Date: Jan 23, 2022 4:30 am Title: Chapter 5
Thanks for another great chapter! Your writing style is so wonderful. I have to say when you mentioned Justin giving his POA to Daphne I was concerned that it might have had something to do with Sap's party and I was really worried that you might have changed that storyline and didn't let Justin got off so lightly there (I don't think he would had got away in real life. If these men had really wanted that, how could he have defended himself in his condition. But as I said, I'm glad you didn't change it. This storyline always touches and scares me very much).
Oh, and then the first time Michael opens his mouth, bullshit comes out again. What's wrong with him? "How were they kissing?" "Like you kiss me" - And that was also something that always annoyed me. Sure, those rules might have been a little silly, but why did Michael and Brian keep kissing all the time.. Oh, okay, was I too hasty? The last straw for Justin was the conversation between Justin and Michael. I just rewatched this scene in QAF and also without the awful line that Brian should have left Justin lying there, this scene and Michael's behavior is bad enough. "I have lost him and for what? A fucking kiss between friends?" - As I said, I really really don't like Michael and he's a big part of what's happening, but then again it's not that simple. They all contribute their share and Brian's share is not small either.
Debbie's speech to Michael is wonderful and she gets all things to the point! I also completely agree with Justin's classification of the family. You really have the gift of getting things straight to the point, including the way Lindsay is portrayed (that's exactly why I don't like her) - "the first and only Mrs. B.A Kinney" haha. Unfortunately, Brian sometimes didn't clearly draw the line here either. I love Mel's reaction at the end!
Date: Jun 28, 2019 5:07 pm Title: Chapter 5
fucking Michael and Lindsey

Date: Mar 08, 2018 1:12 am Title: Chapter 5
This was beautiful. I so want to go to sleep right now as it's so late, but I am making a cup of tea and I am going to keep on reading. I may regret this in the morning LOL.
I love how you have Debbie being there for Brian, she knows he needs someone right now. And Mel's gesture at the end was so lovely. My heart is aching, and it's all because of how Michael was a DUMB ASS in this. Don't get me wrong, Brian isn't innocent in this, but Michael made everything 100 times worse.
Author's Response:
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who reads and reads and reads and then looks at the clock and goes "oh, shit, it's 3 am!!" And yes, Michael will continue to be the definition of 'insert foot here...mind you teeth'

Date: Dec 10, 2017 12:45 am Title: Chapter 5
Michael spewed his venom but then again they all did because they didn't want to believe that Brian might actually care for Justin.
Michael and Lindsay don't want Brian to ever change because he would leave them behind and because when Brian loves he does it with his whole heart and they wouldn't have a place there anymore.
Justin has a lot of anger to deal with and he is fighting giving in to that anger.
Mel has always let her fear and jealousy rule her interactions with Brian and allowed Lindsay to have the upper hand.
I don't think Brian could ever forgive Michael for his blind jealousy when it comes to Justin, or forgive the others for their cruel words about his feelings towards Justin.
Lack of communication and jealousy can destroy everything when you don't set boundaries and some are allowed free reign to act like high school kids who think they are bulletproof from consequences.
This chapter was so hard, but it's going to get worse before it gets better...Right?
Author's Response:
Justin has a lot of anger to deal with and he is fighting giving in to that anger.
I'm glad you picked up on that and in a way you are right. There are seven stages of grief - Justin is currently stuck in anger, and that is where he is comfortable staying. ;)
Lack of communication and jealousy can destroy everything when you don't set boundaries
Yes, it can, and Brian is learning this.
This chapter was so hard, but it's going to get worse before it gets better...Right?
*Cheeky grin*
Thanks, hon. x
Date: Dec 08, 2017 10:28 pm Title: Chapter 5
What a chapter! I'm so proud of Debbie. For once, she did and said the right things. Heartbreaking, I can feel Brian's pain.
The way Emmett describes the night with the Sap and what Justin thinks about everybody: awful; how could he feel good within this family?
The only "light" part is Gus.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon; it was meant to be hard to read/hear/listen too - and I'm glad you feel Brian's pain.

Date: Dec 08, 2017 6:26 am Title: Chapter 5
I hate Michael poor stupid Brian
Author's Response:
lol, I'm not a Michael fan either.
Date: Dec 07, 2017 5:46 pm Title: Chapter 5
What an amazing chapter. Your writing and imagination are just so powerful. Another story where I will use a box of Kleenex. Hope it has a good ending. Happy that the entire family now knows what a miserable piece of humanity Michael is and that they are not the innocents either.
Author's Response:
Another story where I will use a box of Kleenex.
Hmmm... I'll see if I can make you use two. ;) But thank you for the lovely compliment regarding my writing style - that means a lot.

Date: Dec 07, 2017 4:00 pm Title: Chapter 5
It's nice to see that Emmett can continue to be Justin's friend and that he confirmed for everyone how evil Michael was to Justin. I'm glad to see that Michael got called on his shit and hope he gets what he so richly deserves. What happens next has me waiting to find out!
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon - I'm glad you are enjoying this. x
Date: Dec 07, 2017 3:21 pm Title: Chapter 5
Nice to see the gang all finally admitting they were all at fault here. Not sure how you fix this mess though. TAG
Author's Response:
Very slowly!! lol!! Thanks, babe.