Reviews For Heart's Desire
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Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 17, 2017 3:50 pm Title: Chapter 6

Well that was solved pretty fast.  Those parents were fools and will be paying for it with jail time.  Now we need to get Gibbs together with Tony to form Tibbs.  Brian and Justin should be a good couple if Brian's friends don't fuck it up.

Author's Response:

Yep, we wanted the crime out of the way to focus on the characters and couples. Now we come to the emotional parts.
The next chapter is coming soon, I promise. Thank you for your review. I appreciate it very much.

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 17, 2017 2:31 pm Title: Chapter 6

What a tragedy: parents bombing their son, while wanting to get rid of his lover!

Some irony for Brian: caught in his "game". We need to get some background about Justin: why his crush for Brian ended?

Author's Response:

It's a tragedy, yes. Really sad. Their plan backfired.
I promise that you'll find out what happened with Justin's feelings for Brian. Did they really end? Or was there someone maybe in denial?

Reviewer: sophiesmom Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 17, 2017 1:18 pm Title: Chapter 6

Hendrik's parents have lost everything due to their bigotry. What a shame.

Brian went to prom. Brian was Justin's first. Brian let him go to find happiness. Justin thinks they're just friends? Boy does he have alot to learn. Ha!

Author's Response:

I knew you would like those little tidbits about Brian and Justin's history. At this point in our story, Justin was still in denial about his feelings for Brian. It will come out in a later chapter. Brian was so convinced that Hendrick was better for Justin. There's a flashback about a little talk between Brian and Hendrick. It will all make sense later, I promise :)

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