Date: Jan 23, 2022 8:53 am Title: Chapter 9
Oh, Justin! I want to hug him so badly... "had twisted himself into the person that he thought Brian wanted him to be" - That is never a good thing and in my opinion a reason why lots of relationships don't work. And I can just agree with Justin (or with you)... What bothered me so much while watching Brian's and Justin's attempt at some kind of relationship was this tricking right in front of Justin. If you are in an open relationship it is in my opinion one of the most important things not to use sex as a weapon or as some kind of punishment. And Brian often did this. And when they made those "rules," I wish they'd added a "not in our bed unless we both want it" rule. But Justin is right, sadly it never was his bed, it never was his home. How often did they stand together at the bar in Babylon and Brian followed some guy leaving Justin standig there. That still bothered me in S5 when Brian went after Brandon - but in my opinion, by that point it was just humiliating and pathetic for Brian himself. Whatever. I'm really looking forward to their joint therapy sessions. I think if Brian manages to open up, Justin will be amazed at what he will learn about Brian

Date: Mar 09, 2018 9:01 am Title: Chapter 9
Talk about angst
Author's Response:

Date: Mar 09, 2018 12:06 am Title: Chapter 9
This story gives me tummy aches, ahhhhhhhh!!! My heart hurts so much for Justin, he needs to believe that Brian loves him and that he fucked up. And that Michael is a twat and nothing he said meant anything. GOD, I CAN'T DEAL!!!!!!
Author's Response:
*Squishes you*
You know by now that apparently I keep ramping up the angst-o-meter.
So.... *Squishy hug*
Date: Jan 10, 2018 7:54 am Title: Chapter 9
Oh good - Brian’s going all in. Let’s hope it works... TAG
Author's Response:
Thanks babe
Date: Jan 04, 2018 9:15 pm Title: Chapter 9
Holy shit! Brian is going to see Justin right now?! Omg I'm so nervous for him! Will Alex wait for him? Is he supposed to watch from afar? What's gonna happen? Pleeeeeaaase tell me the next chapter will be soon.....omg!
Author's Response:
Lol, you're funny. You so reminded me of myself waiting for the kettle to boil just then....pllleeeaaassseee hurry up!! 🤣 This time next week. Promise. xx
Date: Jan 04, 2018 8:51 pm Title: Chapter 9
I love this story, I also love that it brings to light that words can definitely cut as deeply as actions, and its obvious that Michael and many in the "extended" family dont see how deeply they have hurt others, especially Justin and many times, Brian! And that sometimes you have to fight for what you want in life! I have loved Brian from the first episode but there are times I thought he was a total shit to Justin, not understanding how deeply his actions hurt Justin, not that Justin was alway an innocent bystander but at 17 he didnt have the life expereinces to fully understand how his actions, like walking out the door, would affect his and Brians life.
Your writing is superb, I hope you write at least another 50 chapters to this story!! Candy
Author's Response:
Thanks, Candy. And I agree, and make a point in later chapters that Justin knows he wasn't innocent in all of this, and Brian is made face up to the fact that J doesn't have the life experience that he does. xx

Date: Jan 04, 2018 6:00 pm Title: Chapter 9
Brian is ready to face Justin and fight to save Justin and himself so they can have a future.
The Man Brian was ended the moment he met Justin under that street lamp and now he has to face the pain he caused Justin and the pain that was inflicted upon himself by Jack and Joan.
Brian is about to see first hand how his, Michael's and everyone else's words affected Justin and he is about to see how words can rob a person of their soul if you hear the same phrase over and over again.
Brian can't ignore the past cause it influenced his present and he has to change his future, he has to stop the cycle of abuse by opening the door and letting all of the pain out,iff Deb had gotten him help instead of just bandaging him up and feeding him then this wouldn't have happened and he wouldn't be afraid to love someone.
Everyone has to change the present in order to better grasp the future or this will never change.
They have to rip off that band aid and let all the pain, anger and hurt out in order to heal themselves and each other before they can ever be friends first.
Wonder how everyone is doing now that they know how their behavior affected Justin and do they know what Michael did?
Can't Wait For The Next Chapter :)
Author's Response:
Thanks hon. You'll get some more answers soon. x
Date: Jan 04, 2018 3:51 pm Title: Chapter 9
Yes, Brian's pain management is something Justing learned quickly.
I hope Justin won't react badly when Brian will arrive.
Brian is going to deeply suffer from this decision: he won't be able to go back and to say "stop", otherwise it will be the end for Justin. He will have to go deep down to be able to go up with Justin by his side. That's a bold, but mandatory phase for both of them.
Author's Response:
Yeah, he is going to suffer. But as you said, it's a journey he has to take.
Date: Jan 04, 2018 2:52 pm Title: Chapter 9
Another amazing chapter. So happy that Brian is finally realizing just what Justin means to him. Great job.
Author's Response:
Thanks hon.

Date: Jan 04, 2018 1:42 pm Title: Chapter 9
Of course Justin's worth it, but will it make a difference right now?
Author's Response:
I've said it before and I'll say it again; you tead between the lines so well. Thanks, hon.
Date: Jan 04, 2018 9:05 am Title: Chapter 9
"...and seeing the amused expression that Brian never hid when faced with Justin's own humiliation."
Wow. These last two chapters hit hard. I'm glad. When we invite, allow someone else into our life, we don't get the option of saying 'fuck you' to the pain they feel at things we do or say. We just don't get that option. We deal with their pain, work through the cause of it, or get out of the relationship. At least that's what we should do. Brian has a way to go.
The point Alex makes about the skewed power dynamic between the man and the boy is excellent. It was very unhealthy and unequal. Not just emotionally, but financially, physically, experientially... I'm on pins and needles for this joint session. While I wait, I'm going to think up ways to painfully and slowly torture Michael Novotny.
Author's Response:
When we invite, allow someone else into our life, we don't get the option of saying 'fuck you' to the pain they feel at things we do or say. We just don't get that option.
No, we don't.
We deal with their pain, work through the cause of it, or get out of the relationship. At least that's what we should do. Brian has a way to go.
Yes, he does. A long way. I had a review on another site asking me when they were going to have sex - was it soon? Even their upcoming "reunion" won't make some people happy because I tend to try and write as realistically as possible. But meh, what do you do? Brian has a shit ton of growing up to do, as does Justin in some ways.
While I wait, I'm going to think up ways to painfully and slowly torture Michael Novotny.
Lol, love your style - let me know what you come up with, hon, because I have some truly diabolical ways, believe me!!