Date: Aug 23, 2017 3:03 am Title: Chapter 13: Tuesday, November 14th
another great chapter- Jennifer was such a bitch- glad Debbie got her to change her mind. Brian and Horvath- glad that Brian knows he gave Justin his rucksack- makes Brian a little more forgiving- Interesting converstion with Smthye but still don't trust him
I feel so badly for Justin and for all kids that are bullied- it really is bad when the administration doesn't support the student- lots more to read- just so little time
Author's Response:
Thanks for leaving another review, Sandy. We're glad to hear from you here or on AO3. :)
Debbie makes the best surrogate mom ever. She was pretty clever in the way she persuaded Jennifer to cough up Justin's birth certificate.
That makes two of you since Brian doesn't trust Smythe either. :)
It is absolutely horrible that many kids are bullied for one reason or another. Too often, bullying goes unreported or unresolved, either for fear of retaliation and/or indifference on the part of school administrators.
You'll catch up with us eventually; we've just started working on chapter 22.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jul 30, 2017 12:31 pm Title: Chapter 13: Tuesday, November 14th
Love Vic. He's a breath of fresh air. Jennifer is not so lucky. She thinks Craig is going to stick around even if Justin is gone? Brian is realizing that there is nobody like Justin but Justin is not going to be sitting around pining for Brian.
Author's Response:
Yay, another review for chapter 13! Thanks, Phyllis.
We both wish there had been more of Vic in the show. He was a surrogate father for all the 'lost boys', especially Brian (and, of course, Michael). Now it's Justin's turn.
You're right in your assessment of Brian and Justin. We're all waiting for Brian to wake up! Yeah, yeah, stud, we're pestering you again, lol.
~ KaBrynn
Date: May 11, 2017 8:17 am Title: Chapter 13: Tuesday, November 14th
I like your story very much, so I'm so sorry that there are no more updates. So much story is abandoned. I hope this will not be the case with you.
Do not forget us!
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review, Orhida! We hope you noticed that we tagged you in a comment on KD's FB page, letting readers know we'd be returning to this story as soon as possible.
Never fear; neither of us would abandon a WIP. We're currently working on the next chapter and plan to post it soon! :) Look for a teaser on FB later today.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Mar 31, 2017 1:12 am Title: Chapter 13: Tuesday, November 14th
Just two questions: 1. why didn't Horvath tell Brian the descriptions of the thieves given by the witnesses instead of just having him go thru random mug shots? You'd think he'd be more likely to recognize the perpetrators from a description, right? 2. Why did you use 'Smythe' for the name of Babylon's owner rather than the canon 'Sapperstein'? Or are these just silly irrelevant questions? Guess I'm just curious. Lol. TAG
Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing, TAG! In response (at last) to your questions:
1) Mugshots are the best bet for identifying the burglar(s), even if it's a long shot. At this point in the story, we don't know how many descriptions Detectives Horvath and Wen have gathered from witnesses; descriptions would probably be vague and contradictory, so the detectives wouldn't ask Brian if he recognizes the robbers based on those. Also, a police sketch of the burglar(s) likely wouldn't be created for an isolated robbery - unless a witness, who felt they could provide a clear description, volunteered to go to the police station to work with a police artist.
The best way to proceed for now is to find one of the stolen items and investigate from that end.
2) We diverged as of 1x10, and Saperstein isn't part of canon until the second season. The only similarity between Smythe and Sap is the first letter of their last name, lol; we hope to keep the Sap cretin out of our story entirely.
We're working on the next chapter now! :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Mar 27, 2017 5:10 am Title: Chapter 13: Tuesday, November 14th
Things are getting out of hand for justin...story is getting better and better...brian missing more sunshine everyday and justin is getting over brian ...why am i feeling u r going to involve ethan now.??? Hmm.. i cant figure out how u guys mind works... Superb chapter.....thanks for sharing.
Author's Response:
We're so glad you're enjoying the way the story is developing, Navneet. We certainly appreciate your reviews! :D
We don't want to give too much away, but we will say 'expect the unexpected'. *evil authors cackling away*
~Brynn & Karynn
Date: Mar 26, 2017 10:52 pm Title: Chapter 13: Tuesday, November 14th
I love this story & all this plot if necessary but when oh when are we going to get some Brian/Justin moments? And when will Brian get his stubborn head out of his ass and realize it wasn't Justin's fault?
Author's Response:
We're trying to get the boys back together but haven't succeeded yet. We keep reminding ourselves that this story is 'slow burn' and that it has only been eleven days since the burglary. Maybe the boys will really get to know each other this time around? We're hoping.
Brian is making incremental progress, so don't scare him off...
We'll have to see if we can't come up with some kind of Brian and Justin moment to satisfy you, even if it's not exactly what you have in mind. Stay tuned.
~Brynn & Karynn
Date: Mar 26, 2017 9:54 pm Title: Chapter 13: Tuesday, November 14th
The pressure is getting high with Chris. Which one will make the mistake that will push the other over the edge?
Now Brian knows Justin got his backpack from Carl.
Author's Response:
Chirs is such a bully - undoubtedly, in part, because he's denying his own sexuality - although that's no excuse for his behavior. We keep telling Justin to be cautious, and he seems to be listening...
Thanks for again being the first to review a chapter, Claire. :)
~Karynn & Brynn