Date: Nov 13, 2017 10:24 am Title: Always Check Behind You
It's great that you never let Lindsay and Michael get away with anything.
Date: Jul 26, 2017 10:39 am Title: Always Check Behind You
Wow! Of course Ted will say yes. That was awfully nice of Ruth to give up her position.
I'm so happy for Debbie and Carl. Weddings galore!
Michael and Lindsay will never learn. I can only imagine how they will try to sabatoge the weddings.
Date: Jul 26, 2017 4:06 am Title: Always Check Behind You
The haddock and the midget! Good tittle for a next saga.
Date: Jul 26, 2017 12:54 am Title: Always Check Behind You
How do Michael and Lindsay function without adult supervision?
They make a donkey look like Albert Einstein with the IQ to match, I swear don't know how they breathe without instructions.
Of course someone would hear them badmouthing the people they supposedly love it's not like they were having a conversation miles away! <shakes head> What A Bunch Of Idiots!!!!!!
What they got was tamed compared to what Emmett and Blake really wanted to do to them.
Mel and Cassia showed up just in time to watch two whiny self-absorbed A-Holes get their just desserts rofl
Not surprised Michael has been labelled Worse Fuck Ever, just curious how Ben was able to get it up for him at all???
Carl asking Brian for Deb's hand was Sweet and Perfect.
Ted fainting after Brian asked him to be his best man was Priceless.
Michael might actually need a doctor after this lol
Lambskin condoms. How did she not know that
Lindsay has no right to Gummy and she doesn't want them cause she can't use Gummy to get near Brian or Justin, not that she has much access or say about Gus anyway??
Great Chapter:)
Date: Jul 26, 2017 12:29 am Title: Always Check Behind You
Still loving this and Going On A Sea Cruise. Love the brit sayings too 'bores for England' and 'hard faced cow'. Lindsay really shoud be looking in a mirror when she says that! Your names for them 'cindernever' and 'crumpledforeskin' were genuis too
I have only one tiny complaint, at the beginning of 'Sea Cruise' they depart from pittsburgh, which I never quite got as it is land locked. Did I misunderstand?
Thanks hun, keep up the great writing,
Author's Response:
Yes there was a tiny bit of artistic licence taken there with the landlocking thing...could you imagine Michael's whining and pouting all the way to an airport, on the flight and then to the ship... I think even Gus would've tried to silence him! Glad you are enjoying it despite that.
Date: Jul 26, 2017 12:02 am Title: Always Check Behind You
I really should learn not to drink something while reading this story. Almost gave my laptop a bath again.
Love the icecream in Lindsey's face and on her ass. And Micheal learning the translation of the worst fuck ever!! Emmett, the ever popular shit-stirrer.
Date: Jul 26, 2017 12:02 am Title: Always Check Behind You
Wow! Just wow! That L&M would say such things is bad enough, but that everyone heard them! Love how Ted had to remove Blake for awhile. Even more so was Carl asking Brian for permission to marry Deb. Then we have Ted being the best man. A wonderful choice.