Reviews For Tricky Business
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Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2017 3:31 am Title: Chapter 12: Monday, November 13th

Love how you've changed this just enough.  That Cynthia is more than willing to help Justin.  And Brian is helping David!  How strange is that, but in a good way!

Author's Response:

Thank you for appreciating the way we've tweaked canon in this fic, Phyllis!

We really like having Cyn on Justin's side; she figures she's looking out for her boss. :) Brian and David as quasi-friends does seem strange on the face of it, but it's a very smart move for both of them, lol.

More soon!

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 20, 2017 5:16 am Title: Chapter 12: Monday, November 13th

I never understood why Justin or his mother didn't report the locker burning to the police. The whole 'I don't want to be called a tattle tale' thing is so stupid and juvenile. An adult deals with stuff like that by reporting it to the authorities. Setting fire in a school is a MAJOR deal - seriously dangerous to ALL the kids if the fire got out of control. That needs to be reported even if the police don't do anything about it. And it would have helped a lot when Hobbs was later tried for the bashing since he wouldn't have had a spotless record then, even if he wasn't convicted for the fire and was only a suspect. Grrr. (Ok, putting my lawyer persona away again. Lol). TAG

Author's Response:

We appreciate your lawyerly input, TAG, and will take it into account as the ramifications of Justin's locker being torched play out. That incident is still evolving.

Hah! We really got your dander up with this latest chapter. Now patting ourselves on the back. :D

More to come next Sunday.

~Brynn & Karynn

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 20, 2017 4:59 am Title: Chapter 12: Monday, November 13th

Things are getting out of control for Justin at school. I hope he will ask for help to Carl.

Brian with David was unexpected, but it could work for both of them.

Author's Response:

High school can be plenty helllish without what Justin is enduring. Our blond is a fighter, though - can't imagine him giving in. We'll have to see who he might turn to for assistance. He does have lots of good people backing him, particularly his surrogate parents. :)

Yay! We got you with one of our surprise twists. Glad you think Brian colluding with Dr. Dave is believable.

Thanks for reviewing, Claire. As always, we're already working on the next installment.

~Brynn & Karynn

Reviewer: nkaur550 Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Mar 20, 2017 4:47 am Title: Chapter 12: Monday, November 13th

I forget to ask everytime..😄 i want to know what are they whispering to each other in the cover ... i bet something naughty/dirty...😍😜 ... dont tell me now ... u know.. u can add a little scene in the fic... maybe it can be in future or in a flash back... depends ... if u dont mind..or u if u want u can tell me now... ur choice.... i love their expressions in here..they look soo relaxed and comfy here..❤..thank u..☺

Author's Response:

Just realized you'd left another review to ask this all-important question. :D You'll have to use your imagination for now, Navneet, but we'll see what we come up with later on. A hint just for you: The banner scene hasn't happened yet...


Reviewer: nkaur550 Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Mar 20, 2017 4:22 am Title: Chapter 12: Monday, November 13th

That was fantastic chapter....that teachers name suits him mr.dickson oops dixon.. what a prick... i am soo happy to see justin happy happy.. i hope those homophobes doesn't effect sunshines shine... he is soo cute... and brian is well i am surprised he is helping dr.dave ...hmm this is getting interesting.. thanks for the update.. keep it up u guys..💙❤💜



Author's Response:

Thanks for another wonderful review, Navneet! You're certainly spot on about that plonker Dixon.

Justin's a fighter; I don't think it's in him to give up. Plus, his surrogate parents are one hundred percent behind him. He couldn't ask for better people than Deb and Vic to have his back. :)

We've caught your interest with another of our twists, I see. Brian doesn't necessarily think Dr. Dave is such a bad guy this time around. We'll have to see if that changes.

As usual, we're already working on the next chapter.

~Brynn & Karynn

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