Date: Jan 26, 2018 10:18 am Title: Chapter 28: Wednesday, November 29th
Oh yes it was very looooong! But I liked the discovery of the baths! And in the end Brian jealous is the reward of such a long chapter haha!
Author's Response:
Your comments made us laugh, Marie-france, especially the bit about the reward for reading such a looooong chapter. :D
We tried to inject lots of humour into the many scenes in this jam-packed installment - good to know we succeeded.
Thanks for leaving a review after you finally forged your way to the end of this particular 'novella.' :D We promise the next chapter won't take nearly as long to read. :D A teaser is now available in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 21, 2018 12:01 am Title: Chapter 28: Wednesday, November 29th
It's great that the agency is shaping up fast.
Brian's visit to the bathhouse was hilarious.
Michael regressing to please David is pathetic.
Brian's dream was hot and he will have to do it again as Justin went with Ted. He almost got a cold for nothing.
Author's Response:
We’re chuffed that the bathhouse scene made you laugh. :D It was a blast to write. :D
It may be more a case of Dr Dave dumbing himself down to please his boyfriend rather than Michael regressing. *yuck*
Poor stud. All he got for his efforts at the diner was some goose pimples and a case (or two) of jealousy. We’re trying to clue him in that his plans to seduce Justin may not be the wisest, but he insists he knows the blond better than we do...
Thanks for reviewing, Claire! :) A teaser for the next chapter should be availalbe soon.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 20, 2018 1:54 am Title: Chapter 28: Wednesday, November 29th
That was a fabulously long chapter & I loved it but are you guys teasing us or something?? I thought the boys were going to get together somehow & have some playtime. Love Brian/Ted friendship! But Brian needs his Sunshine back!
Author's Response:
Tease? Who, us? *evil authors cackling*
We’ve tried, more than once, to drop a word in Brian’s ear about his plans to seduce Justin, but the stud’s ignoring us. We’ll have to see what happens...
Thanks for commenting, Glo. :) A *cough* teaser for the next chapter should be available soon.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 19, 2018 8:05 am Title: Chapter 28: Wednesday, November 29th
Poor Brian killing the business world but no sex for days.
Author's Response:
Fortunately, the stud has his hands to provide some relief, or we’d worry about it withering and falling off. :D Just joking - we’d never let that happen.
We’ve been trying to feed helpful advice to Brian about how to approach Justin, but we’re not sure he’s listening... sigh.
Thanks for commenting! :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 19, 2018 7:43 am Title: Chapter 28: Wednesday, November 29th
I love you guys - like, seriously love you guys. Karynn, we have had mutual fangirling moments over each other, but can I say....wow. I just about died laughing when Brian woke up with the pillow.
Do you know how hard it is to explain without explaining why you are laughing your ass off to a twelve-year-old daughter? Well, I now do!! So thanks for that!! But considering the fifteen-year-old son caught on right quick and snorted coffee over himself? That made it all the funnier. ;)
Having had the most shitful day at work, it was made all better to come home, knowing that this was waiting for me to read. You two are a force to be reconded with, and I love how you have nailed the characters voices. I love the friendship between Brian and Ted, and my God, how dumb is Michael!!
Sheer brilliance, guys, and I continue to love this story like nothing else. Looking forward to more. Kerri. xxx
Author's Response:
Haven’t we all had moments when we’ve awakened with a pillow rather than what we were expecting? :D Okay, maybe not quite like Brian did... :D
Oh, you were brave to read in the vicinity of your kids. :D Damn, you should have gotten a photo of your son’s reaction. :D Are we right to suspect he’s a chip off the old block (you)?
Yay! that you think we’re keeping the guys IC. Admittedly, Michael isn’t (usually) that dumb in canon, but he’s great for comic relief in our story.
We’re chuffed that we could make up for a shitty workday. You’ve made us grin in return.
We hope to have a teaser for the next chapter up soon. :) Thanks for the delightful review, Kerri. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jan 19, 2018 4:33 am Title: Chapter 28: Wednesday, November 29th
"Where are they getting these from? Some kind of specialised muncher dictionary?"
I would like to know the answer of that one...haha.
That was an entertaining chapter...Poor Brian...omg...how long are u planning to make him suffer,,?? Is this his punishment for pushing justin away after robbery? Damn...u guys ...i am speechless.
Excellent update...really enjoyed it.
Author's Response:
That level of nauseating cuteness may be beyond even the munchers... Dr Dave and Michael are in a league of their own. :D
If anyone is punishing Brian, it’s the stud himself. We keep trying to hand him clues about how he should approach Justin, but he’s positive his tactics are failsafe. We’ll have to see whether he’s right...
We love the multiple reviews! You should keep your eyes peeled, Navneet. Maybe you can hit the magic 200 - really close here on KD. :)
We hope to have a teaser for chapter 29 up soon, now that we’ve recovered from necking that bottle. :D
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jan 19, 2018 4:13 am Title: Chapter 28: Wednesday, November 29th
"First, I'll take a hello kiss," Em purred, tugging on Justin's arm until the lad obligingly bent over, and bussing him on the lips.
Brian scowled. No one but him should be kissing the blond brat. "Quit pawing at the kid, Honeycutt!" he demanded.
Emmett rolled his eyes, mocking, "Whatever, Bri. No need to-"
BE JEALOUS BRIAN...omfg...that was sooooo GOOD.
had to say that...ðŸ˜
Author's Response:
Emmett loves to yank Brian’s chain, and we love to help him. :D It’s so hilarious that Brian thinks he doesn’t do jealousy.
Thanks for letting us know you enjoyed this scene. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jan 19, 2018 4:10 am Title: Chapter 28: Wednesday, November 29th
Damn...would u stop torturing poor brian..lol..ok...going back again.
Author's Response:
Uh, no can do. Torturing the stud is way too much fun. :D And, we saw that lol, so we know we’re making you laugh. :D
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jan 19, 2018 3:27 am Title: Chapter 28: Wednesday, November 29th
Just a quick reminder...U GUYS ARE EVIL...SUCH A TEASE.
Now going up to read further..😀
Author's Response:
We don’t need a reminder that we’re evil. :D And you’re only encouraging us to tease... :D
~ KaBrynn