Date: Oct 14, 2017 10:12 pm Title: Chapter 23: Friday, November 24th
So Brian’s finally thinking about making up with Justin again? I approve! Lol. TAG
Author's Response:
The stud wouldn't couch it in those words, but the process has started. Now to see whether he can get any satisfaction...
Thanks for reviewing, TAG. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Sep 18, 2017 1:18 am Title: Chapter 23: Friday, November 24th
- I smell trouble- the copy took him home today- but I'm worried. Brian needs to step up before something bad happens
Author's Response:
We're all worried about our favourite blond, but fortunately, Justin has all sorts of people looking out for him.
Real life got in the way of writing the last couple of weeks, but we're working on the next chapter now and hope to post it soon. In the meantime, a teaser is available in the FanDoc. :)
Thanks for commenting, Sandy!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Sep 15, 2017 1:52 pm Title: Chapter 23: Friday, November 24th
I love this chapter Vic is really very protective and paternal for Justin and even Arthur apparently! Brian is totally fucked hahaha Thank you for the update !
Author's Response:
Your comments made me chuckle Marie-france. :D
Brian may want to work on that fuck-buddy approach of his, lol, but he's having a hard time holding out against our favourite blond.
Thanks for reviewing. :) A teaser for the next chapter is up in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Sep 14, 2017 2:28 pm Title: Chapter 23: Friday, November 24th
Ohhh...god...that was some chapter..Really entertaining..u guys are real match makers...first it was debs now vic..good ..in this line was the CUM a grammar error or it was intentional "Mr Grassi, after you've seen the lad to the break room cum changing area, would you care to join me in a libation from my personal stock?"...lols..i just love their interactions ...how do u guys are soo funny...??? Where do u get this humorous brain???i have to take breathers in between cause of all thr giggling i do here reading it.Seriously dave calling mikey honeybun ?? Also in last chapter he keeps calling him by these endearment's ..that is soo hetero ...in kinneys words. And what the hell is going on in that stubborn head of kinney..?? Gosh..i will never understand that man. This secret stalker shit is going to be one of the reasons of BJ's reunification ...the chapter was fabulous..hats off to u guys ...keep it up...keep surprising with new chaps...like always .
Author's Response:
In the line you refer to, 'cum' is a preposition meaning 'also used as' for things with a dual purpose or function - hence, 'break room cum changing area'. :D When other writers use the alternate spelling 'cum' for 'come', I have no problem with it, but not in my stories... please.
We're into funny business as well as tricky business, which could be the same thing at times. :D We have to alleviate the angst with humor.
Neither of us likes the 'honeybun' endearment, so we thought we'd torture Dr Dave and Michael with it.
Brian's proud have his brain be difficult to analyze. :D
We'll have to see what comes of those stalker rumors - is there a stalker or not? Feel free to leave your hypothesis in the FanDoc. :)
Thanks for such a fun review, Navneet. :) We're completely made up by it.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Sep 13, 2017 11:42 pm Title: Chapter 23: Friday, November 24th
Yea! You have Malek as a character!! Thank you for adding him!
Enquiring minds would like to know who the creep was.
Author's Response:
Oops! The name of that go-go boy is awfully close to that of Malik from 'Summer of Sin'. We didn't mean to cause confusion between our character and SOS Malik. Not that I'd object to reading more about Mailk, Justin, and Brian... feel free to entertain us with a story. :)
We'll prod the police to see if they can't sort out that stalker business pronto, although Carl and Wen will undoubtedly remind us that investigations are rarely resolved quickly.
Thanks for reviewing, Sandra. :) We'll soon be posting a teaser for the next chapter in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Sep 13, 2017 11:02 pm Title: Chapter 23: Friday, November 24th
Hmmmm so Brian is gonna fold soon huh? It's about time! Justin seems to be very popular. It's a good thing though, even Vic seems to be getting a secret admirer...nice! All this British lingo though...us Yanks read this too ya know lol
Author's Response:
Justin is popular, especially when dancing to 'In the Navy'. :D
We'll have to see how Brian does at acquiring Justin as a fuck buddy. He may still need to work on his approach...
We're chuffed that you're enjoying expanding your vocabulary. :D Expect more 'real' English. :D
Thanks for reviewing, Glo! :) A teaser for the next chapter will be posted soon in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Sep 13, 2017 10:38 pm Title: Chapter 23: Friday, November 24th
It's nice to see how many friends Justin has. Is there a stalker? Vic seems to have made an impression on Arthur. Thank goodness Carl sent a car for Justin! Brian seems to be leaning more to forgiving Justin who wasn't at fault in the first place.
Author's Response:
Justin makes friends wherever he goes. :)
We're also asking whether there is a stalker - we hope the police figure it out soon.
Our favorite blond sends his thanks for being convinced he wasn't at fault in regard to setting the alarm. Brian's still skeptical about that, however...
Thanks for reviewing, Phyllis! :) We're working to get a teaser up for the next chapter.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Sep 13, 2017 8:42 pm Title: Chapter 23: Friday, November 24th
Poor Brian: he's been teased all night and wasn't able to get Justin to release the tension.
Vic might be getting lucky on the coming days... Good for him!
I don't like the fact that a cop came to get Justin. Such an easy way to get what he wants if he is the stalker. I hope somebofy will check with Carl if he sent someone.
Author's Response:
Brian thanks you for the sympathy for his blue balls. :D
Once he was sure Justin would be looked after, Vic enjoyed his flirtation with Smythe; we'll have to see what comes of it.
Officer Reyes was just following his superior's (Carl's) commands, ensuring that Justin got home safely. It's unlikely that he has enough insider knowledge to be the stalker.
Thanks for reviewing so quickly, Claire. :) We'll post a teaser for the next chapter in the FanDoc as soon as possible.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Sep 13, 2017 8:09 pm Title: Chapter 23: Friday, November 24th
Intersting chapter. Thank goodness for all the precauciounary steps being taken to look after Justin. Seems there are many out there looking after him.
Hehehe...Brian brian Brian. I really wondering if Justin is going to be so quick to jump bakc into bed with him after they way he's been treating him. I get the impression that Justin just may give him a run for his money. Not sure yet, but it would definitely be humerous to read Justin turn him down....or if he didn't...have him fall asleep due to exhaustion. Lmao!! I know it's only been 3 weeks or so, but I'm still looking forward to the time that Brian is faced with the knowledge that Justin wasn't at fault. will he be taking a big bite of humble pie?
My cynical mind is at work re: the cop. Officer Reyes. A good simaritan doing his duty as requested by Horvath...or does he have other intentions? He was definitely persistant. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
then there's Michael's foot in mouth disease. Assuming that Justin is blowing the boss. Doesn't matter what anyone says to him, he's going to believe what he wants especially if it makes Justin look bad. He's not going to take itwell whe Brian and Justin eventially get back together. Mind you...it will be most entertaining to read about it. ;)
thanks for the update! thoroughly enjoyed it. Getthing ansy about the stalker though. Will Brian save the day? W
Author's Response:
Thanks for posting the first review for this chapter, Elaine! :)
You have some interesting ideas about what might happen between Brian and Justin. We'll have to see how those play out. :D We appreciate that you're paying attention to how much time has elapsed since the burglary.
Officer Reyes is dutifully following his superior's commands and making certain that Justin gets home safely.
Michael definitely has foot in mouth disease, lol.
We're chuffed you enjoyed the latest update. We're also a little nervous about that potential stalker and are hoping the situation is resolved soon.
As soon as possible, we'll post a teaser for the next chapter in the FanDoc. :)
~ KaBrynn