Date: May 04, 2017 9:06 pm Title: Chapter 15
I really like Mel and Brian on the same side!
Date: May 04, 2017 5:27 pm Title: Chapter 15
What was Lindsay up to, following Justin like this? It's really creepy.
Date: Apr 01, 2017 9:52 am Title: Chapter 15
You tell her Jen! Debbie's rose colored glasses need to be broken. I don't understand how she cannot see that Michael and Lindsay are the problem.
Date: Apr 01, 2017 6:58 am Title: Chapter 15
Way to go Ted! And "Bravo" to Jen to tell Deb what everybody thinks, but never dares to tell her!
Date: Apr 01, 2017 3:44 am Title: Chapter 15
It is not Justin, Hannah, Mel or Gus's fault that Lindsay is a failed artist it was her choice to give up, just like it is now her choice to be a failed wife, mother friend and a single minded manipulative Witch!!
Deb, Michael and Lindsay deserve to live in a one room padded cell (Not that I think they are crazy it will just be easier on everyone if only they can hear the screeching!!) for the rest of their lives.
Deb running to Jennifer to find Brian is beyond idiotic no one cares what Deb thinks or says she only believes her opinion should valued.
When Deb finds out Michael didn't give Mel a cent she is going to be looking for sympathy and I think everyone should keep walking.
Ted realized that he has more to offer than being Michael's doormat and a drone in an office, Confident Ted is ready to Come Out lol
That baby will be happy to have Ted as a father.
Date: Apr 01, 2017 3:35 am Title: Chapter 15
My goodness! The nerve of that woman and her whelp!!!! Jen and Ted have loads of restraint themselves...SMH
Good for Ted for NOT giving into Michael's whining. Someone should have called the police for that abuse alone. Listening to him is brain-damaging! I actually gave him a standing ovation when he told Michael he wasn't giving him any money and that he already knew Mel's secret. Michael will probably crap himself now that he knows he was undesirable on all levels, especially in the role of parent. And now he has to go tell mommy that he used his money to buy toys for himself instead of supporting his 'would be' child. Oh boo-freaking-hoo Bitchboy! Grow Up!
So happy he's beginning to see himself the way Brian sees him- as an expert in his field, someone strong and more than capable. He was wasted at that job with its colorless walls, full of bullshit bosses and monotony! Go forth and CONQUER Ted!!
As for Jen, another good telling-off was definitely needed. Where does Deb get off expecting Brian to get in the middle of the Muncher madness? Mel's uterus is HERS to do with what she will. I'm so glad that Jennifer drove the point home of why Mel made the right decision. Who wants an adult child for a parent? Oh but wait, Michael already has one! Michael certainly has his faults but with this Debbie as an example, it's no wonder he expects everyone to fix his problems. He learned that from his mama!
Brian and Mel trying to puzzle out Lindsay's motives was very informative of how the bitch thinks. So basically she was chronicling what she deemed as Justin's failure? Yet, he's the one with a child, finished college, maintained a lucrative career and now has an art show coming up. What does Lindsay have except a failed marriage and a boulevard full of broken dreams simply because she was too lazy and entitled to try harder. Truly, there is no comparison between Justin and Lindsay. One is a mover and a shaker while the other is a chronic complainer.
Looking forward to the next chapter!!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Apr 01, 2017 3:35 am Title: Chapter 15
Love how Ted tells Michael off. then you top it with Jen telling Deb off. It's time that Deb learned the truth about where the money she lent her son went to.