Date: Jun 02, 2018 1:27 pm Title: Chapter 19: Monday, November 20th
I know I haven't commented lately, but it's better to just keep reading.
What I did want to comment in is that I like the way Brian's and Ted's friendship is developing and that I really like the idea of Ted and Ben. Although I like stories where Ben and Emmett hook up, Ted and Ben is good too. Never u understood what Ben saw in Michael.
Author's Response:
No worries. It's hard to stop and comment when one is engrossed in a story. It's more fun to move on to the next chapter. :)
We're made up that you're enjoying the devloping friendship between Brian and Ted. Ted's self-confidence is increasing ever since meeting Ben. :) There seems to be a consensus among our readers that Ted and Ben make a good couple - they actually have a lot in common.
The relationship between Ben and Michael was weird. Maybe it was a case of opposites attracting and Ben wanting to serve as a mentor to his partner.
At the rate you're reading, you'll soon catch up with us. Many thanks for all the reviews. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Sep 26, 2017 9:27 am Title: Chapter 19: Monday, November 20th
Mmmmm, I like BOB. And Justin playing with toys on Brian is hottttt! But now I'm too worked up to get to sleep. Lol. TAG
Author's Response:
It's a toss-up as to whether BOB or Harley is our favorite original character. :D
We couldn't figure out the right 'tags' for this chapter. :D NSFW and NSBB (not suitable before bed) seemed a bit much. So we guess you'll just have to suffer. :D
Thanks for letting us know how much you enjoyed Justin playing with toys on Brian. We'll have to see what that inventive blond comes up with next.
Thanks for the review, TAG. :) After various RL interruptions, we're getting closer to posting chapter 24.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 21, 2017 3:25 pm Title: Chapter 19: Monday, November 20th
Excellent chapter! (And not only because you mentioned MY dildo!) loved the name ideas from everyone. And that last scene - hot, hot, hot! TAG
Author's Response:
C'mon, admit you liked it so much because we featured The Mighty Intruder. You've all but confessed that anyway. :D
We're chuffed you enjoyed the suggestions for Justin's new toy; we included as many as we could.
We must be doing something right if we have TAG's stamp of approval for the final scene. :D :D
Thanks for reviewing! We're almost ready to post chapter 21.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 18, 2017 11:32 am Title: Chapter 19: Monday, November 20th
Hello I read the 19 chapters and I love this story! I will not comment on all the chapters but give you my impressions.
Debbie and Vic we find so much their complicity is great! Daphnée is still there for Justin I loved her trip to the country of toys and the last chapter is very hot!
Brian would not be a little jealous? In any case he is very angry to see Justin dancing! I hope that he will soon forgive Justin and that we will have the explanation of the burglary and hot reunion of B and J maybe with BOB !! LOL
I look forward to the next and thank you this story is amazing !!
Sorry for the long post and my bad english!
Author's Response:
We're chuffed that you've discovered Tricky Business, Marie-france. :) We must've kept you busy reading for a least a few hours. :)
We agree - Deb and Vic make the perfect surrogate parents for Justin. We can't imagine Justin without his bestie. He and Daph love to tease each other, but they also always have each other's backs.
Brian wants us to tell you he doesn't do jealousy - you have our permission to laugh yourself silly over that outrageous claim. He is jealous as he watches Justin dance, but he's not about to admit it, so he's sticking with being miffed at the teen for not taking his advice about the go-go gig. He is genuinely annoyed with Justin for that, as well as worried about what might happen.
Our readers are very likely to hear more about BOB. :D Did your screen fog over when you read that final scene?
Your English is great, and we're made up by long comments. :)
We're working on the next chapter now.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 17, 2017 7:08 pm Title: Chapter 19: Monday, November 20th
Holy Hades! That was HOT!
Author's Response:
It must have been a scorcher to earn your seal of approval, Saje. :D Thanks for leaving a comment once you recovered.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 17, 2017 10:43 am Title: Chapter 19: Monday, November 20th
Ohhhhh...mmyyyyy ggggooodddd...christ...that was outstanding...amazing ...sooo exciting...sooo entertaining...i can't find the right words...u guys sure know how to tease us..don't u.??
Alas...i reaalllyyyy enjoyed it..i did not know u guys updated today as i did not get the notifications...uff...i was totally blown when i accidently saw it on this site.
I am feeling quite proud of myself ..i can't believe you guys named the dildo B.O.B ...lols..thank u soo much for the mention...i am soooooo glad i get to help u guys...other names were hoe-larious too...wink wink...u guys just made by day..i love u guys...keep it up...i will be looking forward to more of ur updates.
P.S - it took me atleast 1 hour to read this chapter cause my mom was sitting right beside me and i was grinning like a lunatic..she almost took my phone away from me...thank god she did not pry much...lols ...ok ...i am shutting up now..thanks u guys for the spectacular update.
Author's Response:
We've never had such an enthusiastic review as yours, Navneet! :D We're completely made up that we entertained you so thoroughly. :D
Keep patting yourself on the back, lol. You should be proud for coming up with the perfect name for Justin's new toy. We're wondering how long it will take our favourite blond to start referring to it by that name.
LMAO! at all the trials and tribulations you endured to read this chapter. If your mother only knew... :D
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 16, 2017 11:45 pm Title: Chapter 19: Monday, November 20th
!! OMG !! That was beyond what I ever could of thought up. BRAVO
You guys are so good at being bad, HEHE Justin made Brian pass out un touched no less
Thank you
Author's Response:
We're made up that we exceeded your expectations, Teresa! Fortunately, Justin shared exactly the right memory with us. :D
Now that's a compliment of the highest calibre - that we're so good at being bad. Justin told us he could make Brian come untouched, but we remained unconvinced until he demonstrated. ;D
You're welcome, you wonderful 100th reviewer. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 16, 2017 11:11 pm Title: Chapter 19: Monday, November 20th
Love the parts with Daphne and Harley. Too cute. So Brian's going to start his own agency. And he's gonna take Ted and Cynthia with him. Now that last bit was amazing. Thanks Navneet, Glo, Tag and Tuneesa for supplying names for the new dildo.
Author's Response:
We're chuffed you enjoyed the scenes with Daphne and Harley. Justin had so much fun teasing Daph, until his friend turned the tables on him, with a little help from Deb and Vic. :D
Brian's definitely asking the right people to join him as he contemplates opening his own agency, we agree.
Navneet, Glo, TAG, and Tuneesha are taking their bows, thanking you for recognizing all the effort they put into choosing the right names for Justin's new toy. :D
We had fun crafting that last scene together - happy we could wow you with it. The boys are whispering more of their escapades into our ears...
Thanks for being one of our most faithful reviewers, Phyllis. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 16, 2017 8:51 pm Title: Chapter 19: Monday, November 20th
First of all, I've noticed it before but never said anything...are you two British? Lots of slang thrown around. lol Justin & Daphne were so cute at the 'toy' store. Yeah girl, try out that bi clerk, or let her try out you, she WILL teach you a few things! lol
Brian & Ted are hysterical together, "Is this also your first time in this century?" lmao Poor Brian having flashbacks about the asshole in the backroom. First they get trashed then they pass that's real friendship!
Deb & Vic are totally pigs, I love it! The staff of Zeus was good! Sweet Jesus! After I finished this, I had to go relieve myself...I would LOVE to see Brian loose control like hot hot! Good job with the name Navneet! B.O.B. cute!
Author's Response:
Yes, one of us is British, but the other is American. The American half of the duo was first corrupted by living in Europe for nineteen years, including three years in London. All was truly lost, however, when she encountered her Synergy Sister, who has vastly improved her English. :D The corrupted American likes to confuse readers by sprinkling her scenes with British words and phrases (honestly, she sometimes can't remember what's proper English and what's the American version thereof), in an attempt to make it more difficult for our readers to determine who has written writing what. We're glad you're enjoying *cough* our unique blend of Brit-speak and Americanisms.
Brynn thanks you for finding Brian's line, "Is this also your first time in this century?" amusing. We had fun writing the dialogue together, but that one-liner is classic Brynn. :)
By that definition of friendship, Brian and Mel should be great friends too; after all, they passed out of the girls' sofa after necking a bottle together. ;D
Deb and Vic are so in character, right? Yay! You like liked the way we fit in your suggestion of 'Zeus'. Navneet takes another bow for her brilliant reinterpretation of B.O.B.
We bet you did need a long 'nap' after the final scene. :D We're trying to raise the curtain on what happens behind the scenes with Justin and Brian.
Thanks for the fun review, Glo; we're completely chuffed by it.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 16, 2017 7:49 pm Title: Chapter 19: Monday, November 20th
The Mighty Intruder and BOB have me laughing hard! Daphne and her journey in toys' land...
Not only Justin has Debbie and Vic teasing him, but Daphne entered the game too! Poor guy. At least, he has some burning memories to help him making friend with his new toy.
That scene with Brian was really hot!
Author's Response:
We're made up that you enjoyed the names for Justin's toy and the way we wove them into the chapter. TAG and Navneet are taking their bows for suggesting The Mighty Intruder and BOB.
Justin had a lot of fun embarrassing Daphne at the sex store, although she more than got even at the dinner with Vic and Deb. At least our intrepid teen knew what to expect. :D
Fortunately, the boys have lots of fantasies to fuel their imagination... :D Plus, they've both informed us that they're dreaming up some new scenarios for each other.
We had fun writing Justin's memory together... One thing we can promise is more hot scenes to come.
Thanks for being the first to review this chapter, Claire!
~ KaBrynn