Reviews For Tricky Business
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Reviewer: marie-france Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Aug 23, 2017 1:44 pm Title: Chapter 21: Wednesday, November 22nd

An amazing chapter ! Mel made a kickass work for Brian !

I'm laughting about Brian and justin with Gus like parents !!! And Brian misses Justin when there 2 are back together ?

Please Brian had to forgive Justin even it's not him who did not put the alarm right ??? Carl must find something !

Thank you for the update.

Author's Response:

Mel is one incredible, kickass attorney. Brian is darned lucky she's on his side. They'll undoubtedly return to their usual bickering soon, lol.

Brynn is taking a bow for Brian's observation that he and Justin are acting like a divorced couple. :D

We know all you cheeky readers want Brian and Justin back togehter - right now, dammit! :D We're trying to nudge them in that direction, and they may be starting to listen. Keep in mind that the story is 'slow burn' and that less than three weeks have elapsed since the burglary.

Carl and Wen are investigating the robbery, but an investigation is usually painstaking. It takes time to unearth and follow up on all possible leads.

Thank you for leaving another review, Marie-france. We've started working on the next chapter - Thanksgiving has arrived. :)

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: nkaur550 Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Aug 23, 2017 7:29 am Title: Chapter 21: Wednesday, November 22nd

That was one fun and adventures chapter....i loved it...the interaction btw gus and justin then gus and brian was simply fun...and brians observation on his talk with justin ...they both are acting like divorced parents.. was too good.
U guys are soo always loved it..thanks a bunch of the update.

Author's Response:

We're so glad you enjoyed the scenes with Gus. That tyke is so adorable and such a scene-stealer - just like Harley. :) Brynn is taking a bow for Brian's observation that our boys are acting like a divorced couple. :D

Thank you for being such an amazing reviewer and reader and posting all those fun gifs, Navneet.

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2017 9:56 pm Title: Chapter 21: Wednesday, November 22nd

I've been away from reading for a bit and have finally been able to get back t oit. I've caught up on those that I had already begun reading and promised myself that I wouldn't start any others until 1 or 2 of them were completed. good of intentions as they were, it certainly didn't last long. Decided to start 1 other fic and naturally it was this one. Am all caught up and have nejoyed it thoroughly. I'm curious as to who actually knew the code and broke in. How much of an ass is Brian going to feel like once he finds out the truth! the malicious side of me is looking forward to him feeing like a complete heel! lol. Especially once he finds out the Justin has been working 2 jobs in order to pay him back and is NOT the "irresponsible teen brat" he's assumed he is. Not a terrible long or hard fall from grace for Brian, but at least one with a soft landing. In this case perhaps "Pride cometh before the fall" will be very appropriate.

Deb and vic's realtionship with justin is really lovely. They've brought him in and really surrounded him with love and support. something he really needs about now. He's getting what he needs from than rather than his parents sadly. I'm not sure that Jen is going to be able to redeem herself, at least not in the too near future. will definitely take time. I can't even imagine not supporting my child! I've wanted to back hand her several times throughout this. She's coming acriss as such a pretencious bitch! I hope that she learns a lesson pretty quickly. what is she teaching Molly? that if she doesn't tow the line, do as she's told and what's expected of her she'll be kicked to the curb too? 

Harley is going to be a hoot! I can see him learning some interesting new words and phrases. just enough to embarass the hell out of Justin at times! should be good for a giggle. How much of an influence will Harley have on gus's vocabulary?? hehehe. Again...can see come giggle worthy moments with those 2 as well.

Oh I'm so glad I started this. While I wish Brian would get off his high horse and stop being such an asshole, another part of me wants him to start seeing justin as a young man who whill more than likely become more mature than himself. ;) I want him to get Michael to stop treating Justin with disdain. and I want Justin to see that while he knows Brian is his, it's going to take time for brian to realize it and that Justin needs to show him what he's missing. this is a good growth time for Justin, and he needs for Brian to deserve him.

Mel kicks ass! She's a real legal beagle and Brian is on his way to starting his own business. One that will undoubtedly become a raving success. YAY!

Such a great fic! So thrilled that I started it and that you update regularly.




Author's Response:

Wow! That's quite the glowing review, Elaine. We're blushing at having our story receive so much praise. :)

We're made up that you're enjoying Justin's relationship with Deb and Vic. They make wonderful surrogate parents for our favourite blond.

Jennifer's blowing it right now, but we're not ready to give up on her. We're hoping she'll come to her senses soon, although she has, sadly, done irreparable damage to her bond with her son. That's an intersting point about what she's teaching Molly, although she is at least encouraging Justin to see his sister.

You're right. Harley's probably going to cause no end of embarrassment for Justin, but the teen will learn to take it in stride - probably. :D Who knows? There may be quite a gabfest between Gus and the budgie.

It still hasn't been that long, not yet three weeks, since the burglars cleaned out Brian's loft, so we're cutting the stud some slack. Even if he's not ready to admit it, he clearly misses Justin. We'll have to see what details emerge from the investigation into the robbery and how that might influence matters.

Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments, Elaine. :)

We've just started working on the next chapter and will post a teaser for the next chapter in the FanDoc as soon as possible.

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: Glo Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2017 9:40 pm Title: Chapter 21: Wednesday, November 22nd

Love to hear Mel doing what she does best and being in charge and smart & agressive! Brian was lucky to have her there with him. Can't wait to see how he's going to name his agency. Clearly he has to have Justin have some input whether he knows it or not. 

Well I think Brian was being a bit of a snob blaming Justin for Gus's mess...he's a baby! That's his job! lol And thinking that Justin had ulterior motives for being topless...Haha he really misses that bared torso lol

You guys are killing me! When are they getting back together or at least have some sexual tension. More please!

Author's Response:

We're chuffed that you enjoyed Mel in this chapter. She is one kickass lawyer! :)

A few readers are wondering how and what Brian will name his agency... We'll have to see how that plays out.

Brian was being just a tad hypocritical in blaming Justin for Gus' mess. In his defense, he'd overindulged with Cynthia and had a bit of a hangover. :D It must've killed him to lust after Justin like that; he certainly got all tongue-tied. :D

You do realize, I hope, that you're issuing an invitation for us to torture you some more, Glo. *cue evil cackling*

We're starting on the next chapter and will post a teaser in the FanDoc as soon as possible.

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2017 9:17 pm Title: Chapter 21: Wednesday, November 22nd

Justin is really very patient, with both of the Kinney boys!

Melanie was very professional and efficient: without her, Brian would have let his anger win and he would have lost a good deal. She didn't tease him too much afterwards and that's a big change.

Author's Response:

What a perfect comment - that Justin is patient with both Kinney boys. :D

Brian's lucky he has that kickass, bulldyke lawyer on his side. Melanie was rather 'sweet' to him after that meeting, lol. They'll undoubtedly return to their friendly bickering soon enough.

Thanks for taking the time to leave another comment, Claire. :)

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2017 8:52 pm Title: Chapter 21: Wednesday, November 22nd

What a fantastic chapter.  We got Harley and Gus!  Melanie did do a great job and the new agency will be very sucessful.  Wonder who names it.  Love how much fun Gus had with Justin and it would have been nice if Brian had been around for the banana eat off.  That Gus is learning words almost as fast as Harley.

Author's Response:

Thanks for being the first to review, again, Phyllis - both here and on AO3's FB page. :)

We're glad you enjoyed the doses of Harley and Gus. We can't get enough of either.

Mel is one kickass lawyer. It's a good thing she was on Brian's side.

Who knows? Gus and Harley may have quite the gabfest. :D

We've just started working on the next chapter and will post a teaser in the FanDoc as soon as possible.

~ KaBrynn

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