Date: Sep 27, 2018 2:46 am Title: Chapter 79: Justin and Brian meet when...
I can see all three of these plots as good reads. Good Job Deb!
#1 could have so many possibilities. Justin was already going to work for Brian, sooooo... maybe he goes to work in the New York branch instead. Mel and Lindsay could both lose their parental rights. But, what happens to Jenny? Is Michael any kind of a father? Can Michael afford to keep Jenny? Are Michael and Ben still together, or has Ben died and left everything to Hunter?
#2 the race is on to prove Justin's innocense, and find the real kidnapper. Does he look similar to Justin? Is it a set-up? Does Michael find out Justin and Brian know each other and are having a secret relationship, and Michael is trying to get Justin out of Brian's life? Is Lindsay involved with Michael's scheme?
#3 Okay... Just how young is the 'young blond'? If it's only been two years, the little boy can only be a little over a year old. Scenarios... Did Brian and Justin have their one night stand? And did Justin top Brain, so that Justin is the father? Or, is Brian the father, and recognizes Justin as his one night stand that he has never gotten over? How would Justin have come to be with Gus in the park? What's Melanie's reaction when she learns the truth of Lindsay's deception?
Date: Nov 03, 2017 1:51 am Title: Chapter 79: Justin and Brian meet when...
OMG! Can someone write number one, PLEASE!