Reviews For Impossible
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Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2017 3:50 pm Title: Chapter 3

I hope Em sees the truth in what Brian tells him and that he will help bring our boys back together.

Reviewer: susi_in_love Signed [Report This]
Date: May 03, 2017 5:57 pm Title: Chapter 3

Lindsay is such a bitch. I hope Brian will move to be close to his family. 

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2017 8:29 pm Title: Chapter 3

Deb is being a pain.  Hannah is a little doll.  And I have to love Emmett for helping and wanting to be there for Justin and Hannah.  I'm glad you gave Emmett someone who loves him.  Hope that you give Michael and Lindsay what they deserve.

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2017 4:27 pm Title: Chapter 3

There's no doubt that Hannah is Brian's dispite what Deb may say. she needs to get her nose out of his business! She's pretty infuriating in this. So glad that All 3 spoke to her as they did. They're not going to put up with her crap, nor that of the others! Looking forward to the verbal beat down Brian and the others will do to them.

Really nice first meeting between Brian and Hannah. Will be interesting to see what happens when she and Gus meet.

Good on Justin for laying down the law with Brian as far as Hannah meeting the rest of the gang. Can't blame him at all. I'd do the same thing. What will Lindsey, Michael and Deb have to say and do about it all though. Mel too. Is Justin right in his assumption or will she find out some truths about it and see what her bitch of a wife is really like and what she said to Justin.

Emmett is wonderful!! So protective of Hannah and Justin, but is willing to gibe Brian a chance. Lord help him if he screw up mind you. lol. I highly doubt thatwill happen though. I think he's come to a point where he has his priorities straight.

Excellent chapter and eagerly awaiting more. Can't seem to get enough.



Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2017 5:29 am Title: Chapter 3

Great key chapter:  even if Brian didn't doubt Hannah was his, he has the living proof.

I love how Jennifer told Deb to stay out.

Was Justin cold with Brian because he doesn't want him or because he doesn't want to be disappointed anymore?

Reviewer: BritinForever Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2017 1:23 am Title: Chapter 3

I love how protective Emmett is of Justin and Hannah but I'm glad he's willing to help Brian win Justin back into his life.

Hannah is so adorable.  I can't wait for her to meet Gus. 

Lindsay, Michael and Deb are in for a world of hurt courtesy of Mr. Brian Kinney.

I'm so hooked on this story.


Reviewer: BellaDonne Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2017 12:33 am Title: Chapter 3

Deb needs to wise up! What gall ad hen plan was thin, oh so thin, we should ave stayed home.  I love determined Brian.  Justin should protect his heart.

My true viewpoint? More, soon, please.  :) 

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2017 10:54 pm Title: Chapter 3

This story is so addictive!

I'm glad that Brian met Hannah. Deb needs to find a life along with her son. Both of them are really pathetic! I think Jen and Justin were right that Justin was the only person/thing to keep Brian around Michael. How can a grown man like Brian stay friends with a grown child like Michael? It has always puzzled me...SMH

I can understand the walls that Justin built up where Brian was concerned. And I'm glad that Emmett pointed out to Brian why he has them. Em is a super BFF for Justin. He was spot on to point out the difference between Michael and Justin. Also, I'm glad that he touched on the situation with Lindsay. As a person who has nothing to gain or lose by telling the truth, Em's word will carry a whole lot of weight in going toe-to-toe with Sargeant Pain in the Ass. 

I can't wait until everyone gets what they ought to!! I'm a little more certain that Lindsay lied to Mel as well. The only question is how is the fiesty lawyer going to handle it? YES, I'm still rocking in my Chuck Taylors with a brand new pack waiting for the next chapter for this and SWM! Go StarBaby!!

Happy Writing and HUGS,


Reviewer: wellreadbunny Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2017 10:51 pm Title: Chapter 3

Still really interesting. Can't wait till Brian gets to Lindz.

Reviewer: krussell87 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2017 10:37 pm Title: Chapter 3

Yay Emmett!!!!

Reviewer: ConnieMelissa Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2017 10:27 pm Title: Chapter 3

You won't regret it Em!!!  I hope Ted moves to Chicago too...Not sure why, I just want him away from Michael. I love Hannah and can't wait for her to meet Gus.

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