Date: Jul 31, 2017 3:17 pm Title: Chapter 14: Wednesday, November 15th
Very yummy...
Author's Response:
Did you need a nap after reading that, Saje? ;)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 30, 2017 5:19 pm Title: Chapter 14: Wednesday, November 15th
Mmmmmmm. TAG
Author's Response:
That says it all, TAG! lolol
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jul 30, 2017 12:56 pm Title: Chapter 14: Wednesday, November 15th
I forgot to say how much I've enjoyed the little bits of Brit thrown into this story. Then we get a Latin lesson at the end. Love the librarian. It's time that Carl got more involved with the St. James problems. I'm hoping that you solve the mystery of who robbed Brian because Mikey carping on Justin as the culprit is making me want to box him upside the head.
Author's Response:
We're chuffed that you like our unique language blend. Karynn was corrupted by living in London for three years, and now Brynn is doing her best to futher that corruption. :D
Okay, we'll confess that although we know some of the Latin phrases, we have to look some of them up to find just the right ones.
Isn't Frau Rose great? She's modeled on one of Karynn's high school teachers.
We're enjoying the developing friendship between Carl and Justin. Another excellent role model for our favorite blond.
Carl and Wen are excellent investigators, so they will solve the mystery of the burglary . . . probably. *evil authors cackling away*
*cough* We've also been known to want to box Michael upside the head.
Thans for another amazing review, Phyllis! More soon.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jul 30, 2017 5:18 am Title: Chapter 14: Wednesday, November 15th
That was Amazing..last part was superrrrrrr hot...brian is soooo missing sunshine..physically and mentally...lols.
lopsided racoon....seriously that cracked me..rofl.
Brian was feeling something like jealousy when Em gave kiss to sunshine...but stubborn ass*** ignored it too.
Cant wait for more..☺
Thank u for the update.
Author's Response:
I (Karynn) can tell from all the gifs you've posted on FB that you just... melted, Navneet. Brynn and I are wishing you a speedy recovery - espespecially Brynn, since she masterminded that scene. :D
Justin carries off that lopsided racoon look really well, don't you think? I need to search out an appropriate pic, lol.
Brian does have a proven track record of pretending he's not jealous, but we're onto him.
More soon. Thanks for reviewing!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 30, 2017 1:38 am Title: Chapter 14: Wednesday, November 15th
Jesus Christ! That was sizzling hot! And it was a memory that he gets to relive over & over...oh my! When are they going to get back together? It's killing me here...
Author's Response:
Brynn capped that chapter with the perfect scene, didn't she? I (Karynn) had to fan myself while she was writing it. It does seem that Brian has quite the treasure trove of memories to call on...
Brian's still being a pill about seeing Justin's side of things, but he may very slowly be coming around. He's tired of the readers bitching at him - says he gets to queen out for awhile longer, lol.
We're working steadily on the next chapter. Stay tuned.
Thanks so much for reviewing, Glo!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 29, 2017 7:05 pm Title: Chapter 14: Wednesday, November 15th
Don't worry about vocabulary! Happy to read that Brian is considering telling Carl about Chris. The last part is hot as hell! Brian won't be able to avoid Justin. He will have to touch him, hold him and more...
Thank you for the update!
Author's Response:
Our first review on the new chapter! Thank you, Claire. *doing a happy dance*
It's such a rare thing, an American working with a Brit, right?
That last scene is all to Brynn's credit. I (Karynn) keep telling her she should consider a career change...
Touching, holding... and more. Yum, we're all for that. :)
~ Karynn & Brynn