Date: Aug 09, 2017 12:33 pm Title: Chapter 15: Thursday, November 16th
Trust me, Justin, you had more fun working than you would have at that party. Lol. TAG
Thank you for reviewing, TAG! It's nice to have some constructive feedback, Justin might've actually been better off at the diner :) KaBrynn
Author's Response:

Date: Aug 07, 2017 6:10 pm Title: Chapter 15: Thursday, November 16th
I like the use of Proper English and American English. It's refreashing as well a learning experiance :)
The build up of B/J is nice.
Author's Response:
Brynn thanks you for referring to her English as 'Proper English' since that's obviously true, for her at least. :D She's working on me to make my (Karynn's) English proper again. I lived in London for three years, so she figures it should be doable...
We're glad you're enjoying the slow burn. Most readers are begging for Brian and Justin to be reunited... so we have to run from the rotten tomatoes they're throwing, lol.
Thanks for the second review, Teresa! Double reviews are special.
We do hope you'll take us up on your 100th review prize. That's the way our minds work. :p
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 02, 2017 5:20 am Title: Chapter 15: Thursday, November 16th
That was soo awesome...i laughed soo hard after seeing the statue..dropping tits...lols...seriously..where did u find it??.
This bday party was way better than the shows.
Loved the way u guys describe everything soo clearly...the plot is getting interesting..carl and vic are such great father figure for sunshine...carl was the one who helped justin from the first chap.
Really very happy with the update..thank u sooo much guys.
Looking forward for more soon i guess..wink.
Author's Response:
Ooh, a double review! We won't complain about a duplicate. :) Thanks, Navneet.
We love how you posted that gif of Brian deep-throating what appears to be an eclair in the KD FB group. Really, what else could that be except a stunt to provide us with inspiration? :D
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 01, 2017 4:35 pm Title: Chapter 15: Thursday, November 16th
Vic's comments about Justin's shower were hilarious!
It seems Brian found out what Justin has been meaning on the Captain Astro's drawing. Maybe Justin will see the picture and will notice the same scene.
Justin should have told Carl what happened at school.
Carl and Kiki are in synch and joke easily.
Author's Response:
Thanks for another great review, Claire! We love hearing from our readers.
You're the first to mention Vic (and Deb's) comments on the shower scene. Glad we made you laugh. :)
Brian certainly recognized himself in Justin's drawing - and reacted accordingly, lol. We, too, are hoping Justin will see the drawing and photo side by side at some point.
Keep that thought about Justin and Carl for the future...
Carl has come a long way since he first met Kiki. :)
We're working on the next chapter now and will post it as soon as we can.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Aug 01, 2017 6:32 am Title: Chapter 15: Thursday, November 16th
That was soo awesome...i laughed soo hard after seeing the statue..dropping tits...lols...seriously..where did u find it??.
This bday party was way better than the shows.
Loved the way u guys describe everything soo clearly...the plot is getting interesting..carl and vic are such great father figure for sunshine...carl was the one who helped justin from the first chap.
Really very happy with the update..thank u sooo much guys.
Looking forward for more soon i guess..wink.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback, Navneet! You made the day for both of us! :)
If you go to 2x11, The Wedding, you'll discover that's the very statue that Michael bought from a street vendor for him and Ted to give to Lindsay and Melanie as a wedding present. It took me a while to find a screencap that would work for the chapter, but I persevered. I (Karynn) much prefer the statue being given to Michael. :D
Yay! We have a consensus; so far, everyone prefers our version of Michael's birthday bash.
We're thrilled that you're enjoying the plot development. We agree: Both Carl and Vic make fantastic surrogate fathers for our favorite blond.
Don't hold your breath, but we'll update as soon as possible. We need to reward our loyal readers after that four-month hiatus. :)

Date: Jul 31, 2017 11:12 pm Title: Chapter 15: Thursday, November 16th
What an interesting and unusual birthday for Mikey. I love your version. And having Horvath and Justin together in the diner was perfect. Justin's gift for Michael was the best ever and the double picture an excellant idea.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing so quickly, Phyllis, and for all the lovely comments! You've made both of us smile.
We're chuffed so far by the response to our version of Michael's birthday party; it seems to be quite popular. :) It was definitely fun to write.
Justin's really lucky - two excellent mentors and surrogate fathers in Vic and Carl, although the relationship between Justin and our favorite detective is still developing. Carl certainly has a soft spot for the blond teenager. And for a certain waitress...
We also want to see the framed drawing and photo side by side. Should be a hoot!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 31, 2017 11:05 pm Title: Chapter 15: Thursday, November 16th
Okay I'm over the shock of getting another chapter so soon, grateful but definitely over it. Lol I like your version of Michael's birthday party better than canon. Can't wait to see what Michael has to say to Justin & his sketch. Are you guys going to be generous & fabulous & post another one soon?
Author's Response:
Whew! So happy you recovered enough to read and review. :)
We're made up that you liked our version of Michael's party better than canon. It was fun to write.
We'll see if that drawing helps Michael maintain his goodwill toward Justin for awhile. You never know...
Nice flattery, Glo! We'll post chapters as we have them ready... but two days apart? Maybe not, lol.
~ KaBrynn