Reviews For Forever Young
Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 30, 2017 6:51 pm Title: Chapter 6
Date: Mar 30, 2017 6:51 pm Title: Chapter 6
Maybe Ethan is a good guy, but he made it easy for Bernard to find Justin.
Reviewer: nkaur550 Signed
[Report This]
Date: Mar 13, 2017 6:25 am Title: Chapter 6

Date: Mar 13, 2017 6:25 am Title: Chapter 6
Thank god....ethan is good...brandon seems dangerous ...and justin is strong...excellent.
Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 01, 2017 2:28 pm Title: Chapter 6
Date: Mar 01, 2017 2:28 pm Title: Chapter 6
OH MY GOOD GRAVY!!! This was so compelling! I knew that Ethan's advent was going to bring trouble to Brian and Justin's front door, even if unintentionally. Is that why Justin went to California before having to return to save Brian from trying to kill himself? WOW! Brandon being there changes all possible outcomes that I had in my mind. I'm looking forward to having my question answered in the coming chapters!
Happy Writing and HUGS Rody,