Date: Aug 11, 2017 12:24 am Title: Chapter 17: Saturday, November 18th
Oooo - did Brian hear that little tidbit about the new 'boyfriend' Harley? Lol. That would certainly get him going. Hehehe. TAG
Author's Response:
Sadly, no, Brian was already upstairs when Melanie quizzed Justin about Harley. He finds out who Harley is in the next chapter anyway.
No worries, there will be other opportunities for jealous Brian
Thanks for commenting, TAG. More soon. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 09, 2017 3:23 am Title: Chapter 17: Saturday, November 18th
Wow...splendid chapter...i loved the new member in the family...Harley..justin got a new job..thanks to u writers this guy arthur is nothing at all like that creep sap...the visit to munchers house was very interesting... Brian is soooo missing sunshine or his bubble butt...lols...great chapter like always and will wait for more.
Thank u guys for the update..both are soo kind to grace us with such fast updates.
P.S - I have no idea how my comment gets cloned ...i never check after submitting ...will check this time soo that u won't get double comments.
Author's Response:
Thanks for another splendid review, Navneet. We're completely made up by it. :)
Thanks for posting the photo of Harley's cousin on FB - more inspiration for us.
We really don't want the Sap to contaminate our story. We were glad we could diverge from canon before he came on the scene.
Since that bubble butt is attached to Justin, Brian may be missing both. :D
We're trying to make it up to our wonderful, loyal readers <3 for the long hiatus with this story. We'll continue to update as often as we can.
~ KaBrynn
No worries about duplicate reviews - we don't mind. :)

Date: Aug 09, 2017 12:17 am Title: Chapter 17: Saturday, November 18th
Love the budgie and the car. If Justin only knew what Brian was thinking of. Gus called Jusen! Not dada. lol.
Author's Response:
Thanks for letting us know you like Harley II (the budgie) and Vincent (the car). You're the first to comment on them. :)
Gus only had a one-word repetoire, Jushun, until he added 'Mama' in this chapter. Looks like Brian will have to wait for 'Dada'. :D
We appreciate you being such a faithful reader and reviewer, Phyllis. We're working on the next chapter now and hope to have it up soon.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 08, 2017 11:32 pm Title: Chapter 17: Saturday, November 18th
Yeah he's a scramp alright! Brian is such a pain in the ass sometimes, he misses Justin but God forbid he tell him! When is Brian going to find out the loft being burglarized wasn't Sunshine's fault?
Author's Response:
Hey, Glo! Thanks for leaving another review. :)
Justin is a cheeky devil, no question. :D He's undoubtedly waiting for Brian's attitude toward him to ease. That will surely happen as more time passes, but the stud had better not wait too long!
Patience... patience... and more patience... hahahaha. The police investigation is proceeding, but it takes time. Whether there will be some other revelation beforehand that the robbery wasn't Justin's fault is unknown at this point.
We're working on the next chapter now and hope to have it up soon.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 08, 2017 8:18 pm Title: Chapter 17: Saturday, November 18th
As always, I love the banter between Vic and Deb, teasing Justin about his sex life, or lack of it.
I hope the contract with Babylon is correct: not that it will stop Justin from taking drugs, if he becomes to tired to "work". Did he think about how Brian will judge that? Him dancing on the bar?
Too bad Justin doesn't read Brian anymore; he would have seen that Brian missed him, day dreamt about him.
Author's Response:
Thanks for being the first to review this chapter, Claire. :)
We're chuffed you're enjoying Vic, Deb, and Justin's banter. The blond doesn't really mind the ribald humor, even when it makes him blush, lol.
Melanie never would've told Justin it was okay to sign the contract, if anything were out of order. She's a pretty tough lawyer. You may be correct about Justin taking drugs, especially since he's so desperate to repay Brian for his burgled goods. After their confrontation at the diner, Justin probably has a fair idea of how Brian will react.
Justin is frustrated at being so throughly shut out by Brian, but once there's a chink in the stud's armor of indifference, who knows what could happen? The teen might have made a wild guess that Brian is fantasizing about the two of them, but it would only be a guess.
We're working on the next chapter and hope to have it up soon. :)
~ KaBrynn