Date: Aug 10, 2019 4:37 am Title: Chapter 34: CLOSER Part 2
You gave us a little of everything in this chapter.
Lindsay's webs of deceit... you just know they are all setting her up to keep digging herself deeper. That lie regarding Gus' college fund is going to come back and bite her in the behind. I have to really wonder where her head is at with her thinking these lies aren't going to catch up to her, and the fact about still marrying Clarence. Him telling her he expects her to work, was Classic.
Mr. Idiot himself. He should have also tried saying *altrujism* to the judge.
Then we had an even hotter version of King of Babylon. It was described so well, I could see the dance in my head.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jan 20, 2018 3:52 am Title: Chapter 34: CLOSER Part 2
Oh my goodness...
Date: Oct 16, 2017 12:55 am Title: Chapter 34: CLOSER Part 2
WOW this was one hot chapter! The opening scene was epic! I love when Justin takes charge, so incredibly hot. These two are combustible. Phew!
Lindsay’s world as she knows it is spiraling out of control. She’s so Delusional just like her partner in crime and his mom. I love Nancy and Ron in this too. She really has no one to turn to.
The courtroom scene was so typically Michael. Dumb as the day is long. Disrespectful beyond reason. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that he thinks he is justified in what he did. I think they need to lock him up with the most dangerous of criminals and throw away the key!
I enjoyed the boys’ talk when they woke up. How could Brian think that Justin would be the same way with Ethan? Pfft... unheard of. Brian’s reaction to the clothes and how Justin got them was priceless. Sunshine doing some name dropping and basically handing him two huge accounts was hilarious.
Justin will always be the ultimate King of Babylon. That closing scene was amazing! I have no other words about that!
Thank you for treating us with three chapters back to back to back. Looking forward to the next!
Date: Oct 12, 2017 11:44 pm Title: Chapter 34: CLOSER Part 2
So glad they ditched Deb!
thanks for the three new chapters!
Date: Oct 12, 2017 3:29 pm Title: Chapter 34: CLOSER Part 2
The first scene after Vic and Deb are gone is way hotter than any make up sex scene ever! Justin was on fire!
Lindsey is starting to freak out, but still thinks she will be a trophy wife very soon.
The "altruistic" scene and the whole courtroom part was hilarious, yet, I felt so bad for Deb as she must realize her son is intellectually challenged.
I loved when Justin explained that Ethan couldn't compete with Brian, not that we needed the confirmation, but Brian did.
Then the "Balmain" scene, when Brian demands Justin to explain himself: Justin loves teasing Brian so much! Yet, Brian didn't expect to get a few contracts this way (and what contracts!).
The Babylon part was burning my screen and I just wanted to read how it ended: did Justin get his crown back?
Great chapter!!!
You are spoiling us Nichelle! Thank you so much!
Date: Oct 12, 2017 12:11 pm Title: Chapter 34: CLOSER Part 2
So sad that everyone lost Deb, although she really needs to get her act together. Toppy Justin/Bottom Brian is so hot! Loved it! Lindsay is so entitled it makes me sick, good for Mel, I know she feels bad but she'll be better off. And Michael is such an idiot! No social couth or proper courtroom etiquette instilled in him at all. What an embarrassment.
You are on a roll my friend! Go girl go!
Date: Oct 12, 2017 2:19 am Title: Chapter 34: CLOSER Part 2
Both Lindsay and Michael don't seem to realize they are in the hot seat. Will Deb be joining them? Everything Brian and Justin was so HOT I had to turn up my air conditioner.
Date: Oct 12, 2017 1:57 am Title: Chapter 34: CLOSER Part 2
This story is so freakin' awesome!!! Hope there's more coming soon!
Date: Oct 12, 2017 1:12 am Title: Chapter 34: CLOSER Part 2
So glad they ditched Deb!
thanks for the three new chapters!