Date: Nov 27, 2017 1:07 pm Title: In the Presence of the Enemy
Yay for Sam.

Date: Oct 07, 2017 1:05 am Title: In the Presence of the Enemy
There are parents who don't care who their child loves...they are out there
Thanks for writing about the parents of the slain boy
Author's Response:
There are many parents who accept their children no matter what, but there are many that don't.
Kids like this are thrown out all the time.
~charming1 and Lorie~

Date: Oct 02, 2017 12:36 am Title: In the Presence of the Enemy
Things are looking up. I see there were pictures. Is there one of a certain dark haired man? Justin finding a boy that could have been Brian was sad. But at least one homeless boy won't be homeless anymore. Love how KiKi had Michael tossed out.
Author's Response:
No one really noticed details of the man because he is very forgettable.
The dark haired man has gotten very careless and will soon be even moreso.
Sam willnow be happy with people who know how to care for people based on who they are not who they love.
Kiki refuses to put up with the weasal's bullying.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Oct 01, 2017 11:50 pm Title: In the Presence of the Enemy
Uh. My bet is still on Ethan as the murderer. How could no one see what happened with so many people including the police around?
Poor Justin to think that was Brian. Those two should go away until the killer is caught although realilisticly they can't.
Nice of the Clarkes help Sam by taking him in. Hope it works out for all of them.
Author's Response:
He is getting careless, to do it with so many people around was stupid.
They are too busy to be able to get away, but they will stick close together.
They will take care of Sam, it will help them heal.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Oct 01, 2017 8:45 pm Title: In the Presence of the Enemy
Pat and Sandy are angels. So beautiful. I hope they will be able to help Sam.
Ugh, Michael is the one who needs to shut up. I really, really want to punch him. Would that be okay for you?
Poor Justin... he thought the dead boy was Brian. It must have been a shock for him. He and Brian need to be safe.
Author's Response:
They will do for Sam what they didn't get to do for Aaron.
If Michael got hit as many times as he deserved, there would be nothing left of him to write about.
It certainly helps him realize how Brian felt seeing the body behind Babylon.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Oct 01, 2017 7:09 pm Title: In the Presence of the Enemy
Michael is getting more and more bitter and mean. I don't think he is the murderer, even if he thinks all that happened to him was Brian and Justin's fault.
Maybe Ethan? But, he wouldn't want to hurt his hands.
Author's Response:
Michael is just a nasty, bitter, selfish prick.
The murderer will screw up soon.
~charming1 and Lorie~