Date: Jun 05, 2017 7:40 am Title: Chapter 84 - Laying Down the Law
Yes, yes, yes They probably still don't realize how much they hurt everyone but at least they will be away for a while so everyone can live their lives without interruption.
Date: Apr 25, 2017 12:25 am Title: Chapter 84 - Laying Down the Law
The Old Hag are out prowling for young men to seduce to bad they haven't realized that cobwebs is not a fashion statement and not all young men like dating their grandmothers...unless it's a charity event lol
Slick showed class when she gave her statement something Michael, Lindsay and Nancy no nothing about.
Not surprised the jury didn't take long to come back but Lindsay fainting was comical because I doubt anyone caught her so that should sting.
Michael as usual had his focus on that stupid comic not on whether he could get more time added on to his sentence<smh> When two idiots share a brain do they flip water to see who gets to use it first?
Nancy better prepare herself for the Wasp Freeze because the temperature is dropping and a blizzard is heading in her direction.
Date: Apr 24, 2017 11:45 pm Title: Chapter 84 - Laying Down the Law
I hope that when Lindsay collapsed her head struck Michael in the crotch on the way to the floor! Face first would be good! Ha! :)
Loving this story and looking forward to the next chapter!
Date: Apr 24, 2017 6:28 pm Title: Chapter 84 - Laying Down the Law
Yea, they've been found guilty. Brian and Daniel's testimony was icing on the cake. Thank you for coming to the right verdict.
Date: Apr 24, 2017 5:26 pm Title: Chapter 84 - Laying Down the Law
So, 3 chapters so catch up on. Sooooooooo much has happened. My goodness! I am so incredibly freaking proud of Lynette, Oliver and Ron! I nearly peed myself laughing at what they did to Nancy's stuff! She and Lindsey deserve each other! No she's off staying with one of her "friends". We'll see how long that lasts once the WASP crowd finds out about Lindsey and all she's been up to, what the verdict is etc. I can see Nancy's social standing dropping like a stone soon enough. I simply can't believe what Nancy said about Lynette's assault! What an absolute C-word!!!!! More that thrilled that her "family" threw her out on her ass. I'm going to enjoy watcher her fall even more. she seems to think that she's going to give ron problems with the divorce...we'll just have to see about that.
The trial for Michael and Lindsey was informative for the jury! the fact that it was all on tape just cemented how aweful those 2 really are. Brian's statements really hit home with just how devious and underhanded M&L were as well and for how long. Not just the 7K they charged to Slick, but all their machinations re: the wedding, the art show, and the support that Brian paid, also the support that Michael didn't pay etc.
Daniel also gave a great statement. Very meaningful as well since he was a father trying to develop a relationship with his son, but was systematically used by his own son. Slcik too gave a good statement. Brutal in it's honesty. Like the judge stated, "well said and well held"
At least now those 2 will be out of the way for the next almost 5 years! Lindsey dropped like a stone after hearing the verdict. Poor diddums..NOT! lol. I'm sure it's all an act on her part. It's the wasp way of doing things. Trying to draw attention and sympathy to herself. Sadly the only bit she'll get is from her mother. (Why the hell did Nancy stand anyway? stupid cow)
Brilliant chapters and so well worth the wait! I'm so glad you are feeling better. Beign so used to seeing you regularly, it was definitely cause for concern when you seemed to disappear for several days. Hopefully you are fully mended now and well rested.
Date: Apr 24, 2017 4:36 pm Title: Chapter 84 - Laying Down the Law
Full jail time for both bitches and absolutely no contact with Brian and Justin afterwards! The ultimate scentence for them. A social death sentence....
Nobody and I mean nobody will want to see Blondy Bitch and Manky Mickey after their return from jail. They might as well move to Alaska to be pissed on by the elks and wolves for they are dead to the Avenue!!
It will also mean the ostracism of Nancy as well. She will never, ever, ever be welcome in the WASP circles of Pittsburg and New York and possibly even further away for don't they all know each other in these circles? And I guess there will be a warm welcome for Slick in those circles for getting rid of the obnoxious and over entitled Nancy and Lindsey.
All this will bring peace and quiet and some well deserved love for Ron and Lynette. They will most likely grow closer together and enjoy their new found appreciation of each other.
A big bravo to Brian and Daniel for verbaly kicking M&L's butts. And an even bigger bravo for Slick for keeping her statement short but venomous as can be.
I just feel very sorry for poor Debs to see her son sinking away into oblivion. But I guess her extended family will help her in getting over all this.
Thank you for an amazing, amazing update.
Date: Apr 24, 2017 4:31 pm Title: Chapter 84 - Laying Down the Law
It didn't take long for Nancy to find a place; will it last?
Brian poking Ted about Justin's ass and about his afternoon delights with Ted is hilarious.
Poor Lindsey: was the verdict too hard for her? Too bad: I hope they will throw some iced water to her face.