Date: Aug 04, 2017 3:34 pm Title: Chapter 5
the threat of mommy works on Michael LOL
Justin is so much smarter than Lindsay... she just can't keep up her game when Justin gets going!
Date: Jul 01, 2017 10:50 pm Title: Chapter 5
I hope Justin talking to Lindsay is a good idea. It doesn't really sound like one.
Date: May 18, 2017 10:25 am Title: Chapter 5
I'm glad Emmett knows about Brian being pregnant. He can help protect him from both Lindsay and Michael.
Can't wait to see what Justin has in store for Lindsay.
Date: May 17, 2017 6:53 pm Title: Chapter 5
LOL! Poor Brian! I remember those days well. I still can't eat Snicker bars to this day because of the recurring nightmares when I was pregnant. Just as I would get ready to bite into it, it would blink its eyes open, frown and grow a pair of teeth. The faster I ran, the larger it got and began to chase me....LOL Yeah, pregnancy was a PAIN in more ways than one. Thank goodness, he's addicted to Hershey bars instead, LOL
I'm glad that Em knows about the pregnancy. I always love a protective Emmett. He was always underestimated but I always say a gay boy is tougher than any tough guy out there because they would have had to be to survive the ignorant. Gay or not, he's still a MAN! So, I look forward to seeing more of the Butch side of Emmett.
Man-oh-MAN!! Am I looking forward to a confrontation between Justin and Lindsay! She can't pull any wool over his eyes because he's seen the best and the worst the actress can be. She'll be so busy trying to prove herself right and threatening Justin that she will careen head first into the cement walls of prison. Not only will her rights to Gus be revoked but so will any hope for freedom due to mental illness. They probably won't even need to go to court. I can't wait until the WASP showdown! No doubt Justin's words and his unbothered countenance will sting Lindsay's fake ass real good!
And now we have Dumbass the First, screaming down the walls of Brian's office. Really, Sir?! REALLY?!!! Too bad the security men weren't able to carry stun guns. I would have paid good money to see Michael jerking, then Michael being carried out and dumped none-too-gently on the pavement outside of the building. He really is an idiot to the likes I've rarely seen, even in real life. The threat of Deb showing up had me ROLLING!! I hope she's still coming to Chicago so that she can punch the voice out of his throat. Maybe for good measure, she would be so kind to knock sense into Miles desperate, dumb ass too! It would serve him right for being a Mikey Jr.!
So so SOOOOOOoooooo GOOD! Can't wait for MORE!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: May 17, 2017 5:06 pm Title: Chapter 5
I loved how Emmett had Brian "begging" for candy and telling his secret! Excellent!
Date: May 17, 2017 9:26 am Title: Chapter 5
Naughty Em. Poor Brian. Sadly, I could have been bribed by those items preggers or not.
Lindsay, take her to court. She's going to try something if Justin shows up.
Michael and Miles, hysterical.. I'm sure you know 98% of men are terrified of their mothers, lol. Run Mikey, run.
Date: May 17, 2017 4:59 am Title: Chapter 5
I can't wait to see how Lindsay deals with Justin talking to her. Michael is more afraid of his mom.