Date: Aug 11, 2017 1:08 pm Title: Chapter 18: Sunday, November 19th
Poor Brian. He's such a mess without his Justin. TAG
Author's Response:
Yay - you've caught up with us. :)
Brian says he's not missing his Sunshine... not at all. You believe him, right?
The stud was infuriated that Justin ignored his advice about the go-go dancing, even though Brian knows the teen needs to learn for himself. Unforunately, that led to Brian's disastrous actions, leaving him vulnerable with no backup. We'll have to see how he copes in the aftermath.
Thanks for reviewing. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 11, 2017 4:10 am Title: Chapter 18: Sunday, November 19th
Omg...the first half of the chapter had me laughing soo hard..could not stop myself. That part was soo Hilarious.
How can brian be soo stupid..he was drunk, smashed and hurt by sunshine...but still he should have controlled himself. Thank god of those guys..if anyone finds out he will be soo ashamed.
A big THANK U TO U BOTH for this awesome update...i enjoyed it very much..keep it up guys.
Author's Response:
You have no idea how made up I am about your review! I agree, the first part was very lighthearted and Karynn did a marvellous job with the banter. As for the second half of the chapter, I think there's no doubt Brian was extremely irresponsible and was incredibly jammy to have made it out unhurt. He is definitely determined to keep the whole situation to himself - whether he manages that is yet to be seen.
A big thank you for reading and reviewing :)

Date: Aug 10, 2017 8:20 pm Title: Chapter 18: Sunday, November 19th
Wow. Thank goodness for the marine.
Author's Response:
This chapter packs quite the punch, doesn't it, Phyllis?
That marine and his boyfriend helped out in the nick of time, thankfully. Doubtless, Brian has learned his lesson - he won't repeat that mistake. Being tall and fit won't protect you when you're drunk out of your mind.
Thanks for leaving a comment. More soon. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 10, 2017 8:09 pm Title: Chapter 18: Sunday, November 19th
Tricky business is a good title for this chapter! It was a close call, very close! I hope the trick won't brag about what he almost did.
As for Justin, he should also be careful as some weird people are going to be very interested in his features so well displayed.
Some funny moments though: Brian picking food in Justin's plate and Gus calling "dada" with enthusiasm.
Author's Response:
We're chuffed that you made the connection between the title and this chapter, Claire. :D
Brian did, indeed, have a close call - something I always throught could have happened in canon, no matter that he's a tall, fit bloke. There were times he'd head off with a trick, and who knows what might've happened? As I recall that was hinted at in one episode. I doubt Brian will repeat that error in judgement, fortunatley.
That's an interesting question as to whether that trick will brag. It would be pretty foolish, but he doesn't seem all that bright.
We'll have to see how matters develop with Justin's dancing; for now, he's adamant about proceeding. We'll caution him (again) about the weirdos, but he may not listen.
I'm glad you enjoyed Brian eating off Justin's plate - so typical of our stud. Of course, he's completely made up that Gus called him "Dada" and wouldn't comply with Mel's request for another "Mama". :D
More soon.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 10, 2017 7:59 pm Title: Chapter 18: Sunday, November 19th
Wow! Yikes Brian, so much could have happened! Not very responsible to get trashed alone. I know he feels safe in Babylon but wow...Good for Justin standing up for himself, clearly his dancing concerned Brian. Hmmmmm
Author's Response:
Thanks for posting the first review on this chapter, Glo. :) We were wondering what our readers would have to say about it.
You're so right that something really terrible could have happened to Brian. I've often thought something similar could have happened in canon, no matter if Brian is a tall, fit bloke. Of course, when Brian got trashed, he usually had Michael (or Justin) around to take care of him. He might've compounded his error in judgement when he left Babylon without going over to the boys at the bar - although I can understand why he didn't want to encounter them - but, fortunatley, a taxi was ready and waiting to return him to the loft. I doubt he'll repeat that mistake.
We love responsible, strong (and toppy!) Justin. Brian likes to pretend he doesn't care about the blond, but his indifference is starting to show some wear and tear. :D
More soon.