Date: Jan 19, 2018 4:24 am Title: The Narthex
Very sweet little bonus chapter here!!
Date: Oct 31, 2017 9:18 am Title: The Narthex
This is stunning, really moving, and I love the way you present an astonishing vision of time here and the non linear way it might operate on the astral plane

Date: Oct 18, 2017 11:44 pm Title: The Narthex
Seeing this from Justin's side is perfect.

Date: Oct 12, 2017 12:23 am Title: The Narthex
Author's Response:
:) Thank you.
Date: Oct 11, 2017 10:14 pm Title: The Narthex
Thank you. I’m so happy you posted this. I read it when it was first posted, but I forgot how much I love it.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading it again! Hope you like it as much this time.

Date: Oct 11, 2017 10:02 pm Title: The Narthex
I read this when you first posted this many moons ago.
And just like the first time, you have me feeling a range of emotions that are hard to describe.
Thank you for sharing your stories with us. (going to a corner to get my crying under control. Brought back memoires of a friend who has passed)
Date: Oct 11, 2017 8:13 pm Title: The Narthex
I just finished reading this. It was really good and sad. I normally hate death fiction, but this was beautiful.

Date: Oct 11, 2017 3:44 pm Title: The Narthex
To start, I've read this before.
Many times.
And yet...I could not resist this posting.
I can never resist your gift, even when I know I'm going to sob through every chapter, and be unable to produce a review for each one because I am unable to convey the depth of the emotion I feel.
So, here goes...
You, have been my favorite author since I first came to the fandom. I am not a crier by nature, but you seem to be able to pull the tears from me at will, by your sheer mastery of the craft, followed very closely by your elemental understanding of what makes we humans (not to mention these characters ) tick.
Thank you for sharing your gift with me.
Forever Grateful,
Author's Response:
I need a tissue...
That is such a beautiful thing to say, Saje. Thank you so very much. I love deep emotion when I read, a lot of introspetion and self-analysis. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it gets inside the heads so deeply. So I try to write that way. Fail a lot, but I keep digging.
Here... have one of my tissues. I promise it's clean and dry. :)