Date: Jan 06, 2018 10:48 pm Title: Chapter 27: Tuesday, November 28th
I can't tell you how much I love this story. I full fledged did the happy wiggle when I saw you had updated. Looking forward to more. x
Author's Response:
Oh, wow, we're completely made up by such a compliment about our story. :D
I (Karynn) am likewise enthralled by your story, The Butterfly Effect. I'm ducking my head in shame for not yet leaving a review, although I favourited it and left kudos on AO3 some chapters ago. I was so good about reviewing before I started writing. *sigh* I will leave the rave review your story deserves soon - promise.
We're working on the next chapter now, although it will likely be a while before we post. Brynn's intensive master's programme comes first, as it should. :)
A teaser for chapter 28 is up in the FanDoc, in case you haven't peeked at it yet.
Wishing you a happy, healthy 2018, Kerri!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jan 05, 2018 12:09 pm Title: Chapter 27: Tuesday, November 28th
What a good longer chapter. Many things are happening. I love the complicity of Ted and Cynthia and very slowly Brian misses Justin and he wants him back! Thank you for the update!
Author's Response:
We're glad you're still reading and reviewing after the long hiatus, Marie-france. :)
Poor Brian, with the way his employees are ganging up on him. :D Such a trial for our favorite adman. :D
Brian's been a bit slow on the uptake where Justin is concerned, lol. Will matters run smoothly now that he's starting to figure it out? That might be too simple...
Wishing you a happy, health 2008!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 03, 2018 12:37 am Title: Chapter 27: Tuesday, November 28th
Love love love Ted & Cynthia together! Tag teaming Brian! Lol
Ben & Ted are adorable! Of course Brian is going to want to protect & look after his friend. More romantic cuteness please!
Justin is so cute with those voicemails to Brian lol Those two need to do it soon!!! Long the long chapters!
Author's Response:
Yay! We're chuffed that you like Abbott & Costello together. :D
Aw, you like the romantic cuteness between Ben and Ted. Brian, however, is groaning at the idea of being subjected to more of that mushy stuff. "Doing it," he says, "is much more my style."
Thanks for the wonderful review, Glo. :) Wishing you a happy, healthy 2018!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 02, 2018 4:36 pm Title: Chapter 27: Tuesday, November 28th
What a fabulous chapter! So many things happened.
The idea of Ted and Ben is interesting: they are both very smart and as Brian would say "boring"; they should match and be a better couple than with Michael.
I'm curious why Dr David is owing Brian. Is it because Brian saw him at the bath house while he was supposed to be at a business meeting?
Justin is making real progress in Brian's opinion, even if the information is coming from David. At least, the name of the new agency is his idea. The cheerleader is as daring as mean. I don't feel her too much for now. I hope she won't play some trick to Justin as he is just trying to help her. Maybe Daphne would help to keep Sydney under control.
The drawing is amazing.
Author's Response:
We're completely made up by your review, Claire. :)
It's good to hear that you like our pairing of Ted and Ben. :D Your comment about them both being 'boring' cracked us up. That sounds spot on for canon Brian for most of seasons 1-4, although he started to appreciate and get to know Ted more during the cancer arc.
David owes Brian for reuniting him with Michael at Michael's 30th birthday party. He clued the doc into paying better attention to Michael's likes and dislikes (i.e., grasping that Michael's favourite food wasn't seafood). More importantly, he put a bee in his bonnet about the perfect birthday gift for Michael - the Captain Astro stand-in.
You're not the only one distrustful of Sydney. We'd love to get a debate about her going in the FanDoc. If you have a moment, drop by and give your opinion. :)
You may be onto something as far as Daph sussing out whether Syd is on the up and up.
Justin was talented from the get-go, wasn't he? Brynn did a great job of 'recombining' the screen caps into one sketch.
Wishing you a healthy, happy 2018!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jan 02, 2018 10:47 am Title: Chapter 27: Tuesday, November 28th
Absolutely Fabulous...fantastic...superb...amazing...marvelous...excellent...mindblowing ...too good...brilliant.. Awesome update.
Happy new year....Enjoy life ladies.....well ur writting...u guys rock.
Author's Response:
You are such a fabulous cheerleader (much better than Sydney, lol) for our story, Navneet. :)
Thanks so much for commenting.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jan 02, 2018 5:11 am Title: Chapter 27: Tuesday, November 28th
Interesting! I'm not a fan of Sydney, though she did have her good points. Love how it turns out Doc Dave found the perfect place for Kinnetik. Justin's three for three. Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Phyllis, for again being the first to review. :)
You're not the only one who's skeptical about Sydney. Maybe you should air your opinion in the FanDoc. It would be great to get a debate going.
We're chuffed that you liked our twist with Dr Dave discovering the bathhouse.
~ KaBrynn
P.S. We're getting closer to awarding your prize for the 100th review on AO3, although it's likely a couple chapters in the future. :)