Date: Jan 23, 2022 11:14 am Title: Chapter 10
I'm a little speechless, shocked. Wow, that was... intensive, painful, heartbreaking. I didn't expect that Justin would see Brian, that they would be in physical contact in any way. Doesn't Alex risk losing Justin's trust completely? By the way, I really like Alex. So, he went through something similar and was in a similar situation as Brian? What also fascinated me is your description of Boytoy... "the bouncers make sure that they have a ride home" - What a comparison to Babylon and how differently sensitive people can be when you compare this Ari to Sap. I like Ari's way, how respectfully he talks about Justin, how protective he is. And I love how you portray Justin. Although he is totally broken on the one hand, he can still behave respectfully, responsibly, even tenderly towards a boy like Tommy.

Date: Mar 09, 2018 9:26 am Title: Chapter 10
Intense enjoying your writing
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. x

Date: Mar 09, 2018 12:33 am Title: Chapter 10
I hope Alex can help them. Brian knows he fucked up and he'll continue to hear all the shitty things he did wrong, but he wants to make them right, RIGHT? I love how fiercely protective Daphne is, she's like an angry mama bear, and he needs someone like that on his side. Same with Ethan and Sam, but Daphne, she's got him. He's safe with her.
Author's Response:
Yes, he is safe with Daph. ;)
Date: Jan 12, 2018 2:22 am Title: Chapter 10
Holy shit....poor Brian & Justin....they are breaking my heart. I'm sure Justin does feel betrayed by Alex but I'm glad our boys had a moment. Brian will NEVER give up on his Sunshine. Can't wait for more. This story is so good, it needs to be updated daily! Hee hee 😉 did that work?
Author's Response:
it needs to be updated daily! Hee hee 😉 did that work?
LOL, God, I wish I could write full time! But alas, I only write at night. Good thing I am a night owl, hmm? xx
Date: Jan 11, 2018 10:09 pm Title: Chapter 10
So poignant, again! You made my night posting this. Thank you.x
Author's Response:
Aw, thanks, hon!!
Date: Jan 11, 2018 7:26 pm Title: Chapter 10
We can't say that it went well, but, at least, Brian didn't have to witness Justin being fucked by someone else; it was almost pure innocence.
The only positive thing is that Justin felt his effect on Brian; that could help later, but he also saw Alex and it could have a bad impact on Justin's trust.
Author's Response:
We can't say that it went well, but, at least, Brian didn't have to witness Justin being fucked by someone else; it was almost pure innocence.
I figured this would hurt him more, to be honest.
but he also saw Alex and it could have a bad impact on Justin's trust.
*Wry smile*

Date: Jan 11, 2018 6:05 pm Title: Chapter 10
That was Gut-Wrenching!!!
Brian is seeing that Justin was a young man who ventured out into a world and the man he met under that street light taught him to hide the pain instead of confronting it.
What Brian is seeing is himself in Justin form.
Justin had life in him before the bashing and I think he was trying to figure out how to incorporate the old him, with the new version by talking about his feelings.
But Brian didn't want to he just expected his life to remain the same and Justin to remain the same.
Burying pain doesn't mean it automatically goes away it just means it is waiting to erupt.
He buried his love for Justin because Justin couldn't remember that night but in the process he buried the chance they had to fall in love all over again.
Perhaps Justin came up with the rules because Brian was getting antsy and he wanted to give Brian some semblance of freedom and it got abused.
How is Alex going to get Justin to see he didn't betray his trust?
And how will he get Brian to see that he has to open up about everything?
Brian and Justin both have the same mantra running through their heads right now.
Neither believe they deserve happiness or love and Alex has to show them both that they are worthy of It All.
Author's Response:
he wanted to give Brian some semblance of freedom and it got abused.
This really rings a bell for me.
Thanks, sweetheart. xx

Date: Jan 11, 2018 3:29 pm Title: Chapter 10
Wow. Very intense. So close and yet so far.
Author's Response:
Thanks, honey. xx
Date: Jan 11, 2018 3:22 pm Title: Chapter 10
Yay! Brian is now committed to helping. But what will seeing him at the club with Alex do to poor Justin? *worried* TAG
Author's Response:
But what will seeing him at the club with Alex do to poor Justin? *worried*
*Wry smile*
Thanks, honey. xx
Date: Jan 11, 2018 1:29 pm Title: Chapter 10
Oh, wow, this story just gets better and better, but I am really going thru the tissues. Great update.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. x