie apologized after jumping to conclusions it was Brian's fault. But the imbecilic man says... Performing feats of derring-do... to Brian... I mean... what the hell... I'm fairly certain he might have whacked his head.
Then the whole raisin spinach... my poor stomach and head... but as they say... laughter's good for the soul. But then, we had 'lardass' in there again. (Grr... Michael.)
I love the budding friendship/relationship between Carl and Justin. Sure, there's Vic, but Vic is a member of the 'family'... whereas Carl is an outsider, who is still treating Justin like a father would. With caring and concern.
The rummage sale was classic. I loved how they turned it in to so much more... even Ted getting in on the silly act. And... ah-ha... jealous Brian.
I absolutely enjoyed when Ted and Brian were looking at the property. Mr. Religious Kinney. Mumsie would be so proud.
I was a little concerned when Brian started in on Ben when they were eating... but got a good laugh out of the whole thing... but then we had Michael's play for Ben. I was repulsed and angry. I can just about imagine that's the end of that. Mikey escaping unscathed again. I wish Justin would have gone to Emmett. Emmett would know a lot better about what Ted would want to know than Brian would. And even if Emmett wouldn't have told Ted... I believe he might have said something to Michael.
The blond hustler... tramp stamp... Sasha... I started wondering if it was a woman who'd had surgery. THEN... Brian's finger slid in so quickly, it startled him. Well.. what did he expect... the kid had just been out on a call. But, I got the giggles. Poor Brian... getting laid just isn't in the cards for him. Even a shaft as large as Brian's was going to be flailing for purchase in that cavern. (Criminy... who comes up with that stuff?) LOL...
Lastly, If Brian thinks he's getting Justin in his bed without an apology... guess again. No amount of strategizing is going to work without that public apology.
Date: Jun 02, 2018 10:47 pm Title: Chapter 30: Friday, December 1st
Operation twat retrieval! 😄 Love it!
Author's Response:
Brian is very clever with naming this campaign. :) Thank you for commenting. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 24, 2018 4:11 am Title: Chapter 30: Friday, December 1st
Been super busy lately and finally catching up. Brian, Brian, Brian- he needs to get his head out of his ass and tell Justin he was wrong. Mickey hitting on Ben- oh so wrong. Hope Justin figures out he can't really burn the candle at both ends without crashing. If he is about to crash, I hope Brian is there to catch him.
Author's Response:
We know all about the struggle to find tme to read and review, lol. We're glad you're still enjoying our story, Sandy. :)
Both of the boys are a mite stubborn, so it may be a bit of a contest as to which one comes to their senses first. :D We'll have to see what happens.
Have you managed to forge your way through chapter 31 yet? We rather outdid ourselves with the length of that one. No, Brian, we're not talking about inches...
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 05, 2018 9:10 pm Title: Chapter 30: Friday, December 1st
First of all - happy birthday, Karynn, once again. I hope that you had a wonderful "not getting older, just wiser" day.
Now, review; I wasn't able to read yesterday (internet issues, working a double shift, yadda, yadda) so I'm a little behind the eight ball - or should I say Brian's blue balls? lol! The man shouldn't have to worry about them falling off - he'll be handing them over to Justin soon enough, along with an apology!
His "attempt" at seduction was as funny as all shit - we'll blame the lack of good sex and a case of "blue ball strangulate" on his lack of common sense. I can so clearly see him trying to figure out who BOB is so that he can extract his revenge for the hooker with the loose ass! lol!
I loved the byplay between Daph and Justin, but the whole Dixon thing is starting to worry me. He was such an ass in canon, and I love how you guys have really delved into the whole school scene with this.
Loving it as always, and am officially the president of our M.F-G club. Waving brit-poms *snickers* from down under for such talented writers, especially when I continue to find little Britishisms scattered that make me giggle. Cheers. xxx
Author's Response:
Thanks for the additional birhtday greetings, Kerri! :) Definitely older and, who knows, maybe actually a little bit wiser. :)
Brian is not pleased with your assessment. He's spinning his wheels trying to figure out how to extricate himself and his blue balls from any kind of actual apology. That lack of common sense may not yet be at an end, what with planning Operation Twat Retrieval. He'd better not let the name for his campaign slip... :D
Dixon will undoubtedly continue to be a dickhead. He takes his cue from Perkins, unfortunately. We'll have to see how much of a damper Detective Wen's visit puts on the homophobic administration and faculty...
Waving Brit-poms back at you... :D Thanks for a wonderful review from Oz!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 05, 2018 7:10 pm Title: Chapter 30: Friday, December 1st
Holy long chapter!! So great! Really enjoyed it.
Looks like Brian will be eating some humble pie at some point in the future. How soon will be up to him. Was SO proud of Justin though for standing up for himself there. He may still love Brian, but I don't think he likes parts of him. He's also realizing that he CAN live without him. Sure he'd prefer to be with him, but Brian has to work for it. Seems like justin has really matured in the past little while.
Loved Justin and Daph's convos. can justimagine his look of horror asking about her getting a boob job. LOL! They are such good friends. He's going to make himself VERY ill though. No way he can do all the jobs he's doing plus school.
Such a good update!!!
Author's Response:
Believe it or not, this chapter isn't even in the top five in length. :D Insanely enough, we're averaging nearly 10,000 words per chapter. :D
We're chuffed that you enjoyed this installment. We knew our readers were chomping at the bit for some action, but it took a while to build to this point.
Justin is an incredibly strong and proud man - very much Brian's equal. We're thrilled that you liked the way he stood up to Brian. :) You're right that Brian will probably have to eat humble pie, but you know our favorite brunet will try to squirm his way out of an actual apology.
Both the boys are so darned stubborn. One can't even admit to himself that he's been in a relationship, since he doesn't do those; the other one has acknowledged to himself that he might not be able to do everything, but he's by no means ready to quit trying just yet.
We're glad you're enjoying Justin and Daphne's banter. Their friendship - possible boob job and all, lol - is such fun to write.
Thanks for the wonderful review, Elaine. :) It made us smile. A teaser for the next chapter is availabe in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 05, 2018 5:52 pm Title: Chapter 30: Friday, December 1st
Wow I have just read all the chapters in one go I am really enjoying it thank you
Author's Response:
We're made up that you're enjoying our story, Chris! :) That was a lot of reading in one go. :)
We're working on the next chapter now. A teaser is availble in the FanDoc, if you want to check it out.
Thanks for commenting!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Feb 05, 2018 10:39 am Title: Chapter 30: Friday, December 1st
Great chapter! Justin really learned from the master for sacarsm and irony! I like to see Brian lost in front of Justin, he wants him so much! And he have to apologize Operation Twat Retrieval really! Well Brian must give the best of himself because now we want some reunification and Justin have to stop dancing ! Hugs ladies !
Author's Response:
Justin is very much Brian's equal. :D He's definitely capable of outsmarting the master. :D
Karynn takes a bow for dreaming up Operation Twat Retrieval. :D That campaign's going to need a lot of fine-tuning before Brian will be able to reel Justin in, however, so don't expect an immediate reunification.
Thanks for another wonderful review, Marie-france! :) Hugs back atcha!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Feb 05, 2018 7:24 am Title: Chapter 30: Friday, December 1st
Excellent Update
Finally some SERIOUS interaction between BJ ...lols...brian is getting impatient (so are we😉) thats why he was soo going to get his ass kicked by justin ..."Operation Twat Retrieval." Seriously girls..
Thats was hoelarious 😂😂ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
loved the fun banter between B-T-C they are like little kids .
Happy Birthday to u Miss.Karynn ...stay happy stay blessed.
Author's Response:
We noticed our readers were getting restless. :D It just took some time to build to this point. :D
Yeah, Operation Twat Retrieval - Karynn takes a bow for that brilliant name :D - is definitely going to need loads of fine-tuning if it's going to work out in Brian's favor.
We're made up that you're enjoying the banter between Brian, Ted, and Cynthia. Ssh, you aren't supposed to reveal that they're behaving like little kids...
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Navneet! Reviews are exactly what Karynn wanted for her birthday, and you came through, as always. :)
We're working on the next chapter. In case you haven't peeked, a teaser is available in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Feb 05, 2018 1:43 am Title: Chapter 30: Friday, December 1st
Happy Birthday, Karynn! Nicely done chapter. Just wish Justin would let go of working at Babylon.
Author's Response:
Thanks for being such a faithful reader and reviewer, Phyllis! :) Your comments are exactly what Karynn wanted for her birthday.
Stubbornness is a flaw that both Justin and Brian share, which sometimes causes big headaches. We'll have to see what might spur Justin to change his mind about the dancing...
A teaser for the next chapter is available in the FanDoc, if you haven't checked it out yet. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 05, 2018 12:00 am Title: Chapter 30: Friday, December 1st
Jesus, Justin is so stubborn! He may be a kid with lots of energy but Daphne's right, he's not Superman....he's only human. He needs to quit something & the dancing is the logical one.
Operation Twat Retrieval - perfection! Lol Brian is going to have to really try, be nice & apologize to Justin if he wants him back in his bed & his life. Was hoping they would have some sort of sexual interaction this chapter. When is that happening?
Author's Response:
Stubbornness is a character trait for both the brunet and blond studs. Sigh. Logic doesn't really enter into it for either of them, not when they try to apply it to themselves.
Karynn takes a bow for naming the campaign Operation Twat Retrieval. :D That campaign's going to need a lot of fine-tuning if it's going to be effective.
Your wish is our command. You'll just have to be patient until we post the next chapter, which we're working on now...
Thanks for reviewing, Glo! You always make us smile. :D
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 04, 2018 10:44 pm Title: Chapter 30: Friday, December 1st
Happy Birthday Karynn!!
Thank you for this very long chapter!
Always funny to see Brian failing to get Justin; maybe it's worse because Justin sees right thru him. At least, he had some release with the blond guy, but it wasn't nearly enough.
I hope that Justin will drop his go-go dancing as he won't be able to follow during his class, which is with his nasty professor.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the birthday wishes and for leaving another review, Claire. :) That's exactly what Karynn wanted on her day.
This chapter is actually of middling length if you can believe it, at a bit less than 13,000 words. We're averaging about 10,000 words per chapter. Yes, we're insane. :D
You're absolutely right that Justin sees right through Brian; our favorite brunet really appreaciates that you pointed that out. :D
Justin's almost as stubborn about thinking that he can do everything, as Brian is about refusing to acknowledge that he's been in something so ghastly as a relationship.
We're working on the next chapter, and a teaser is availabe in the FanDoc, if you haven't checked it out yet.
~ KaBrynn