Date: Jan 24, 2022 7:09 am Title: Chapter 11
Great chapter! You convincingly show how Brian opens up more with each session and although he often remains cynical, he speaks more and more the truth and becomes more thoughtful. It sure helps that Alex tells him his story. Alex knows exactly what's at stake, regarding not just Brian and Justin, but also about the detrimental influence of a "best friend" and childhood traumatas and their effect on adults. He sees himself in Brian, maybe that's why he risked Justin's trust by bringing Brian to Boytoy...
"once. Those were the rules, right?" - haha, great!
"You need therapy even more than Justin" - I totally agree
"Not my reputation - he saw me." - beautiful!
As for that "achievements" thing... I found a lot of Brian's life mottos kind of silly. It's like he created them at some point and can't let go of them. I don't think it's cool, it's just sad and a little pathetic, because somehow sticking to those life mottos also means that he can't develop further. Thanks for a great chapter!

Date: Mar 09, 2018 11:25 pm Title: Chapter 11
Great chapter
Author's Response:
Thank you!

Date: Mar 09, 2018 12:53 am Title: Chapter 11
Alex is amazing, the way he's getting Brian to open up like this, and so much os making sense, stuff I saw on the show and never really thought about. Bravo, lady :)
Author's Response:
Thanks, honey.
Date: Jan 23, 2018 2:56 pm Title: Chapter 11
Very insightful. You do the psychiatrist thing well. TAG
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. xx
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. xx
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. xx

Date: Jan 21, 2018 12:25 am Title: Chapter 11
I never understood why Brian wouldn't want to celebrate Justin being alive to see another birthday, the writers wasted an opportunity for Brian and Justin to take their relationship into a new level, by ignoring the bashing and the full ramifications of what Brian and Justin went through.
Instead they wanted to create unnecessary angst by moving quickly past the bashing.
Why have something so traumatic happen to the main characters and not progress their storyline further?
I also didn't like the way Brian let Michael badmouth him to other people, one minute he is praising Brian for being The Stud of Liberty Avenue and in the next breath he is calling him The Whore of Liberty Avenue.
Who doesn't do love, boyfriends or relationships but is waiting for the right moment to start a relationship with Michael...Huh???
Deb, Mel, Emmett, Ted and Lindsay treated him that way too, they all called Brian a Selfish, Self-absorbed, Asshole who only thinks with his cock and doesn't care about anyone.
And yet when they all need something the Selfish Prick is the first person they ran to for help <eye roll>
I love that you are addressing a big issue in Brian and Justin's relationship instead of glossing over it.
Thanks :)
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. x
Date: Jan 20, 2018 4:52 pm Title: Chapter 11
“How can you measure what he has accomplished at seventeen or eighteen or nineteen, when you are measuring it unfairly by what you have accomplished at the age of thirty and thirty-one? Think back – what had you accomplished at that age? Other than the beginnings of your reputation and your education?"
This was so powerful and well written it took my breath away! It addressed one of the main issues I had with the show...the fact that there was no way Justin at such a young age should have been expected to have the same life experiences as Brian. Experiences that in time would shape who he would become as an adult. Thanks to Alex, Brian is beginning to get a glimpse into how his behavior was in part (a big part) responsible for Justin’s downward spiral. I’ve loved Brian from the first episode but that doesn’t stop me from being glad to see Alex call him out on his BS and the impact it had on their relationship. Same with Michael's unhealthy obsession with Brian.
Love the twist of the parallel lines between Alex's and Brian’s childhoods, how one rose above it and how the other was using it to excuse behavior, especially adult behavior. I was applauding when Alex brought to light how his actions, or lack of, with Ari mirrored Brian’s & Justin’s, maybe, just maybe will Brian will finally wake up, and except responsibility for the pain he caused. Can't wait to see where you take the story, its so compelling! CandyAuthor's Response:
Thanks, hon. x
Date: Jan 20, 2018 4:01 pm Title: Chapter 11
Holy shit...that was simply superb! Amazing...outstanding...unrivaled...stunning...I wish I could read this story all day long. Poor Justin won't even speak to Alex. I know it has to be Justin's decision to go back to Alex's office or home but Christ! He needs him and he can actually help Justin heal AND talk to Brian again. Yes Brian has much to make up for but I hope Sunshine gives him a chance...
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. x
Date: Jan 20, 2018 2:51 pm Title: Chapter 11
I like the way you’ve contrasted Alex’s background with Brian’s. It makes an interesting counterpoint for their relative actions. Please keep updating. I’m so intrigued as to where this story is going...
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. x
Date: Jan 20, 2018 9:53 am Title: Chapter 11
Brian is finally talking about his feelings and about Michael's place in his life. He is seeing things clearly, but the way is still bumpy.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. x

Date: Jan 20, 2018 4:25 am Title: Chapter 11
Amazing sessions with Alex. We learn more about both of them. Will it help Justin?
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. x

Date: Jan 20, 2018 4:15 am Title: Chapter 11
Brian is looking in the mirror and he is not liking the person being reflected back at him.
Brian finally opening up and hearing Alex explain Justin's feelings is showing how his bad behavior lead to Justin getting sucked into his black hole.
Brian gave Michael way too much control over his life and it played into the persona Brian embraced so strongly.
Alex gave Brian his story and it is quite similar to Brian and Justin just without the bashing.
Friends are supposed to help enhance your life, not burden it with their selfish desires and fantasies.
Rick is so Michael only Brian never slept with him but he like Alex gave a so called best friend too much control and it destroyed everything.
Brian has to be willing to risk everyone for Justin or they will never be strong enough to face all of life's obstacles together.
You're So Welcome and Thanks for the compliment :)
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. x