Date: Jan 23, 2022 5:14 am Title: Chapter 6
And again, intense and amazing chapter! I like how you present Alex, how he's also coming straight to the point, not holding back. In this short conversation he already shows Brian so many truths, which Brian didn't see or didn't want to see, but which he hay to accept and deal with if he really wants to help Justin. And I'm sure he will choose the second choice! And then the real work begins because long before Justin needed therapy Brian would long already needed it. Don't get me wrong. I love Brian and I love Justin and I love their love, in my opinion they belong together. Both of them made mistakes and I didn't always or I did often not agree with the way the authors let them go through some storylines. Such complex characters, Brian who is already damaged when he meets Justin. Justin who goes through so much in the first season... So many interesting storylines which stayed sorts of open... And this damned 5. season with this stupid end where it looks as Brian just goes on to living his life as he has before Justin. Pathetic. I'm looking forward to continue to read your story because from what I've read so far I'm sure that you will open many of Brian's wounds and let him work through them. In order to help Justin he will have to really open himself!

Date: Mar 08, 2018 1:29 am Title: Chapter 6
I love Alex, and omg, you're making SO MUCH SENSE. I am glad he admitted he loved Justin, of course, he does, and Alex is right, Justin will need to get to know the sweet, unselfish Brian that lurks within. The one he doesn't let people see.
Author's Response:
*Grins* I've had that a lot - people saying that they had never looked at a particular scene the way I have. I'm really glad you are enjoying this, hon. xx
Date: Dec 18, 2017 4:29 am Title: Chapter 6
Great job getting to the psychology behind the characters. Loving this so far. TAG
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. x
Date: Dec 18, 2017 2:15 am Title: Chapter 6
Holy shit! My heart is breaking for Brian but Alex is right. I'm glad he wants to help Brian & Justin get back together though. Will Justin even see Brian anytime soon?
Author's Response:
Soon. ;) What the last 6 chapters have covered, is literally a 24 hour period. So yes...soon. lol. Thanks, hon.
Date: Dec 16, 2017 2:17 am Title: Chapter 6
Still loving this story. Gut-wrenching writing. More updates please to fill the long Christmas nights...
Author's Response:
Glad you are still enjoying it, hon. x
Date: Dec 15, 2017 7:14 pm Title: Chapter 6
This story is so heartbreaking. It is turning me into an emotional mess. Now I feel like I need to talk to Alex. You are a gifted writer to allow that to happen. Can't wait to see where it finally ends.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. I'm glad you are getting the feels for this. x
Date: Dec 15, 2017 7:00 pm Title: Chapter 6
Amazing chapter! Very thorough analysis. At least, Brian did get some answers and possible way to get Justin on the right track.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. And answers, yes. The hows are yet to come.

Date: Dec 15, 2017 6:08 pm Title: Chapter 6
Alex told Brian the truth about how Justin began to disappear and no one noticed and what Brian has to do to save Justin and himself.
Everyone just wanted to ignore that what Justin went through wasn't serious and Justin would be the same.
But no one can go through getting hit with a bat, heart stopping, a coma and come out the same person.
No one let Justin talk and vent out his frustration and anger they just wanted him to be who he was before.
But how can he be someone he can't remember anymore???
Michael had a small hand to play in this drama but everyone's hand is dirty and only Gus is clean because he didn't force Justin to be who he was before Prom, he accepted Justin for who he is now.
They all used a metaphorical bat on Justin and it was worse than what Chris Hobbs did because they destroyed his spirit over and over again.
I got teary-eyed reading this chapter and I know there will be more teary-eyed moments to come.
Author's Response:
Michael had a small hand to play in this drama but everyone's hand is dirty
This is true. :)
I got teary-eyed reading this chapter and I know there will be more teary-eyed moments to come.
This is true too. *Cheeky grin*
I'm really glad you are enjoying this, hon. Thank you for the review.

Date: Dec 15, 2017 3:21 pm Title: Chapter 6
Alex laid it all out for Brian. Now we have to wait and see if Brian is capable of doing what is needed. So very realistic and heartbreaking at the same time.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. I'm glad that you feel that this is realistic. As for Brian, he'll have to learn how to be capable. ;)