Date: May 31, 2018 1:24 pm Title: Chapter 10: Veterans Day, Saturday, November 11th
Brian's feeling no pain but at least he knows his limits
Justin is really enjoying staying with Vic and Deb. Gonna be bummed if he ever moves in with Brian again. He likes doing family things, Brian of course doesn't.
I don't understand why Justin doesn't heed the concern of everyone in reference to his dancing at the club. They all only want the best for him.
Author's Response:
A good time was had by Army-Navy and Brian. :D Our favorite brunet may discover the next morning that he didn't know his limits quite as well as he thought. :D
There's no immediate likelihood that Justin will return to the loft. We suspect that if that does happen, Justin will still make sure to spend plenty of time with his adopted family. :) And Brian may not despise family things quite as much as he professes.
Hmm... Justin and Brian are both very stubborn men, often to their detriment. Justin is bound and determined to amass as much money as possible to repay Brian for the burgled goods, all without Brian learning what he's doing.
Thanks for another insightful review, Sherry!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Mar 13, 2017 2:00 am Title: Chapter 10: Veterans Day, Saturday, November 11th
Brian kinney gives a shit.... u sooo care about sunshine....lols.......amazing progress.... i like it....thank u..â¤
Author's Response:
Thanks for the wonderful feedback, Navneet!
Yes, Mr Kinney does give a shit, but he probably needs more time to process that knowledge. :D

Date: Mar 09, 2017 6:38 am Title: Chapter 10: Veterans Day, Saturday, November 11th
I just don't think Brian's doing all that well without his Sunshine. But Justin better listen to the majority about that sketchy go-go job too - no legitimate bar owner would knowingly hire someone under 18. Come on, Justin, use those brains. TAG
Author's Response:
At least Brian's starting to wake up and acknowledge that he misses the blond... that is progress of a sort.
Justin, well, he's stubbon in his own right, lol. He sure doesn't want to heed all those warnings. We'll have to see whether he changes his mind...
Thanks for reviewing, TAG!

Date: Mar 05, 2017 10:12 pm Title: Chapter 10: Veterans Day, Saturday, November 11th
Interesting evening had by all. Justin with a Budgie? Brian doing army and navy!
Author's Response:
Who had the better evening? The boys could have quite a heated discussion about that. :D
Thanks for reviewing, Phylllis! We're writing away on the next chapter.
~Karynn & Brynn
Date: Mar 05, 2017 9:38 pm Title: Chapter 10: Veterans Day, Saturday, November 11th
Brian is too much fun with the 2 from the GLC. He seems to care enough about Justin to warn him, but it won't have any effect I guess.
Carl didn't have more info. Maybe it will change when they will have prints, or maybe there won't be any.
I hope Brian will not get too wasted before meeting the cops.
Author's Response:
Thanks for being the first to review chapter 10, Claire!
Brian did have rather a good time with Army-Navy although he declined a repeat. That's probably reserved for a certain blond brat, if our stud can ever get himself around to forgiving Justin. He's made progress in the week since the robbery, though, admitting that he cares about the teen. :)
Brynn is teaching all of us (Karynn included) about the painstaking nature of police work. We'll have to see what the investigation reveals.
That's an interesing question you raise about Brian being wasted... How will he fare at eight in the morning, not many hours after he finally crashed at the Renaissance?
We're working on the next chapter!