Date: Oct 20, 2017 3:13 pm Title: Chapter 25: Sunday, November 26th
Brian still didn’t get around to asking Justin back to the loft - darn! TAG
Author's Response:
His balls are very, very blue. Poor stud.
Thanks for commenting, TAG!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Oct 16, 2017 11:52 pm Title: Chapter 25: Sunday, November 26th
Brian is an idiot...just tell Justin he misses him. Yeh that's going to happen
Author's Response:
"I miss you" sounds suspiciously like "I love you" to the stud. He wants to try out his fuckbuddy concept before he does anything else. We'll see how that goes. :D
Thanks for commenting. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Oct 05, 2017 5:05 am Title: Chapter 25: Sunday, November 26th
Terrific chapter...awesome work guys...kinney is getting tired now i guess or he is getting impatient ...what is he gonna do?? Very very good chapter...the story gets more interesting when temmet is there with little sunshine..lols..thanks for the update...looking forward to see what happens next .
Author's Response:
Once again, thanks for your continued support, Navneet. Your comments always make us smile.
Temmet are a wonderful team of two great friends. Brian never did like it when the Emmett half put his hands on Sunshine. :D By this point, Brian's balls are so blue that he can barely think, poor stud. :D
We're working on the next chapter... teaser in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Oct 02, 2017 6:03 pm Title: Chapter 25: Sunday, November 26th
Once more, Brian leaves alone... He could have followed Justin in the house at the end.
The mystery is still there with only more impact than Brian was thinking.
Author's Response:
Poor Brian... such blue balls... :D He must have a bit of trepidation about how Justin will respond to his 'proposal'.
Brian has garnered a little bit of information about the burglary, but not enough to figure things out. Looks like he'll have to wait for the police investigation to proceed.
Thanks for reviewing, Claire! We're working on the next chapter, with a teaser available in the FanDoc. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Oct 02, 2017 4:23 pm Title: Chapter 25: Sunday, November 26th
Emmett and Ted are a good team !
I can't wait for the end of the police invesigation and Brian can apologize to Justin ! Thank you for the update, another great chapter !
Author's Response:
You're the second reader to comment on team Temmet. :) They do work well together. :)
And also the second reader who's trying to speed along the police investigation, while being certain of the outcome. :D Picture Detective Wen regarding you with a stony expression.
We always enjoy your reviews, Marie-france. Thanks for commenting!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Oct 02, 2017 1:57 pm Title: Chapter 25: Sunday, November 26th
So Brian's plan is to try to persuade Justin to go to the loft for a fuck? Like he actually has to try? All he has to do is say come over & Justin will be there! Lol I wish my past garage sales were like that!
"Hands off Honeycutt!" Really Brian, can you be any more obvious? Why didn't anyone call him on his actual possessiveness of Justin? Very subtle Brian! Lol
And good for detective Kinney, he'll probably be a big help in this investigation. Can't wait for that to be over, out in the open, finished...whatever, so Brian can eat his words & apologize to his Sunshine.
Author's Response:
Yeah... sure... Justin's such an easy lay. :D Brian's goal may not be as easily achievable as the stud thinks. :D
I'm (Karynn) with you. My past garage sales have been total dullsville in comparison, and the income hasn't been anywhere near as good.
Brian must figure that subtlety would be wasted on Emmett. He never has liked the queen's hands to be on his Sunshine.
Hmm... Detective Kinney... you've gotten Brian all puffed up, lol. You cheeky reader - trying to get us to speed the police along on their investigation. 'You do seem certain of the outcome. :D
Thanks for reviewing, Glo! We got a laugh out of your comments.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Oct 02, 2017 2:35 am Title: Chapter 25: Sunday, November 26th
Terrific chapter...awesome work guys...kinney is getting tired now i guess or he is getting impatient ...what is he gonna do?? Very very good chapter...the story gets more interesting when temmet is there with little sunshine..lols..thanks for the update...looking forward to see what happens next .
Author's Response:
Thanks for your continued support, Navneet. Your comments always make us smile.
Temmet are a wonderful team of two great friends. Brian never did like it when the Emmett half put his hands on Sunshine. :D By this point, Brian's balls are so blue that he can barely think, poor stud. :D
We're working on the next chapter... teaser in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Oct 02, 2017 1:10 am Title: Chapter 25: Sunday, November 26th
Another fantastic chapter. Love the bit with Justin dressed up. Bet Deb and Vic made a killing. Looks like we might get a clue as to who burgled Brian. Brian and Justin detective team? Working together might get them back to bed.
Author's Response:
Thanks for being the first to comment - again. :)
We're chuffed that you enjoyed this chapter and the garage sale. Those scenes were a lot of fun to write.
It's possible that Justin and Brian will put their heads together to try and suss out more about the burglary...
Always good to hear your thoughts, Phyllis! :)
~ KaBrynn