Date: Nov 11, 2017 3:14 am Title: Chapter 26: Monday, November 27th
Read the whole chapter again...almost a month without any update...feeling sad...i hope RL is treating u good..nothing bad is going on...take care..missing the update very much..please update soon....take care guys..love u and hugs to both.
Author's Response:
You are the best cheerleader for our story! Fortunately, you already know that we're diligently writing away and hope to have a new chapter out soon, maybe even - fingers and toes crossed - by New Year's Day. :)
Thanks so much for all the comments, Navneet. We appreciate each and every one. :) All the gifs of the boys and the videos of Harley help keep us inspired.
Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Oct 24, 2017 1:16 pm Title: Chapter 26: Monday, November 27th
I really like your ‘Carl’ here - it would have been great to have him in the Picture first season. TAG
Author's Response:
We're made up that you like our Carl. We agree; there should have been more of the gruff detective from the very beginning.
Apologies for the 'slight' delay in responding to your comments. Real life threw a wrench into our writing schedule, but we are now working on the next chapter. :)
Wishing you a happy, healthy 2018, TAG!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Oct 20, 2017 6:16 am Title: Chapter 26: Monday, November 27th
Loved the chapter...u guys rock as always...spectacular work...daph and justin together are adorable....and justin and carl are developing a special bond there...brian is cranky as always...come on stop torturing him and give him some hot ass cute twink already..lols...thanks for the superb update.
P.S- sorry for the late read...was very busy with all the festivities going on in here...had little to no time to read.
Author's Response:
We're chuffed that you enjoy Daph and Justin. Good friends like that - all the camaraderie and teasing rivalry - are hard to find.
Justin's lucky to have found a second father figure in Carl. You're spot on that they're developing a special bond. :)
Oh, come on. How could we possibly stop torturing Brian? It's way too much fun. Hmm, it seems Brian has a 'hot ass cute twink' in his sights, but the stud still seems a trifle clueless about an effective approach. :D
Thanks so much for commenting, Navneet. We're maybe a 'trifle' more delayed in replying to you than you were in posting a comment. :D The good news - as you know - is that we are writing away on the next chapter. Fingers crossed that we'll be be able to post by New Year's Day.
Wishing you a happy, healthy 2018!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Oct 18, 2017 5:40 am Title: Chapter 26: Monday, November 27th
You write in such detail about Justin's everyday life, I sometimes feel sorry for him. You have him trying to make the best of his situation. Poor Brian, is he ever going to get laid?
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for commenting!
We are producing awfully short chapters, aren't we? :D All the detail has become part of the slow-burn romance between our boys. Thank goodness for their lovely memories as they - hopefully - find their way back to each other.
Justin is lucky to be surrounded by friends and family who love him. They're helping him through the tough times.
Oh, yes. Woe is Brian. It's amazing he can function with being so sexually frustrated. What will the beleaguered stud do?
Apologies for the 'slight' delay in responding to you. Real life hit and interfered big time with our writing. The good news is that we're diligently working on the next chapter. With a bit of luck we'll be able to post by New Year's Day.
Wishing you a happy, healthy 2018!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Oct 17, 2017 3:19 pm Title: Chapter 26: Monday, November 27th
What a jerk Dixon can be: I hope you will get him some punishment in return.
Justin and Daphne: always having the other's back and being true friends.
Brian and Debbie: I love their interactions and how Debbie is onto Brian, not letting him off the hook.
Justin and Carl: it's great that he has another father figure apart from Vic.
Great update! Thank you!
Author's Response:
We also want Dixon to get his comeuppance. In the meantime, the way Justin stands up to him is frustrating the maths teacher to no end. :)
That's so very true... Justin and Daphne are the epitome of true friends, always there for each other, including the friendly rivalry and joshing.
You're right about Debbie being on to Brian; that's the way mothers are - eyes in the back of their heads. :D
Justin's very lucky to have two father figures like Carl and Vic. We really enjoy writing his interactions with both of them.
Thanks for being such a faithful reviewer, Claire. :) Our apologies for the 'slight' delay in responding. Real life interfered big time with our writing schedule, but we're getting back on track. We hope to post an update soon... maybe even by New Year's Day.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Oct 17, 2017 12:24 pm Title: Chapter 26: Monday, November 27th
Justin and Carl have a good meal. Carl takes care of Justin like a father.
I can't wait to see what Wen could do at St James!!!
Justin is really brave with what he suffers at St James happily Daphnée is a really good friend.
Thank you for the update !!
Author's Response:
We really enjoy writing Justin with Carl, so we're made up that you enjoy reading them. :)
There may be a lot of flies on the wall in Jerkins' office, listening to Wen give him a dressing down, lol.
It's really sad how many kids were (and are) bullied for their sexual orientation. :( Justin's situation is pretty dire but not, we think that far removed from reality. Justin's lucky to have good people on his side, including Daphne, to help him get through.
Thank you for reviewing, Marie-france. Our apologies for the 'slightly' belated response. Real life has been a right pain, but the good news is that we're hard at work on the next chapter. With a bit of luck, we may be able to post by New Year's Day. :D
Best wishes to you for a happy, healthy 2018!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Oct 17, 2017 1:33 am Title: Chapter 26: Monday, November 27th
Crappy teacher....great best friend and understanding cop.Great chapter
Author's Response:
We're chuffed you enjoyed this chapter. There will be more of the besties, Carl, and - unfortunately - Dickhead Dixon to come.
Your comments are much appreciated. :) If you'd like a sneak peek, a teaser for the next chapter is available in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Oct 16, 2017 10:47 pm Title: Chapter 26: Monday, November 27th
Wonderful chapter, but I really want to see Wen have a go at Dickshit. It was nice that Carl and Justin had a meal together. Shame Brian couldn't join them.
Author's Response:
Get in line. :D We all want to see Wen give Jerkins the what-for.
Carl's becoming an incredible surrogate father and mentor for Justin. One of these days... maybe... Brian will join Justin and Carl for a meal. Right now, he's still recoving from all those Thanksgiving carbs. :D
Thanks for reviewing, Phyllis. :) A teaser for the next chapter is up in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Oct 16, 2017 10:21 pm Title: Chapter 26: Monday, November 27th
I am so not looking forward to eastcoast winter! I hate snow! Justin has got to get a proper winter coat & boots, jeez... he's so stubborn. That's so awesome that he can count on Carl. Nice dinner they had together. I wish Brian & he had a scene together....you're killing me ladies! At least he had B.O.B. lol
Author's Response:
Wow! You must've gobbled down this chapter right away, Glo. :) You were the first to review
'Stubborn' is definitely a good word to describe Justin. Undoubtedly why he's such a good match for Brian.
We're having a great time exploring the developing father-son relationship between Carl and Justin.
Yeah, yeah, we know. You cheeky readers want more of Brian and Justin together. :D Battery Operated Brian and Glass Dildo Justin will have to do for now.
Did you get why Karynn said the gif you posted on the AO3 page was relevant to this chapter? *cough* It's because of the 'boob' discussions in this chapter. :D
A teaser for the next chapter is up in the FanDoc...
~ KaBrynn