Date: Aug 11, 2019 6:23 am Title: Rules, Harsh Reality...and This is About You!
You and your words? Terms? Lmao cindernever and crumpledforeskin. Love them. And rubbing Gus’ hand to put him to sleep. Such an easy to picture scene. 💞
Date: Nov 08, 2017 12:00 pm Title: Rules, Harsh Reality...and This is About You!
Ruth is right. They should just get married without all the fuss. It's more them.
Date: Jun 10, 2017 11:54 am Title: Rules, Harsh Reality...and This is About You! are going to get hitched..Cindernever and Crumpledforeskin....lols...that was awesome...i am enjoying uf story very much.
Date: Jun 09, 2017 11:50 pm Title: Rules, Harsh Reality...and This is About You!
Cindernever and Crumpledforeskin???
Date: Jun 09, 2017 8:50 pm Title: Rules, Harsh Reality...and This is About You!
I love a feisty Ben, well, not so feisty, but resisting the pressure from the dumb asses.
Gus is so adorable.
Of course, Lindsay's parents gave her money to cover her debts; will they be this understanding when she asks for more in the coming weeks?
Date: Jun 09, 2017 5:28 pm Title: Rules, Harsh Reality...and This is About You!
Mel was smart to keep a thorough record of the money Brian gave them for Gus, she was also smart to make sure that Lindsay can't access the account.
Justin had me rolling with his remarks to Michael and Lindsay I especially love the names he called them.
So the Park is too expensive to take the kids?
Ben standing up to Michael and Lindsay is so cool and much needed.
Hooray Brian and Justin are getting married and having a blessing later, Ruth is perfect to help them get their head out of their Asses.
Michael and Lindsay might actually turn into stone after this lol
Date: Jun 09, 2017 12:46 pm Title: Rules, Harsh Reality...and This is About You!
Yes Brian et Justin get married in NY ! I hope more bad things for Lindsay and Michael I like it ! Thank you for the update
Date: Jun 09, 2017 10:54 am Title: Rules, Harsh Reality...and This is About You!
This just made my morning! So happy they are going to get married.
Date: Jun 09, 2017 5:53 am Title: Rules, Harsh Reality...and This is About You!
The wedding is on! Gus will be there won't he? I think you have something planned for Michael stuff at Debs and in the attic at Ben's. Am I right?
Author's Response:
Of course you are!
Date: Jun 09, 2017 5:49 am Title: Rules, Harsh Reality...and This is About You!
Oh god I LOVE Ruth.