Date: May 30, 2018 2:20 pm Title: Chapter 9: Friday, November 10th
If you work for Smythe Justin beware. I smell danger ahead.
Author's Response:
The good news is that Smythe is a far better person than the Sap - we couldn't stand to let that creep invade our story. Since we diverged well beffore his first appearance in canon, we waved our magic wand and * poof * he was gone. :)
This doesn't mean that Justin shouldn't be careful. Smythe will be looking to promote his business through Justin.
Thanks for reviewing, Sherry.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Mar 13, 2017 1:56 am Title: Chapter 9: Friday, November 10th
Wow..... at the start in was like .....what the hell Brian and Em doing??? Gosh..... u guys know how to confuse ur readers missed reading this chapter... i went straight to 10th chapter...this was fun chapter....i liked it.
Thank u...â¤ðŸ’™ðŸ’œ
Author's Response:
Wicked grins that we confused you... although we're sure that didn't last long, Navneet. Thanks for going back and reviewing chapters 9 and 10. We greatly appreciate it. :)
Emmett and Brian together are such a hoot - as are Emmett and Justin.
We're glad you enjoyed this chapter!
~Karynn & Brynn
Date: Feb 27, 2017 5:29 pm Title: Chapter 9: Friday, November 10th
Started reading this just last night. I apologise as I'm not going to start reviewing from the beginning. You'll see from this point onwad, I tend to get long winded sometimes and I figured I'd be here till tomorrow if I do that. ;) I hadn't started this one yet as I'd been reading several different stories at once and trying to keep them all straight at times can be challenging.
I have to say I am really enjoying this thus far. Brian is his typical frustrating self. His constant putting blame for everythign going wrong onto Justin's shoulders is going to bite him in teh ass one of these days. As much as I get he's pissed, it's all just "stuff". As Lindsey said, all replaceable. Justin is quietly trying to be responsible and making an ernest effort to pay him back. Very admirable of him and mature. He has a great support network around him as well, and with only Deb knowing his efforts, hopefully it will all be kept hush hush, at least for the time bing. So many variables could happen going forward! So many instances I can see happening. Definitely looking forward to what you do. Will Brian continue to be a dick? Will Justin finally give up on him? (well not really, but assume the worst) and will Brian try to get hime back? Will Brian finally find out the truth that Justin did lock adn secure teh loft? and would his apology be accepted (would he actually apologize considering his motto)
Am also enjoying what's happening with him staying with the girls. He's taking on father detail which is great and very amusing!! I think for the girls in particular!! lol. LOVE that Gus's first word was "Jushin". Fabulous!!
Will Justin become the newest go-go boy? How will Brian react to seeing this? Hmmmm. I'm hoping that Arthur is not a slime ball like the Sapp was. Justin could possibly make a ton of $$ which he's going to need. Not just to pay back Brian, but if he wants to attend college as well. (If Brian doesn't buck up and help that is)
things are looking bad for Brian with Kip. will Justin come to the rescue once again? Kip[really is a fool. Again, this entire plan of his is going to blow up in his face. Looking forard to that! And will Brian take this opportunity to venture off on his own?
Disappointed in Justin's mom. I hope at some point she turns around, but then, in all honesty, there's a tiny part of me that hopes Justin stays pretty cool with her. That she really understand the loss, adn has to really work at gaining a realtionship with him. I get she has to "look after the needs of the whole family not just him", but that whole bit of, him just choosing to be straight rather than gay, always pisses me off. ;). I know it's ignorance, but in this day and age, it shouldn't be.
things at school are heading to a bad place for Justin. Can see that coming to a head. Again, ignorance. Grrr.
terrific story and am looking forward to what more you bring to the table with it. Going to be a fun ride!
Author's Response:
We thank you for all the wonderful comments, Elaine - nine reviews in one go, in our opinion. We're absolutely made up that you're enjoying our story. :) You raised so many pertinent questions. We'll do our best to provide the answers... eventually.
Brian is quite the loner and doesn't realize that he's come to count on having Justin around. Poor guy feels like his trust has been betrayed and can't get over it. Those material posessions are a tangible symbol of success (and reassure him that he's escaped his rotten childhood), so he does actually mourn their loss. On top of that, he's dealing with that manipulative git, Kip Thomas, at work. We'll keep giving him nudges, but we're not sure how long it will take for him to think things through...
We just love the bond between Gus and Justin, which made Gus' first word that much more perfect. Isn't it nice of Brian's Sonnyboy to keep the blond in his dad's thoughts? LOL The time with his son does Brian a world of good, since he can love and be loved unconditionally. When it's Gus, the stud can even cope with spit-up on his clothes.
We also were very disappointed in Jennifer's reaction to Justin at Molly's birhtday party. Her words were so hurtful and cutting. It may end up being her loss since Justin now has a loving surrogate family.
We're trying to keep that slimy snake Saperstein from slithering his way into our story. Arthur's not a bad bloke, but he is an astute businessman and knows go-go dancer Justin would be an asset for the club.
We're working on the next chapter now.
~Karynn & Brynn
Date: Feb 27, 2017 5:34 am Title: Chapter 9: Friday, November 10th
Go-go boy from high school! I can't wait to see Brian's reaction.
At least the boss is not the Sap.
Author's Response:
I'd certainly leave a hefty tip for that go-go boy! :D
We're trying to keep the door barred so that slimy Sap doesn't crawl into our story. Bad enough that Justin has to deal with Craig, Dixon, Hobbs, and Bauer - while Brian fends off Kip Thomas.
Thanks for being a faithful reviewer!
~Karynn & Brynn

Date: Feb 27, 2017 4:44 am Title: Chapter 9: Friday, November 10th
Poor Brian Missing his sunshine but too stubborn to admit even to himself...justin is more mature than Brian...great going...thanks for update .
Author's Response:
No regrets, no apologies, no second thoughts for Brian... at least not yet. We've tried dropping hints (via Cynthia and Lindsay in particular) that maybe the stud should maybe reconsider his stance toward Justin, regardless of who was responsible for the burglary. *sigh* We'll keep trying.
Isn't Sunshine the most lovable combination of responsible young man and typical teen?
Thanks for the wonderful comments!
~Karynn & Brynn

Date: Feb 27, 2017 12:33 am Title: Chapter 9: Friday, November 10th
Poor Brian, having to spend time with Gus, not that he minds. Looks like Veteran's day was a huge success. Working with Arthur has got to be better than if it were the Sap.
Author's Response:
Brian adores his son, but the Teletubbies - not so much, lol.
Both Justin and Em had a wonderful Veterans Day. We'll have to see how Brian's celebrations on Saturday go...
The Sap keeps trying to slither into our story, but we've resisted him so far. Ugh, he keeps hissing that he wants to replace Arthur...
Thanks for reviewing!
~Karynn & Brynn
Date: Feb 27, 2017 12:14 am Title: Chapter 9: Friday, November 10th
Seems like Justin's adjusting to life without Brian a lot easier than Brian is adjusting to life without his bratty twat. Hmmmm. TAG
Author's Response:
Thanks for being the first to review chapter nine!
Justin told us he misses Brian terribly, but he's keeping himself so busy with his studies and his plans to repay Brian, that he's managing. Plus, he's getting a lot of support from Deb, Vic, Daphne, and Em - quite the cheering section. :)
And Brian... he refuses to acknowledge how much he needs the blond. *sigh*
Our boys have to get back on the same wavelength at some point, right? So stubborn - neither of them is listening right now.
~Karynn & Brynn