Date: Nov 27, 2017 11:23 am Title: Postmortem
They all have such big hearts
Date: Sep 27, 2017 12:48 am Title: Postmortem
Genius! After Vic's house, this one will help another part of the gay community. Carl is the man of the situation. Great name!
It's very spooky that both dead hustlers looked like Brian and Justin! Glad that they don't know it.
Author's Response:
It's always good to help people if you can.
They do know, because of Debbie, but once could just be a coincidence.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Sep 26, 2017 2:25 am Title: Postmortem
Such a needed service- too bad there are not more people like Carl
Author's Response:
Carl wants to help and knows where to go to get the help.
It would be great if this was a real thing. Not many people have the resources to do something like this.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Sep 25, 2017 8:11 pm Title: Postmortem
Hey y'all, I may not be able to review all the time but rest assured I am reading this. I'm already in love with the mystery element of it. I would automatically say that the killer is the Moronic Moocher but I'm voting entirely for someone else. Michael is too lazy and intellectually-challenged to pull something like that off, especially if staying true to the BP universe.
So by deduction, I know it has to be someone with a HUGE axe to grind, who was most likely either rejected by the duo- individually or collectively, OR it's someone with a knowledge of law enforcement, who knows how to keep evidence from being found. That said, I'm voting for four people: Kip, Ethan, Sapperstein and Stockwell. The first three were rejected by Brian and Justin; the latter knows how to keep his proverbial nose clean and mislead cops in the process (look what happened with Kenneth Reichert). I could also see Brandon entering this fray BUT, he's much too arrogant to do something like this. He's one who needs to be wanted so it kinda goes against the idea of him even thinking he should pay for ass.
Anyway, I look forward to see where you two will take this! Hopefully the "Sunshine and Rainbows" Foundation will thwart any more murders, but also expose the killer(s) of Kyle and Frankie. Poor boys!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
Hey Chelle,
It definitely is one of the people you mentioned.
The foundation will help a lot of kids, in many ways.
The murderer isn't finished yet.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Sep 25, 2017 7:45 pm Title: Postmortem
I hope this works.
Author's Response:
Brian and Justin don't have bad ideas.
It will be great.
~charming1 and Lorie~

Date: Sep 25, 2017 3:22 pm Title: Postmortem
Love this idea. If only it were used in real life. I notice this is anti-Ethan and I'm guessing we know who did away with the Brian look-a-like.
Author's Response:
It would be great if people could really be like that for the thrown away kids.
It's anti-Ethan and anti-Michael.
There may be only one murderer. But they could have something against both men.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Sep 25, 2017 2:46 pm Title: Postmortem
I love Carl's idea and it's great that Brian and Justin didn't even hesitate. With all of them working together, they will make Sunshine and Rainbows not only a success but also a great place for all those homeless souls. Hopefully every single one will get the chance to make something out of their lives.
Author's Response:
They are all caring people and want everyone to be safe and accepted.
There will be more help coming to the residents.
~charming1 and Lorie~

Date: Sep 25, 2017 1:57 pm Title: Postmortem
Banner is simply marvelous.
Author's Response:
Wendy Dawn did make a perfect banner for our story.
~charming1 and Lorie~

Date: Sep 25, 2017 1:56 pm Title: Postmortem
Awesome chapter.... They all are doing soo kind work..loving it...thanks for the update.
Author's Response:
They are great people and really want to help.
More soon.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Sep 25, 2017 12:57 pm Title: Postmortem
I have a few ideas who is behind the murders, but I'll keep quiet. Great start. My only critique: Could you put a space between paragraphs. It would make it easier to read. Thanks.
Author's Response:
The murderer will be caught.
Glad you're enjoying the story.
The problem with the spacing between paragraphs seems to only be happening if you are using the 'Cabaret' skin. If you change to another skin there is spacing between the paragraphs. We are working on fixing the problem.
~charming1 and Lorie~