Date: May 07, 2018 8:14 pm Title: Chapter 45
Michael is sliding more and more towards the gutter. When his mother will learn about what he did to Brian and Justin, she won't support him any longer; not that she was doing it a lot lately.
Date: Jun 28, 2017 10:17 pm Title: Chapter 45
Michael is probably one of the dumbest human beings alive.
Date: Mar 02, 2017 8:52 pm Title: Chapter 45
Oksy.... so I don't condone violence against women by a man in RL but I will not lie.... OMG!!! She deserved that pop in the mouth long since and Michael deserved to see the inside of a police cruiser as well. Can't wait until he's sharing a cell with Big Bubba on a daily basis. He really deserves to be locked in a trunk taking small sips of air through one small hole for the rest of his life for what he's done to Brian and Justin, let alone Ben and Jenny. Chest-rat bastard!
WHOO!! What an emotional and emotion-filled chapter! I really can't wait to see what the fallout will be from all these revelations. WTG bringing back Judge Maatje!! YAY!!! I just love her, both in RL and within the scope of this fic. I hope that she is able to sit in the courtroom as a spectator to see justice served since I don't think she can preside over the proceedings. If nothing else, it will provide her with some major comic relief watching his non-thinking, overtalkive ass try to worm his way out of this one.
As for Luther's lyin' ass, I can't wait to see what happens when all of his machinations come back to make mincemeat out of him. It looks like the sons are geared up to deliver the final dose of "FUCK OFF!" Oh it's going to be so much fun to read!!
Back to Lyin' Loose Labia Lips Lindsay for a second... it's too bad that she isn't preggers with neither Grady nor Michael's baby and instead is sick with an ulcer BUT knowing that her Karma is coming for her in a big way, I'm glad that's all the pain in her stomach is. It will be interesting to see how she deals with the ultimate stress of becoming Big Bertha's Bitch in prison...LOL LAWD I can't wait!!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Mar 02, 2017 7:47 pm Title: Chapter 45
As bad as I feel for Lindsay after what Michael did a small part of me wonders if she might use this to get her place back at Brian's side?
This is just what she would use to go crying back to The Family for some sympathy and coddling from her Best Friend, ex-wife, and ex-kids???
I wonder what the boys have to say to Luther and how has he been enjoying his time in his cell and has he made any friends?
Date: Mar 02, 2017 9:37 am Title: Chapter 45
Out of breath from ranting and crying.
WTF Michael. You unimaginable bastard! Robbing your best friend and let his lover take the blame? You should be flogged, skinned alive and rubbed down with salt and then left to stew in it with you hands and feet tied.
Messing with the condoms was stupid but then offer Lindsay to be the father to her next child? How stupid are you? No please don't answer that. An amoeba on a flee on a dog has more braincells that you will ever have.
Michael has crossed some major lines here and may the courtcase that follows all these transgressions be a serious drama. Is Judge Maatje going to be the one to preside over this one? I'd love to see her chopping Widdle Mickey to bitesize chunks and feed him to some ravenous long time jailies with an appetite for a whiney piece of ass.
Done ranting now!
So looking forward to the next update.
Date: Mar 02, 2017 9:20 am Title: Chapter 45
Ok I think i calmed down enough to review😑
I'm just so so so angry at the conniving cunt right now!!!How dare he and how he could've done that to Brian as he always pronounce to anybody who listen that he's his bestfriend but at the same fucked him over?!Really so he has to do something at the burglary happened way back in the Loft and then just stood there and let Justin took all the blame??I want to dig his eyes feed them to him!!And also the original artwork of Rage??Oh Michael you're totally going down for what you've been putting the family through specially B and J! !
I can feel the pain that B/J feels right now,it really cutting through...
As for Lindsay well atleast she just stole from the recent gallery she worked for so it would lessen her punishment but even though she's not getting away with it now that she has nothing..Grady left her and she and the greedy leech has finally over i hope so,and mostly her parents wants nothing to do with her..
Oh My God MsMerlot this is way way greater than any movie i saw...Thank you😙😙So excited for the next update🤗🤗
Date: Mar 02, 2017 6:58 am Title: Chapter 45
I'm so glad she isn't pregnant. Michael needs some serious beatings.
Date: Mar 02, 2017 4:32 am Title: Chapter 45
Gotta love Medea. All that time trying to get Lindsay to be pregnant and he doesn't know that Grady is sterial. Hahaha. Let's see Michael can be charged with Assualt, fraud, theft, possession of stolen goods. How many years can we have him put away for.
Date: Mar 02, 2017 4:10 am Title: Chapter 45
I can't believe Michael did that to Lindsay!!
He outed himself and that pathetic scheme has destroyed the possible last friendship he has and all for Greed.
Michael let Justin take the blame for his theft he watched as for months Justin had to work hard to pay Brian back and he sat there all smug.
If that little weasel had an Ass I would say the line forms to the left and everyone gets a turn.
What Michael did is beyond vile and he deserves everything that is coming his way and then some.
I knew Lindsay wasn't pregnant!
So now Grady is gone or just taking a break?
Lindsay wasn't stealing from Bloom tried to steal Hunter's accomplishment and got tossed on her flat Ass, I am surprised that I am not surprised ;)
Date: Mar 02, 2017 3:42 am Title: Chapter 45
Wonderful chapter. Poor Justin. I hope they fuck weasel over good.