Date: Aug 10, 2017 1:20 pm Title: Chapter 16: Friday, November 17th
Finally, a story where Justin reports the ongoing school bullying to the police before the bashing! I've been grumbling about this for years. Especially the arson of the locker - that's serious business, especially since it took place in a school. That would have been the first thing I did if I were Justin. To hell with worrying over being a snitch. That's a major crime that needs to be reported to the police. Thank you for this. TAG
Author's Response:
Thanks for this brilliant review, TAG! :)
We’re right with you on Justin reporting his torched locker to the police. It really is strange in canon that Jennifer doesn’t insist that her son take that step. In our story, Justin isn’t so much worried about being a tattle-tale, more just concerned about surviving high school. He figured, correctly or not, that since he didn’t catch the perpetrators in the act that nothing could be done, failing to take into account the bullying leading up to the locker incident. Since reporting both the torched locker and the bullying to Carl and Wen, however, he seems to be changing his mind.
You’ve almost caught up with us, although we plan to post chapter 18 later today. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 07, 2017 6:30 pm Title: Chapter 16: Friday, November 17th
Like how Carl is looking out for Justin and his partner I don't want to cross her
Author's Response:
Wow! A triple review - that's a first! Thank you, Teresa. :)
Carl and Vic are the best possible surrgate fathers for Justin. Detective Wen is scary - Jerkins is going to be in for a rude awakening is she has to visit him at St. James.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 06, 2017 1:16 pm Title: Chapter 16: Friday, November 17th
Omg...that was one hectic and tensed chapter...but the end was fun and self assuring...i liked it very much. Justin made a very very good move there. Thank u soo much for the always i am grateful...keep sharing...keep smiling😊
Author's Response:
Thanks for being such a wonderful, faithful reviewer, Navneet!
That chapter did have quite a bit of angst, friendship, humor, and drama. We're chuffed that you enjoyed the ending. Along with Vic, Carl makes a perfect surrogate father for Justin. Jerkins is going to be in for a world of hurt if Detective Wen has to visit him...
We're working on the next chapter now and will get it up as soon as possible. You're great at keeping us smiling. <3
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 06, 2017 2:05 am Title: Chapter 16: Friday, November 17th
That fucking ignorant, homophobic bastard Perkins! God, I can't stand people like him! Good for Justin reporting it properly. Hopefully Carl can help.
Michael has the biggest mouth around, Jesus...Good luck to Brian fending off Cynthia's questions. Lol
Author's Response:
Now that was the kind of comment we've been expecting in regard to Jerkins. The man is such a horrible homophobe.
We're chuffed that Justin finally got it together and reported the locker incident and the bullying to Carl. At least our favorite detective and his partner got through to Justin about how serious the matter is. Jerkins had better hope that he doesn't get a visit from Detective Wen...
Michael unquestionably suffers from foot-in-mouth disease, lol.
We, too, suspect Cynthia won't let that go. We certainly wouldn't!
Thanks for the wonderful review, Glo. We're completly made up by it. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 05, 2017 7:52 pm Title: Chapter 16: Friday, November 17th
Finally, Justin decided to talk to the police. He got a little lecture, but they are considering his case.
As for Brian, he has too much patience for Michael. It's a great news that he thinks to open his agency; the circumstances helped.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your review, Claire! :)
Justin finally got his act together and went to Carl. The good detective probably remembers what it was like to be seventeen and thinking he could handle everything himself. He and Vic are the perfect surrogate fathers for our favorite teenager.
Well... Brian still views Michael as his best friend, even if he'd like to see a bit less of him, lol.
How stupid can Ryder be? *shaking my head* But, yes, it's time for Brian to open his own agency, in spite of the shitload of work and money that will require.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 05, 2017 7:36 pm Title: Chapter 16: Friday, November 17th
So much goodness. Can't wait for Ryder to try and fire Brian. Boy will he regret that. Justin going to Horvath was a smart thing though a little late. Hope that Jerkins gets his just deserts.
Author's Response:
Thank you for your comments, Phyllis! We're chuffed that you're continuing to enjoy our story. :)
Ryder will almost certainly come to regret firing Brian. Such a dumb move for him and his agency. *shaking my head*
Justin is wising up about the locker incident and all the other bullying. We're thrilled he finally pulled his head out of his ass, lol. Jerkins is going to very, very sorry it if Detective Wen sics herself on him...
~ KaBrynn