Date: Jun 02, 2017 12:17 pm Title: Chapter 64 - Neighbourhood Watched
Whatever plan Claire has I'm sure I will enjoy it immensely.
Date: Mar 19, 2017 11:08 pm Title: Chapter 64 - Neighbourhood Watched
Ha ha ha, Michael in straight WASP conversion therapy with a bumpy nympho who is gay! That sounds very promising.
As for Lindsay, she will have to sleep in a room with Justin's paintings: she's going to have some nightmares or wet dreams ... especially if the paintings are about Brian.
Date: Mar 06, 2017 9:12 pm Title: Chapter 64 - Neighbourhood Watched
Michae lis still trying to mess with the wedding. He'll continue to hit road blocks at every turn I'm sure. wondering just what else Michael "Norris" is up to. How many more tiems will we come across this name. good thing claire was able to overhear that particular conversation. Clair is a hoot! Am really enjoying her character. I really liked how she gave the cold hard truth to Deb. She really laid it out there. Thankfully Deb accepted it, espeically since slick had told her the same thing.
Claire is so mischevious! So looking forward to all her schemes comign to fruition with the dumbass duo. their time on Shadyside is goong to be hilarious if the first few minutes were any indication. Claire's friends are obviously in on it as well. I nearly died laughing at Terez's interactions with Michael!!! Oh man alive. Too bloody funny! MEanwhile she's actually getting involved with Claire. Oh the plans those 2 can make dyring their down time should be fun!
Author's Response:
Especially when you find out a bit more about Sandrine...
Happy reading.
Date: Mar 06, 2017 12:59 am Title: Chapter 64 - Neighbourhood Watched
Claire You Wicked Woman!! lol
I do believe Michael and Lindsay are going to love being in Shadyside they already have new acquaintances in Sandrine and Terez who are going to enjoy making them both so welcomed.
By the time their stay is up no one is going to want them to leave, bet all the neighbors will be standing on the lawn chanting that they never leave because they have been a joy to be around. (That Hurt my side to write because I was laughing so hard :))
Can't Wait For The Next Chapter :)
Date: Mar 05, 2017 3:37 pm Title: Chapter 64 - Neighbourhood Watched
New characters for you to play with. This keeps getting better and better.