Date: Dec 17, 2019 10:19 pm Title: Chapter 22: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23rd
As you know, I very disappointed with all the crap he gets by with. Starting with the loft robbery... Smirking as Justin's being booted from the loft... WHY was he allowed to follow them into the bedroom? And, where did Brian expect Justin to sleep that night? He'd already made sure Justin couldn't go home.
Whining and crying.. mulish expressions... visiting Brian at Ryder's... for what? Something that could have easily waited until Brian got off work? Complaining because he outed him to Tracy? (I'm assuming everything was canon before the start... so yeah... Michael has been leading her on... she needed to be told.) Hell, Justin got outed in front of the whole school... he deals with crap EVERY SINGLE DAY! Grow up, Michael.
Harassing Justin at the diner... and proclaiming loudly how Justin should be turning his wages over to Brian (and Brian had the gall to laugh) going through Justin's stuff in Justin's bedroom... just because it USED to be Michael's, doesn't mean he has a right... yet NOBODY told Michael the room was off-limits. All that was said was Debbie telling him he shouldn't go through Justin's things... nobody jumping in to tell Michael how horrible that was to invade Justin's privacy. Yet... here's Brian... still feeling raging anger because his privacy was invaded. Double standards... Brian should have spoken up.
All his disparaging comments towards Justin... be it at Debbie's, the diner, Babylon... "Everyone's acting like that twinkie is so cool when, really, he'd be a homeless, two-bit lowlife without you."... It's lucky you got rid of the psycho twink when you did." WHY wasn't he reprimanded??? I just know the blond brat is a deviant." His voice rising, he shrilled, "He has Brian fucking a pussy!" Jesus! Gag the imbecile!
Sure, Carl made a comment the one time... but nobody told him to shut up or ENOUGH MICHAEL! I still say it's a good thing you dumped that irresponsible little tramp when you did! lardass... inhuman milksop!
It seems like Justin or his feelings don't count... like since it's Michael... they are letting him get by with it. Almost like Michael is their friend... but not Justin. Then saying his ass is so much better than Justin's... they should hold 'best ass' night at Babylon... with hoods over the participant's heads. "Ah... you... third from the left... that's not an ass... get lost." (oh... it was Michael!)
And if it was so easy to carve the turkey, Justin should have handed the knife over to Michael to finish. When Michael said, Gag me with a spoon, I wish someone would have literally shoved one in. And I gloated when Michael tried claiming the wings for him and Brian, and Brian said the wing had too much fat and hadn't eaten one since he was a teen. GROW UP MICHAEL... you aren't a teen anymore. Quit living a fantasy life.
I'm surprised little Mikey doesn't ask Brian if he thinks he should take a piss! It seems he can't hardly think for himself... what do You think I should do, Brian?
Having sex in the bed Justin was supposed to sleep in? TOTALLY uncouth. And, again... other than Em commenting about Justin sleeping on the couch... NOBODY condemned Michael when he said MY ROOM! Then, running after Brian after just having sex with David... WHY does David stick around?! And I can't believe how David puts up with Michael and his eye googling and love for Brian. How Brian can do no wrong. He wants to sit with Brian. And naming his ad agency about made me sick with his diatribe. then saying that about being totally a top... well, what's David? If I were Emmett, I wouldn't have let Michael get away for calling him more Nelly than Michael and not believing Emmett could top. Crowing at Brian about the backroom, announcing at Ryder's how he doesn't bottom, and sucKing cock is like bottoming... lordy. And Dr. Dave actually WANTS this guy? Doesn't he have another patient he could pick up? At the very least, he could find someone with MUCH better table manners! I seriously get turned off from eating while reading this.
I am extremely disappointed about the drawing Justin gave Michael for his birthday. At the party... Michael referenced it as a cool drawing... BUT... Justin wasn't there to hear it. YET... not ONE PERSON has said ANYTHING to Justin about the drawing. There have been NO THANKS for the drawing... or... Michael really liked the drawing... NOT ONE WORD!!!! That is so MAJORLY wrong in my book.
I think I'm going to collect a few other readers of like mind, and sit you two down and have a powwow. ENOUGH of letting Michael off the hook. Somebody is always interrupting just before he gets put in his place. At least Debbie has given him a few whacks, but still, she excuses him. Hmm... Baby talk didn't hindrance Michael... *cough, cough, choke, choke*
All-in-all, you can make it up to me and others, by making the imbecilic, whiny, a-hole responsible for causing Justin - and Brian in turn - all this grief. Especially, knowing a little of what is to come. Justin wouldn't be in the predicament he's finding himself in with dancing at the club, trying to put enough money together to pay Brian, if the person responsible for the loft being left unlocked is caught. Let's see who Brian should have been directing his 'irresponsible' comments towards.
Lastly, Can you PLEASE have Dr. Dave and Michael stop using their little cutesy names? Honeybun., Sweetie, Boopsie Love Nugget... *Shudder* *vomit-worthy*
Okay... I've had my rant. You need to remember I've had 22 chapters of Michael frustration to get out! LOL... So, don't hate me!
I LOVE the story, and although I'm further than the 22 chapters, I felt you deserved my reviews. Again, this is an awesome story, and I'm so looking forward to catching up with the rest.
{{{Big Hugs}}} Cathy =^..^=
Date: Dec 17, 2019 9:23 pm Title: Chapter 22: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23rd
Since I wasn't a member of KD when this awesome story started, and there was too much written to totally catch up on, I have only read bits and pieces. BUT... with this horrendous move, (right, Karynn?) and limited internet access, I have been able to start from the beginning. And since this is one of the days that I have internet, I felt it was time to leave a review.
I have to give you ladies credit. You are doing an admirable job with the story. It's so highly entertaining. I love all the little canon arcs... with slight twists.
I was pleased to note that it is a Ted/Ben pairing, as I NEVER understood the Ben/Michael one.
And Ted and Brian's budding friendship and camaraderie - BIG PLUS!
And Jushun's relationship with Gus? And Gus' first word. You writers made MAJOR brownie points.
Debbie and Vic getting earfuls and eyefuls of Justin... why does this seem like a new occurrence to them? I mean Michael was a teenager in that house at one point... hehe.. although when Debbie commented how well endowed our Sunshine is... I was majorly disappointed she didn't adlib on that about... "WAY BIGGER than Michael, right, Vic?"
I love how you are writing Jennifer. To me, it seems more realistic the way a proper WASP wife would react to Justin. But calling Craig, Daddy? Had me cringing! My mother tried that ONCE... I told her I wouldn't speak to her ever again if she did it one more time!
Perkins, Dixon, the secretaries... boy, oh boy, I sure hope they all have their comeuppance. They all need to go before the school board, and every one of them, fired. I sure hope they don't have jobs before long. Either that, Justin needs to bring a defamation of character suit against them. Perkins calling him a 'faggot'... unless everything shapes up after Detective Wen pays them a visit. And Hobbs... I know Justin doesn't have his cell phone... but I would have loved him being caught on tape, unzipping his pants, and pushing the kid to his knees. Doesn't the school have security cameras? But, if all Wen does is talk to Jerkins... how is that going to stop Dixon and Hobbs? They ALL need visits... maybe Wen should visit Hobbs at home... threaten him with ANYMORE bullying reports... because that doesn't necessarily say it's Justin.
"Hellooo, Briaaan," Gotta love Harley the Budgie. But when Harley decorated Ted's head, and Ted said, "Holy Shit,"... I was so surprised Brian didn't quip... "It's shit, Theodore, but I don't know if it's holy." I could soooo hear Brian saying that.
All-in-all, I have had many chuckles... while sometimes laughing myself sick... especially the conversation around the dinner table. Poor Horvath. What an eye-opening experience. And Michael's illiteracy just added to the whole amusement. Lord, what does it say when a seventeen-year-old is so much smarter and worldly than a thirty-year-old?
But, Widdle Mikey can stick a sock in his mouth... and quit with all mean words. Gus might pick up on them.
And speaking of Michael... be set for my next novel-length review on the numbskull. I am so irritated with him...
But... I love you ladies!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Oct 14, 2017 7:55 am Title: Chapter 22: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23rd
Boy, that was some Thanksgiving! Lol. TAG
Author's Response:
This chapter was a story within a story. :) We'll have to post a link to this chapter when it's closer to Thanksgiving so the KD members can go into a food coma. :D
Thanks for commenting, TAG.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Sep 17, 2017 4:46 pm Title: Chapter 22: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23rd
Shriveled balls, nut stuffing, fuck the mad out of him!
Delightful! !!
Author's Response:
We're glad you enjoyed the Thanksgiving feast, Saje. :D Thanks for commenting!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Sep 05, 2017 6:51 pm Title: Chapter 22: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23rd
What a chapter!!! So many things in there.
The main is that Brian can't get his mind of Justin and this day must have been a torture for him. He could see how Justin interacts with Gus and how at ease he is with Deb, Vic and Carl. And, there is BOB... Who is that guy? Vic was great about that, not giving any clue, just a "boy toy"; which is 100% true.
The second is that Michael is definitely stupid, jealous, noisy and mean; did I say uncultured?
Deb and Carl are getting along very well and I hope the date will happen before the bowling game.
nb: the ice cream kisses' chair is a "Le Corbusier LC4 Lounger Cassina"; my sister has one and it's really great (https://www.cassina.com/en/quickship/lc4)
Author's Response:
Thanks for letting us know you enjoyed this insanely long Thanksgiving chapter, Claire. :)
Vic got such a kick out of teasing Brian about BOB, without actually revealing anything. :D We're hoping the stud will listen to the excellent advice that Vic gave him.
The only way we can cope with annoying Michael is by using him for comic relief. Fortunately for Michael, Dr Dave seems very happy with his 'lemon' of a boyfriend.
Deb and Carl will definitely see more of each other at the diner, but we're not sure they'll be able to fit in a date before that bowling match. It's another slow-burn romance. :)
Thanks for letting us know the model of the chair used for the ice cream kisses. It wasn't on the inventory of burgled goods, so we figured it was one of Brian's acquisitions post burglary. You never know, there could be another 'vanilla sex' scene. :D
We're working on the next chapter now and should be posting a teaser in the FanDoc soon.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Sep 05, 2017 4:24 pm Title: Chapter 22: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23rd
What a terrific chapter. So much going on. Laughed my ass off in parts. Oh felt so bad for Justin. What an awful way to get woken up! I remember growing up my mom used to come wake me up by opening up the blinds in my room. was not a great way to start my day. I feel lucky in comparison!! LOL!
The family certainly has a different kind of rapore don't they? amazing how Carl seemed to fit right in and took everythng on the chin. There were a few hiccups, but either way, he got a eye opening look into the family dynamics and didn't run away screaming. Points for Caril! Hopefully he and Deb can make a go of it without too much intereference from Michael. glad he's becoming friensd with the gang and that he's really keeping hsi eye out for Justin. He's proving himself as welcoem addition, dispite some of the gang's negative attitude re: cops.
Gus is sure chatting up a storm. New words coming daily. Deb must've been near bursting when he said his own version of Gramma. Like all kids, Gus-speak will become more and more fluid.
Michael really is an ass isn't he. barely capable of formulating his own thoughts. must drive David around the bend. Makes me wonder the psychology behind David. He must really crave the feeling of dominance, of superiority to put up with Michael's ignorance. Most people like an intellectual equal. David seems to want to be able to patronize.
Brian is frustrating. He obviously wants Justin. He's just choosing not to forgive. Not sure why. Wonder what's going to happen once he finds out it wasn't Justin after all. Will Justin be willing to forgive him? Will turn around be fair play in this case? the internal fighting that Brian is doing must be exhausting! Vic's no fool though. He knows. He's right though. Justin is only going to wait for so long for Brian to get his head out of his ass.
Loved this chapter!
Author's Response:
We're completely made up by your comments, Elaine. :)
Poor Justin, indeed. Not the way any of us wants to 'rise and shine'. That scene begged to be written, since canon Deb wasn't much of one for respecting personal boundaries. Karynn's pleased you enjoyed the humor. :D As Deb told Justin, you have to give as good as you get in her household. :D
We have a feeling that Carl's not one to give up easily, so another slow-burn romance is probably in the air with Deb. :)
Deb was thrilled to be called grandma. We suspect that Gus and Harley will be acquiring quite the colourful vocabulary from Grandma Debbie - and others. lol
Michael - what can we say? *sigh* The only way we can deal with him is to use him for comic relief. Dr Dave has acquired a 'lemon' for a boyfriend, but he seems happy with his sourpuss...
Brian's still having trouble getting over the invasion of his loft. As a reminder, it has only been two and a half weeks since the burglary. Our favourite stud is torn between continuing to rebuff Justin and putting his hands all over the teen. :D We're hoping he'll listen to the excellent advice from Vic.
Thanks for letting us know you enjoyed the entire, insanely long Thanksgiving chapter. :) We're working on the next chapter now and should soon be posting a teaser in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Sep 05, 2017 3:21 pm Title: Chapter 22: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23rd
Great chapter! I want Thanksgiving like that ,what family ! Justin is so cute Brian miss justin and Vic make sure that Brian do the right thing !
It's nice to see Carl here he takes care about Justin.
Thank you for this funny update
Author's Response:
We're made up that you enjoyed the Thanksgiving chapter, Marie-france. :) Karynn modeled it after Thanksgiving dinners when she was young.
Vic gave Brian great advice - let's hope the stud listened.
Carl is a wonderful combination of a surrogate father and mentor for Justin.
Thanks for reviewing. :) We're working on the next chapter now and should soon be posting a teaser in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Sep 05, 2017 1:31 pm Title: Chapter 22: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23rd
Loved this chapter, of course but my God! Does no one in the Novotny/Grassi family know how to knock on a closed door?! If someone did that to me, I'd be bullshit, especially as a teenager. Yeah embarrassed but more angry then anything. And pulling the bedding from him too? Wow...a complete invasion of personal space. They could have woken him up without doing all that. I'm sure Deb & Vic wouldn't have appreciated someone, anyone, doing that to them...okay bitching over lol
Enjoyed all the teaching of putting together a Thanksgiving feast. I'm going to have to try some of that myself thanks! Justin was so thoughtful, thinking of healthy choices for Brian. At least Brian was thankful while he lusted after him behind his back lol Seems like Gus & Harley stole the show with all their 'words' heehee
Okay we all know Michael is a simple man...um I mean boy and clearly he's still stuck in the ID stage of life because the world does revolve around him...NOT! How dare he call Deb too old! I would not be proud if I spawned that...Michael is so rude, no surprise there. Rude to Deb, rude to Justin, rude to Carl, will he ever grow up? Probably not. How could everyone just sit there and let him call Justin names like that? Michael trying to sound grown up & smart just never seems to work out. lol Can always rely on Justin to educate the man, um boy. Love when he's a PSA! Of course Brian is going to be jealous of BOB! He'd rather be servicing Justin himself.
Now on to more 'invading' personal space: Michael! That room may have been his at one time but all Justin's stuff is in there now, how dare he go into the desk & snoop & think it's okay to take things! "Michael honey..." seriously Deb? That's all you're gonna say? At least Justin had a laugh at his idiocy.
Love Brian & Ted's friendship and Vic & Brian...stronzo...haven't heard that in awhile. lol the ending was awesome! Brian can't get his mind off of Sunshine...
Author's Response:
Personal space? What's that? Deb and Vic want to know. We had a lot of sympathy for Justin, but Karynn so clearly envisioned that 'rise and shine' scene that it had to be written. There were quite a few instances of Deb not respecting privacy in canon. In spite of the siblings not recognizing boundaries, Justin seems to be recovering from his embarrassment and anger. As the redhead declared, you have to give as good as you get in her household.
If you want any of the recipes behind the dishes that were served at the Thanksgiving feast, let Karynn know. :)
We suspect both Harley and Gus will be acquiring a colourful vocabulary. :D
Michael's not nearly as dumb in canon, but he was so darned irritating that this is our method for coping with him. Dr Dave has acquired a 'lemon' of a boyfriend, lol.
Our favourite stud is clearly jealous of BOB. Vic had such fun teasing Brian without giving anything away.
Michael's invasion of Justin's space is the worst of all. Deb and Vic unintentionally stripping Justin naked pales in comparison. Unfortunately, Michael has yet to realize that the bedroom at his mother's house is no longer his - probably because Deb lets him use it as a storage closet. *sigh*
We're made up that you're enjoying Ted and Brian's friendship as well as Vic interactions with Brian. We laughed ourselves silly at the way Vic teased the stud about BOB without revealing anything, as well as giving Brian some much-needed advice.
Yay! Karynn's doing a happy dance that you enjoyed the 'vanilla sex' to cap off the chapter. :D
Thanks for all the wonderful comments, Glo, rant included, lol. We've started working on the next chapter and should soon be posting a teaser in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Sep 05, 2017 10:54 am Title: Chapter 22: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23rd
There was so much to like about this chapter. Justin learning how to cook, which I'm sure will come in handy. Gus learning his new words. Harley, calling for Briiaan. Emmett and Ted's dialogue. Carl coming to dinner. Michael who seems to think he knows it all yet comes off knowing nothing. Brian who misses Justin and Vic who this time tells him that he does care. Great chapter.
Author's Response:
We have to laugh very single time we write "Hellooo Briaaan".
It'll be interesting to see what words Gus and Harley add to their vocabulary... :D
Thanks for leaving reviews on both AO3 and KD, Phyllis. :) It's much appreciated.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Sep 05, 2017 5:32 am Title: Chapter 22: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23rd
Finally..finished the chapter...now thats a hot way to end the chapter...amazing...a fun filled and lots of soul searching for brian...it was too damn funny and sweet update. Brian is actually jealous of a bob...his emotions were all over the places...this was such an entertaining chapter...will be eagerly waiting for another update...thanks for the great chapter..u guys are awesome.
P.s - the poem is soo romantic and beautiful.. i loved it.
Author's Response:
Karynn's made up that you enjoyed the 'vanilla sex' that capped off the chapter. :D
Vic had such fun teasing Brian about 'Bob' without revealing a darned thing.
Thanks so much for leaving three reviews for this insanely long Thanksgiving chapter, Navneet, and for letting us know that you enjoyed every word. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Sep 05, 2017 4:32 am Title: Chapter 22: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23rd
Ok...christ...i had to stop again....lols..justin is such a PSA..Brian is getting horny by just watching sunshine...gosh soo many emotions going inside brians head. All this food is making me hungrey....mikey is a dumbo...all those slaps on his head might have effected his intelligence.
I am going to proceed again...really exciting chapter.
Author's Response:
Yay! We kept you laughing. :D
Brian is torn between rebuffing Justin and putting his hands all over the teen. We should pity the stud... :D
If reading about the food is making you hungry, think what writing about did to Karynn. :D It's amazing she didn't gain ten pounds.
That's an interesting observation about Mikey's intelligence... what little he had to start with, Bad!Karynn mutters.
Thanks for review number two on this chapter, Navneet. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Sep 05, 2017 3:35 am Title: Chapter 22: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23rd
Ohhh myyy god...that start was hiralious...i had to take break in between...i am laughing so hard...mindblowing way to start..just stopped to tell you guys...that u ROCK..LOLS.
AGAIN...OMG...gus called debbie grandma...soo sweet..u just made my day thank u guys...ok now i am going to read further.
Author's Response:
Justin may still be recovering from the way he ended up greeting Thanksgiving day. :D Karynn's chuffed that she made you laugh with the 'rise and shine' scene. :D
Thanks for taking a break from reading to leave your first review on this chapter, Navneet. :)
~ KaBrynn