Date: Dec 28, 2018 3:43 am Title: Chapter 20: Tuesday, November 21st
Hmmm...was just rereading the part about not getting any worse than Dubya. Guess we all know now just how much worse it can get! 😆
Author's Response:
I (Karynn) had to scan this chapter to remember Vic's comment about Dubya. Vic probably would have expired on the spot if he'd known how much worse it actually would get.
We're thrilled that you're enjoying our story enough to reread parts of it.
Happy New Year!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 23, 2017 5:22 am Title: Chapter 20: Tuesday, November 21st
I really like your idea to open a fandoc for the story. Brilliant! Hope you get lots of input! And... I really want to see Brian come face to face with Harley yelling his name in Justin's voice. Please let that happen soon. Please! TAG
Author's Response:
We wanted to create something for our faithful readers, hence the FanDoc. :) We've seen a couple of anon critters in the doc, so at least it's being accessed. Even if it doesn't generate discussion, it's something for the readers to enjoy.
We'll whisper your suggestion in Harley's ear and see what happens... :D
Thanks for reviewing, TAG!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 20, 2017 1:03 pm Title: Chapter 20: Tuesday, November 21st
What a great morning Justin is blushing and Vic and harley are very funny !
Brian Cynthia and Ted are ready with Mélanie to fignt Ryder Yeah !
I hope that Jennifer changes her mind soon !
Thanks for the wonderful update, finishing with Justin and Bob LOL
Author's Response:
We're chuffed you enjoyed the humor between Justin, Vic, and Harley. The Harley-Vic team is definitely ahead if they're keeping score. :D
You're the second person to comment on the team backing Brian against Ryder. You're right - Ryder will likely rue the day he decided to terminate Brian.
We haven't given up on Jennifer, but, sadly, she has probably irreparably damaged the mother-son bond that used to exist between her and Justin. We do hope she comes to her senses soon, so she and Justin can at least be friends.
Our favorite blond and Bob - we seem to have a recurring theme. :D
Thanks for commenting again, Marie-france. It's much appreciated. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 20, 2017 6:11 am Title: Chapter 20: Tuesday, November 21st
U guys are too always the chapter was awesome...sunshine is too cute blushing and harley is damn funny...vic is soo lively ...jen will come around soon i hope...brian and his squad is ready to fight with the evil force ryder...lols.The name calling blond boob bimbo....rofl.
Thanks for the wonderful update..u guys sure know how to make it up to ur readers..keep surprising us like this.
Author's Response:
Aw, thank you for the lovely comments, Navneet. <3
We're glad you enjoyed the funny moments between Justin, Harley, and Vic
We haven't given up on Jen but, sadly, she probably has damaged the mother-son bond between herself and Justin too much for it to return to what it once was.
You're right - Ryder probably doesn't stand a chance against Brian, especially with Melanie, Cynthia, and Ted backing him up. :D You liked the BBB, huh? - definitely far outclassed by BOB. :D
Keep up the great work as our PR person, please! Those gifs you post keep us entertained and motivated. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 19, 2017 11:02 pm Title: Chapter 20: Tuesday, November 21st
Lovely chapter, reminds me of QAF UK. I just wanted to smack Jennifer. But I love Harley, can't wait for Brian to meet him. Your next chapter looks to be good with the meeting of Brian and Ryder.
Author's Response:
The resemblance to QAF UK is incidental, but we're chuffed you're enjoying our story.
We're exploring how things might have panned at as of our point of divergence from season one; we definitely felt there was quite a bit of tension between Jennifer and Justin at Molly's birthday party. We haven't given up on Jennifer just yet; however, she'll never be able to reestablish the same mother-son relationship with Justin, which is sad for her.
Harley has won all the readers over; he's our most popular original character. :D You're the second reviewer to wonder how Brian will react if he hears Harley's newest greeting. Brian was a tad put off by the budgie at Sunday's dinner, lol.
We're working on the next chapter now, and I can confirm that it will include the meeting between Brian and Ryder.
Thanks for reviewing, Phyllis. We're always made up by your comments. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 19, 2017 11:00 pm Title: Chapter 20: Tuesday, November 21st
Oh that B.O.B keeping our little Sunshine happy! Lol Harley is a riot! I hope Jennifer gets a clue soon, for Justin's sake. Love the Ted/Brian dynamic. Cynthia is the best! I think we need a B/J about it?
Author's Response:
Bob really is keeping Justin happy. :D Vic, too. :D
Harley is our most popular original character. He's such a hoot. :D
We haven't given up on Jennifer just yet, but she'll never have the same mother-son relationship with Justin, which is sad for her.
The Ted-Brian dynamic was one of my favourite aspects of season 5. It's fun to explore it happening at an earlier stage.
We figure every fic needs more of Cynthia, especially her interactions with Brian.
Why am I not surprised that you want another Brian-Justin scene? We'll see what we can come up with, although it may not be what you expect. :D
Thanks for reviewing, Glo. We're chuffed by your comments. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 19, 2017 10:07 pm Title: Chapter 20: Tuesday, November 21st
Too bad Jennifer can still be so blind: I just hope for Justin that she won't insist he comes for Thanksgiving.
Harley's new welcoming is pretty funny. How will Brian react to that?
Author's Response:
Jennifer has a ways to go if she wants to reestablish herself as Justin's friend, but we aren't giving up on her quite yet. She and Justin will never have the same mother-son relationship, however, which is sad for her. There's very little chance that Justin will go to her and Craig's house for Thanksgiving; as he informed his mother, that's no longer his home.
Vic's chuffed that you're enjoying Harley's new greeting. :D That's a good question as to what Brian will think of it; we've added a note to the Thanksgiving celebrations so that we can all find out. :D
Thanks for reviewing, Claire. We're always made up by your comments. :)
~ KaBrynn