Date: Aug 10, 2019 11:22 am Title: Chapter 37: SORRY, NOT SORRY
Boy, you are one crazy... hmm... lady!
This was, again, an awesome chapter. So much happening! Annette should have whipped out her phone and caught the looks of Lindsay and Michael while watching Hobbs walk in. And they are willing to plea bargain with Hobbs? That should kind of seal Lindsay's fate, as she was the one who orchestrated everything with him, slept with him., and paid him. I hope he sings like a canary!
It's too bad Clarence didn't have Lindsay go over with him and congratulate her protege on his accomplishments. But she seems to think that in bed tonight she will lay the law down to her fiance. Yeah, good luck with that Lindsay. I think he'd just assume to take Ursula to bed. (What's with all these Disney references... oh, that's right... GUS!)
Hmm... however will Lindsay get home? I presume she has no money...
I loved the sizzling heat of Mel and Leda. The waving was classic you!
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jan 01, 2018 1:25 am Title: Chapter 37: SORRY, NOT SORRY
What a great chapter. I am amazed by your writing. I truly love your stories and the one thing that really amazes me is how you can have so many WIPS going on at once. I would be lucky to keep one going let alone as many as you have. And, each story is so good. I anxiously await updates on each of them. Hope you have a very Happy New Year. May 2018 be good to you.
Date: Jan 01, 2018 1:03 am Title: Chapter 37: SORRY, NOT SORRY
Great and long chapter to start 2018 with an amazing firework!
Happy New Year to you too Nichelle!
Date: Jan 01, 2018 12:33 am Title: Chapter 37: SORRY, NOT SORRY
Such a lot going on. Lindsay thought she would have things her way and found out she was wrong. Clarence isn't really planning on marrying her is he? So much more to learn. Must say I'm enjoying this immensly.
Date: Jan 01, 2018 12:16 am Title: Chapter 37: SORRY, NOT SORRY
My Goodness You Know How To Bitch Slap Goodbye 2017 and bring in 2018 lol
Lindsay might want to get use to being bodily escorted off premises Brian, Justin and the others own cause she has a lot of enemies and gaining more every day.
Especially if the wives of her former lovers decide to sue her for emotional distress and other stuff ;)
A judge is looking into the Hobbs case Uh Oh!!!
Justin proved Lindsay's edit wrong about leaving Pittsburgh and Craig wrong that he wouldn't amount to anything, I doubt Adrianne would consider Lindsay a friend after her behavior towards Justin or like that Lindsay is trying to ride her coattails.
My goodness with Brian and Justin getting back together and becoming stronger, their businesses becoming more influential and Their family growing it is not going to be a good year for Lindsay, Michael, Deb and Craig lol
Fantastic Update!
Happy New Year!!!!! :) <Hugs>