Date: Jun 02, 2018 7:53 pm Title: Chapter 29: Thursday, November 30th
I'm with jazzepoet...way too slow on the romance front for me; however, I must commend the authors as I don't think I've ever read a fic in this fandom where spelling, grammar, and punctuation were as nigh on perfect! Even the proper use of blonde/blond, brunette/brunet. Now if we could just refrain from using bicep rather than the proper biceps. And yes, I know bicep is considered a derivative according to the dictionary, but really, biceps is the proper terminology.
I also know I'm probably beating a dead horse and I know it's been stated that the British-isms add color/character to the story, but honestly, as an American reader it just yanks me right out of the U.S. QAF headspace every time I see a "whilst", "anyroad", "cuppa", etc. That being said...I'm not the owner of the story and you must proceed however you see fit, but it is disconcerting to say the least.
Over all it's an entertaining story! 😎
Author's Response:
Thank you for your exhaustive review. We are terribly chuffed that you are enjoying our story and appreciate our grammar. :) We shall indeed proceed as we were. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jan 29, 2018 10:01 am Title: Chapter 29: Thursday, November 30th
i like Brian's staff and DC wow I want a brother like him !!
Michael is cruel but he is Michael Does he really want a 'Mouton Chardonnet" ? Haha drinks just coke and shut up !
Finally Brian asked Justin to work for him and I like how Justin tells him that he does not have to tell him what to do. Poor Brian again with his right hand !!
Thank you ladies for the update!
Author's Response:
Yay! DC is a hit with you, too. :D Maybe you could borrow Kerri's 'brother' - see her review below. :D
Michael is trying out his version of frenching, hahaha.
Justin's a proud little fucker - he's not going to take any guff from Brian. Too bad the brunet stud didn't phrase his concern about the go-go dancing better - and he calls himself an adman. Tsk, tsk. Maybe his brain fart was caused by overdependence on his right hand. :D
Thanks for the wonderful review, Marie-france! :) A teaser for the next chapter is now availble in FanDoc, if you want to take a peek.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 28, 2018 4:42 pm Title: Chapter 29: Thursday, November 30th
Wow! From over 20 thousand words to 9000. Huge difference but just as compelling. Love Brian & his new posse's dynamic, they are hysterical! Question:when Brian was talking to Justin in the break room, why didn't he just ask him then to go to the loft or ask if he needed a ride?
Author's Response:
We're made up that fewer words didn't detract from the impact of the chapter, lol.
That's a great way to describe the advertising agency staff - Brian's posse. :D DC prefers to keep his own inches separate, thank you very much. :D
Brian was off his game in the break room; he'd planned to be the one who approached Justin. :) At first, he was trying to fend off the notion of intervening in the Ben-Michael situation, and then he - foolishly, as it turned out - put his fledgling agency's needs ahead of his very blue balls. He also assumed he'd be giving Justin a lift; after all, nothing could possibly interfere with his master plan two nights in a row. Poor stud.
Thanks for the fun review, Glo! :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 28, 2018 10:51 am Title: Chapter 29: Thursday, November 30th
The beginning with DC, Cynthia, Ted and Brian is very funny. DC is quite a character.
It seems Brian is going to have to use his right hand for some more time. At least, he seems to have Justin agreeing to work with/for him.
Michael is such a great friend with Ted! How can he dare talking to Ben like this and make a so subtle move? I hope Dr Dave will hear about that.
I laughed when I read "bottle of ‘Mutted Chandon"; Michael trying to impress Ben and badly failing. Also when Emmett let out "Not everyone can meet the love of their life underneath a lamp post." even if Brian' repartee was quite mean.
Author's Response:
We're glad you enjoyed DC. :D You should check out Kerri's comment down below. It had us laughing that Karynn imagined (amalgamated a couple of people into) a real person.
That right hand of Brian's is going to start cramping soon. :D
Subtlety isn't exactly Michael's forte, and he's rather a fair-weather friend to Ted. The situation is still evolving, so we don't yet know whether Dr Dave will find out or not.
Brynn is taking a bow for Michael's mangling of the French champagne and Emmett's line. We'll have to forgive the stud for being mean to Em - the concept of romantic love gives him hives.
Thanks for another wonderful review, Claire! :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jan 28, 2018 12:28 am Title: Chapter 29: Thursday, November 30th
Thank you, thank you. This chapter was all I could hope for. The only problem is I don't know if Mikey realizes he was turned down! He was so cruel.
Author's Response:
Yay! We're made up that you like the way we fulfilled your wish, Phyllis. :)
It's rather difficult for us to penetrate the muddled grey matter that fills Mikey's head, but we did our best, managing to ameliorate what he originally intended to say - yes it was actually worse. :D Whether he realises that he was turned down; well, we're just not sure. He's most certainly already forgotten that he behaved in a less than exemplary fashion.
Thanks so much for your support of our story, Phyllis. :) We're motivated to continue because of readers like you.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 27, 2018 10:56 pm Title: Chapter 29: Thursday, November 30th
Okay ladies, please try to understand that I’m not trying to be a Debbie downer, but I tried and I mean really tried to get back into this story but, it’s just waaaaay too slow for my taste. I understand the slow burn factor, but....I don’t know how to explain it, I just thought we would have more at this point. With that being said, stay the course as you have planned and continue to share your talents.
Author's Response:
Thank you for commenting. We will definitely take your advice and continue writing.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 27, 2018 10:50 pm Title: Chapter 29: Thursday, November 30th
What a gift to wake up too! Made my Sunday morning! Loved DC - he's a character who very much reminds me of a man I call 'my brother'. Michael (LOL, Oh, the irony!) is English, and it was his voice I could hear in my head while I was reading. I found the Brit-speak sprinkled a little more heavily through this chapter - I grinned several times over that.
LOved how Ben shot Michael down, and that Justin gave Brian something to think about. Love, love, love this story. Thanks for the perfect wake up today. xxx
Your review had us utterly chuffed yesterday - well, yesterday afternoon for Karynn, early on Sunday for Brynn - especially when we saw the 'number' you had hit. :D Were you aware of your accomplishment? :D DC is an amalgamation of a few different people. It's priceless that your 'brother,' Michael, is the embodiment of DC. :D Brit-speak? What Brit-speak? LOL Thanks so much for the enthusiastic support of our story. We love that you love it, Kerri. :) Karynn's loopy from too little sleep - stayed up most of the night two nights in a row to watch the Australian Open finals. She and Brynn had a running commentary going on (from northern California to Prague and back) throughout the women's final as they polished off this chapter. The reward for staying up so late last night was watching Roger win his 20th slam. :) Okay, back on topic - Karynn will be in touch with you soon via FB Messenger in regard to your prize. :) ~ KaBrynn
Author's Response: