Date: Jan 23, 2022 7:05 am Title: Chapter 8
And again, how can someone be so dumb? Okay, the only credit I can give Michael here is that he is at least honest and admits his jealosy, but that's it. "It was easier to pretend that it had never happened, than to remember what you went through." OMG! He's a selfish little whining dumbass and I think Brian has enough on his plate and shouldn't have to deal with Michael at the moment. Justin should come first for once. So often I had exactly that thought while watching the show regarding Brian's behavior towards Michael and his excuses for him (for example during the cancer storyline).
But as I wrote before, it was not only Michael's behavior, it was the rest of the family (for example when they started this bet about how long they would be happy - so cruel and pathetic) and it was also Brian himself.... "And I went after his ass at every opportunity after that; oh, it was well concealed." "And I resented that easy, open love he had for me" "He had to listen to me deny any kind of feelings I had towards him." - But he starts to admit it, he starts to openly talk about it! That's a start!
Date: Jun 28, 2019 5:53 pm Title: Chapter 8
Brian get rid of Michael, he never learns

Date: Mar 09, 2018 8:41 am Title: Chapter 8
Brian should just deck Michael the weasel that he is....I have always thought Michael was stupid !
Author's Response:
me too. :)

Date: Mar 08, 2018 1:55 am Title: Chapter 8
FUCKING, MICHAEL, seriously. He is so self-righteous. He was told to stay away, but nooo, he knows better.
Author's Response:
He's learning - at the pace of a freaking turtle - but he's learning.
Date: Jan 04, 2018 9:03 am Title: Chapter 8
It never ceases to amaze me the level of self-obsession that is Michael Novotny. Even when he's being a 'good guy' it's still all about him. His need to apologize to Justin had NOTHING to do with Justin and EVERYTHING to do with himself. He needed to unload HIS burden, not lighten Justin's. That's not an apology, that giving himself an emotional enema. I know we tend to over-do his selfishness in our fiction, but even in canon he was totally self-absorbed. Jesus, what an emotional troglodyte.
But at least Brian is beginning to get a clue about his own abusive behavior. He really needs to separate himself from 'the family'. He's addicted in a way to the myth of who Brian Kinney is, and like an alcoholic, he needs to find a support system that doesn't constantly remind him that he just needs another drink.
Author's Response:
Oh, God, how I've missed the depths of your reviews! So HI! *Glomps*
That's not an apology, that giving himself an emotional enema.
This. It may have made me spit coffee when I read it in laughter, but yes, this.
I know we tend to over-do his selfishness in our fiction
We can, which is why I tried to keep it as natural as possible.
but even in canon he was totally self-absorbed
But there you have it.
He's addicted in a way to the myth of who Brian Kinney is
*Squinty eyes* Do you have a portal into my computer because, in a later chapter, Alex actually says this to him. *Wide eyes*
And side note, I was totally stalking you over on AO3 about six months ago, and completely fell in love with your style of writing. To say you are amazing is like saying that sunrises at the beach are borning. Just sayin'. xxx
Date: Dec 29, 2017 12:17 am Title: Chapter 8
Holy shit! Poor Brian. I don't blame him for treating Michael that way, he deserved it. He's such an idiot going to Justin like that, of course he made it worse. I hope Alex can get to Justin soon.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. x

Date: Dec 28, 2017 6:19 pm Title: Chapter 8
Justin was a man drowning calling for help and everyone ignored his cries.
Brian has opened his eyes to the truth of Justin's pain and his pleas for someone to listen and he is seeing how much pain he alone caused his Sunshine.
By forcing Justin to forget The Prom he could hide his own pain but it was pain Justin was going through that no one noticed because they wanted everything to be normal.
Brian fucking Justin was just a joke for everyone to mock so they could ignore the pain and loneliness in their own lives.
Michael let his jealousy consume him and in the process it consumed Justin aswell because he used Justin as his personal punching bag when Brian ignored him.
In a way didn't they all use Justin to make themselves feel better?
Brian lashing out at Michael is way past due he should have told Michael to Mind His Own Business years ago.
Sad thing is Brian was always afraid Justin would break his heart and that's why he treated him like crap and kept him at a distance, but it was actually Michael who broke his heart by telling his heart that it would have been better for everyone if his heart had died!!
Michael came to Brian for absolution and it just made everything 10xs worse than before.
Brian will never forgive him for this.
Bet they are all thinking about Justin asking for help and how they treated him, how they have always treated his and Brian's feelings because they believed the lie instead of the truth that was staring them in the face.
When you hold a mirror up to the truth the reflection back is more uglier than the lie you put your faith in.
Another teary-eyed chapter and I can't wait for the next!!!!
Author's Response:
In a way didn't they all use Justin to make themselves feel better?
I feel the same way, believe me!
When you hold a mirror up to the truth the reflection back is more uglier than the lie you put your faith in.
I am so pinching this! Because that is such a powerful and real statement. Glad you're still enjoying this, hon.

Date: Dec 28, 2017 2:00 pm Title: Chapter 8
Wow! Just wow. Michael confessed and Brian let him have it. Finally. Now to let Alex know so he can hopefully do something, though what that is I don't know. Suspensefully done. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. And this was one of the things that I had hated - that Brian never addressed what Michael had said to him that day. It was an ugly thing to say, and it ended up being about Brian appologising. This is my attempt at fixing that. xx
Date: Dec 28, 2017 9:00 am Title: Chapter 8
What an amazing chapter! The emotions that Brian was feeling, I could feel them too.
Even if what Michael told him was daggers through his heart, Brian now knows quite all that Michael did/said and why; I suspect he had known the "why", but to hear it like that must have been awful because he now knows that Justin asked for help, and nobody replied and he "drown" alone in his misery and pain. What a shame for such a brilliant person, not that it would be welcomed for an average victim.
Author's Response:
I agree - to ask for help and be ignored would destroy most people. Thanks, hon. xx