Date: Nov 10, 2017 9:09 pm Title: Rehearsing
OH this is going to hurt Michael so bad. I love it.
Date: Jul 12, 2017 6:32 pm Title: Rehearsing
Jennifer and Tucker talking about Brian and Justin's sex life is very funny!
Mel is so right to let Gummy try to stand up and the remark from Daphne after Hunter's comment is so accurate.
Gus and his explanation about the "papa" name is so logical. Smart kid.
The reason Ruth didn't get married is not something I would have thought about. She was so right to say that.
How Michael will react to Rage's come back?
Date: Jul 12, 2017 3:28 pm Title: Rehearsing
It's really unbelievable just how hateful Michael and Lindsey are. they seem to want to get back into bpeople's good graces, yet are complete and utter assholes at every turn. Their jealousy of Ruth is just so obvious, they continually try to undermine her, try make her look bad, but in the end, they will never acheive their end goal. they're just putting themselves further and futher out of the circle. they are both their own worst enemies.
Ruth's flashback was priceless! totally agree. that whole H&O shit is just that, a big pile of crap. His friends are obviously major dicks.
I am soooooooooo looking forward to seeing Michael's reaction to Justin's announcement. Oh...such anticipation!!
Date: Jul 12, 2017 8:58 am Title: Rehearsing
Very interesting. I'm sure Michael is about to keel over now. He can't make any money on Rage but Justin sure can.
I love Gus calling Justin Papa. His explanation was so adorable too. Very logical for a little kid.
Date: Jul 12, 2017 6:51 am Title: Rehearsing
I bet Michael peed his pants.
Date: Jul 12, 2017 1:33 am Title: Rehearsing
Perfect Michael and Lindsay won't be at the blessing (though I bet they will try to get in) for Brian and Justin, and they are allowed at G&G's blessing but they have no say, which of course won't stop them from opening their big mouths and sprouting crap.
Hanno really never deserved Ruth so hopefully his wife will enjoy the obey part of her vows since he is a doormat and she is The Boss lol
Gus and Gummy are so cute and it is a great pleasure that both children take after their Real Parents and not the Whiny Brats.
Ted knocked the wind out of Michael's sails by giving Mel the money for his share of the support. (Did Lindsay pay her half?)
Why is Michael so interested in the night life no one wants to bang a Whiny A-hole or his hag Frigid Bitch.
Yes Rage is Coming Back!
The Loft is the new headquarters of Kinney-Taylor Inc. and Michael has just gotten the shock of his life<rofl>
Of course what could make it better is Brett Keller showing up and wanting to tell the story of Brian, Justin, the prom and the aftermath;)
Date: Jul 12, 2017 1:06 am Title: Rehearsing
And Michael is fit to be tied and steam is coming out of his ears?
Date: Jul 12, 2017 1:00 am Title: Rehearsing
Wow. Gummy is soooo cute. I like how Lindsay and Michael didn't get away with anything, though they tried. Everything was great and you top it with bringing Rage back!!!!