Date: Jun 17, 2017 12:55 pm Title: BEFORE I LET GO CHAPTER 2
Everyone has problems it seems. But Michael has taken it too far. Somehow I think that somewhere along the way he will do his best to sobitage the others.
Date: May 22, 2017 11:21 pm Title: BEFORE I LET GO CHAPTER 2
OMG, my heart breaks hearing how far apart Brian and Justin seem... I TOTALLY get Justin's reasons, but Brian doesn't even think - he just wants to fix it, where as it breaks my heart that Justin can't answer as quickly... Does Brian really NOT see that Michael is causign such distress to his marriage????
Date: May 16, 2017 5:22 pm Title: BEFORE I LET GO CHAPTER 2
It was a difficult chapter to read as the emotions are hyper sensitive on Justin's side, with obvious reasons.
I don't know how you will manage to make them survive this crisis because I do hope they will.
Date: May 16, 2017 5:21 pm Title: BEFORE I LET GO CHAPTER 2
In so many of your stories, I naturally dislike Michael. That's a given. I can honestly say though that in this one, I think I truly dispise him! Really hate him! I bitch slap was needed so long ago. almost pointless now. As you portrayed Alex's thoughts, what is teh hold that Michael has over Brian Ted and Emmett? Why are they blind to his machinations? I have a lump in my throat reading this. I KNOW you are a "B&J end up together" writer, and am going to be waiting on baited breath for every update, I think I'm going to go through such an incredible plethora of emotions reading this. I this particular chapter, I'm truly scared for what is going to happen between our boys. I hate seeing them so hurt...
I hope that time on the island will help. That alex is really able to keep Michael and his negative influence away from teh others, and if not, I pray that Ted, Emmett, and Brian finally see how much damage Michael is and has been doing to their relationships.
Kriky you are so amazing at bringing out the emotions of not only the characters, but also the reader!
Date: May 16, 2017 1:27 pm Title: BEFORE I LET GO CHAPTER 2
Love how you remind of where these stories all started. I also agree with your analysis that Mikey is the root of it all. The root of all evil? Look forward to seeing if this can be fixed, though personally I think booting Mikey is the only option.